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Posts posted by suji

  1. correction: the band have specified that their new single "不夜縄" is pronounced as "fuyajo". The original post and title have been corrected.


    The single will be released in 2 types: 流通不可盤 (ryutsufukaban) (no distribution???) (2500 yen) and regular edition (1000 yen)

    流通不可盤 (ryutsufukaban) edition will include limited edition photo & lyrics card



    1.不夜縄 (fuyajo)

    2.人間マーチ (ningen march)

    3.不夜縄 (カラオケ (karaoke)) [流通不可盤 (流通不可盤 (ryutsufukaban) edition only]

    4.人間マーチ (カラオケ (karaoke)) [流通不可盤 (ryutsufukaban) edition only]


    they will also distribute a live-only single "釈迦" at their tour final on 9/7 at Takadanobaba AREA

  2. 7 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    I’m a fan of The Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan has said some...interesting opinions over the years. While some of them are...stupid, I’ve never really cared. He’s mellowed out his political opinions since then.


    I think it’s when artists become too right leaning is where I’m like “Really?”. Im fine with artists being moderate or centrist or whatever, but I still would feel guilty for supporting people with such behaviour.


    Like people love H.P Lovecraft even though that guy is racist

    I personally don't give a fuck about anyone's politics anymore, especially when most people I follow are probably leftist libtards, but as I said before, I want to keep enjoying the thing they're doing rather than focus on them as a person.

  3. 18 hours ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    1. What artists do you separate their art from their actions?


    2. Is it a legitimate argument?


    3. Do you think that one persons actions should generalize a whole band? (Ex. Kisaki and Phantasmagoria or any of his past bands)

    Gee, off the top of my head, Sui (David)'s the type who goes hunting for pussy on tanuki (allegedly), but as for more severe actions, Gara would be another one. There's that rumor going around of Kyo and his posse raping groupies back in the day when Daisuke was still alive, and I'm pretty sure Gara was one of them. He's also fucked around with other girls even when he had a girlfriend/was engaged???? As for non-jrock artists, I've listened to plenty of black metal/dungeon synth artists who are self-proclaimed murderers and Neo-Nazis (Burzum, Bacchia Neraida, etc.), but at the end of the day, I don't let that get in the way of listening to their incredible music.


    Their actions shouldn't affect the band as a whole (although I can't really say much about 90s black metal artists LOL), it's just one person fucking up immensely and it would be really petty to drag the rest of the band into it (ie, Egoist guy who killed his mistress was smart enough to say he's a part-timer instead of bringing up his band), unless they appeared to be condoning it (ie, people who still work with Kisaki and treat him as indies Yoshiki or whatever). As long as they don't glorify their actions thru their music, they should be separate from the actions of one dude.

  4. I've heard there was some tea on Seiichi Hoshiko (Visual Kei Oyaji) before, but I don't recall it ever being explained in detail. He was around the same time as Hide was still alive, but other than that I don't really know much about him, other than he poses with popular bands. 😮 

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