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Posts posted by suji

  1. 40 minutes ago, itsukoii said:

    i'll sum up the gist:

    they attempted to turn an innocent twitter tag (lesbiansforreita, a joke from the lesbians in the fandom saying he was our protector/leader, can't remember why or how it started but it was some innocent fun) into a bully tactic against wlw and claiming my ex was a pedophile (she wasn't, i was 17 and we had a strictly romantic relationship) before doxxing her, saying that tag was a "cover up" for these pedophilic assumptions of theirs. there was a whole gc behind it that didn't like my ex for one reason or another, so they teamed up and did all this, feeding into the vkeifanexposed that claimed to "expose bad fans" but it was extremely biased and seemed to only go after this one person, who (imo) had done nothing wrong. it's all kind of a blur to me now but i THINK that's the gist

    I want to punch those bitch ass motherfuckers in the face. That other account they made to expose the same person also got removed mysteriously (doesn't say suspended either).

  2. 2 minutes ago, platy said:

    My friend who's trans asked to be called by "they/them" pronouns because she isn't publicly out yet, but getting called by "he/him" makes her extremely uncomfortable. They/them pronouns are valid because not everything is about binaries or extremes. The problem is xir/xeir and any other made up stuff, they/them has always existed in the English language. 

    That's a different situation and I would completely understand that. I would also use those pronouns if I was referring to a person I don't know/haven't encountered yet (ex. I wonder who my manager is, I hope they're nice!)


    However, it still shouldn't apply to everybody. It's just being used by more people cuz it's hip and trendy to be trans and people want to seek attention and validation.

  3. 11 minutes ago, God said:

    sounds like some truscum shit.  i can’t speak for the trans community as a whole, obviously, but i can definitely say that trans people have far more pressing issues rn than some enby using neo-pronouns.  maybe focus this energy towards a real issue, like trans woc being murdered left and right, or lgbt spaces not always being trans inclusive, or the existence of terfs.  neo-pronouns pale in comparison.

    If that makes me a scumbag, then so be it. Call me whatever name you want, I will stand up for trans people no matter what. One of the reasons why there's so many killings is because of these fairytale pronouns making it harder for society to take them seriously and their lives are not as valued as a fellow human being. This bullshit is just fueling transphobia and we are regressing.

  4. 10 minutes ago, God said:

    even if it is a joke (and again, this isn’t me agreeing with that), how is it hurting anyone?  it’s pretty easy not to be a jerk.

    It hurts transgender people and their credibility as a whole. Although transgender acceptance is growing, society still treats the act itself as a phase or a joke because of made-up pronouns. The act of being transgender means you have to pick a side: male to female, or female to male. That shouldn't be so hard to understand.

    4 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Jesus christ.


    Regardless of what you may think about they/them pronouns or whatever, it’s not that hard to be respectful to a person who chooses to use those pronouns. If your being a dick about it that’s a whole other issue.


    It’s common sense at this point. 

    I don't respect people who don't respect real transgender people.

  5. 4 hours ago, God said:

    imagine thinking queer people are pushing their beliefs on you bc they’re asking for basic respect and to be left alone about it.

    unpopular opinion: I will not respect they/them pronouns (unless it's an intersex person), because they are a joke. Transgenderism is no joke.

  6. 11 minutes ago, 123Sandman321 said:

    You are usually skirting a really thin line with some of the conspiration bullshit, but this time, you went head-first down the cliff :D


    I like that you want to spark a conversation, but this ain't it. Absolutely zero evidence to support that, plus you just seem like an old bitter guy. You think it used to be better, let's say, 20 years ago? You should be happy that some teenage kid has the means and is lucky enough to be able to vent on Twitter about their shitty latté.

    When you get suspended from school for saying there's only 2 genders or making fake gun noises in fucking kindergarten, then that's really going off the cliff. Also certain colleges are totally liberal and there's absolutely no room for debating whatsoever.


    Also, why do you think there's so many school shootings, especially in these last couple of years? I thought so.

  7. I know of one who also claims to be Ruki's wife and tags him in every single Twitter post involving random baby pictures (oop), pictures of her shite drawings (which is just her writing her name x Ruki in crayola marker), and wanting to begin a new life together, etc. She also wants him to stop the bullies and somehow blames her internet provider as well (????), and blames a Twitter glitch if she somehow loses followers. She's a 30 something year old mentally ill woman with a coconut haircut, so I really feel bad for her.

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