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Posts posted by suji

  1. j-pop legends 8P-SB new album, "future past" will be released on July 7, featuring rerecordings of their past songs.



    01_future past

    02_super star-future past-


    04_roadster-future past-

    05_starry night-future past-

    06_fireworks-future past-

    07_ghost hotel-future past-





  2. 6 minutes ago, Zeus said:



    8 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    men, women, and those not on the traditional gender spectrum

    ya lost me there bud


    8 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    And as long as our society continues to believe this "inferior"/"superior" crap in any dimension, we're never going to come to the table and talk as equals.

    It does apply in a biological standpoint. Men are engineered to be genetically superior to women, and that's a scientific fact. That's something that can't be altered, yet we can make a change when it comes to treating each other as equals.

  3. I'm really sorry that I drove this topic in another direction and didn't watch the whole video all the way through in one sitting until just now. Yes, the rise of feminism and identity politics is one reason why violence against men is increasing, which is why I initially brought it up. I applaud this video for advocating not only for men to report abuse, but for true equality, not to encourage double standards. The speaker at the end of the video who brought attention to the lack of shelters or support for male abuse victims compared to those for female victims really hit the nail on the head for me. More women's movements are rising in the world, but we should give male victims the same amount of support as female victims, as we are all human and face the same issues, and the most important thing is that we have to work together equally.

  4. 3 minutes ago, hyura said:

    What if the causal relationship is not [more feminism - > more violence by women against men], but [more feminism - > more men reporting violence by women against them] ?

    It would help if that lead to women actually being held accountable, but in reality, feminism is about female supremacy/empowerment rather than equality. it's all about taking down the patriarchy!!! 🔥🔥🔥

  5. Moved this to Current Events as this is a serious thing going on in just about every civilized country.


    I'm surprised something like this is increasing in Japan, but even more so in the United States. Feminism is taking a toll on America to the point where women can feel free to overpower anyone who gets in their way and still try to be sympathetic figures while crying wolf all at the same time because we are biologically inferior to men and we can't accept that. Because we are also child bearers, courts will usually side with us during custody battles because we are naturally seen as caring and motherly, while dads are stereotypically seen as deadbeats or abusive. It is disturbing how men are under attack in this country, and as feminism grows in Japan, I fear they'll face the same consequences there as well. One segment of the video above where the female abuser was let go while her man suffered horrible injuries infuriates me to no end; it is a daily epidemic that shows no signs of slowing down.


    The reason why domestic violence against men isn't taken as seriously is because man is supposed to be dominant and shouldn't succumb to women, who are generally viewed as more weaker and innocent. If a woman calls out her male partner for abuse, then she is met with instantaneous support rather than skepticism. If a man admits he's being abused by his female partner, then he risks ridicule, humiliation, and not being "man enough"; men are held to such a high standard that they cannot come out with problems like these, even in our current society where we are now truly aware of men's mental health. The media is also more liberal leaning so of course they'll talk about the advancement of women's rights and keep domestic violence under wraps unless it's women being attacked by the evil bad men. In our modern climate, society has gotten so pussified that they are afraid of calling out minorities like women, gays, nonwhites, etc, and the attack on men will increase exponentially as long as women get away with the shit they're doing.



  6. Hurricane Bianca






    There were a few parts I enjoyed, like Bianca/Richard's one-liners about the kids and some others I've forgotten (which is bad if you're supposed to remember the parts you enjoyed!), but overall this movie was terrible. It strongly reaked of spoiled cheese and the script was written by Captain Obvious. There was hardly any buildup to certain parts of the story, such as Richard's actual character development, the birth and construction of his drag character, his budding friendship with Karma (who's obviously a biological woman but is ***magically trans***!!!!) (the bitch literally moved in to her house like, a day after meeting her??? what???), the kid getting bullied at school, Bianca's final plan for revenge, etc., I could go on all day. Also, they seemed to play it safe the whole time and this movie could have gone much further than it did, and it felt more like PC than anything (especially with the homophobia/racism being too fucking soft that it was practically unrealistic jfc). The gay and racist jokes, plus the plenty of Southern jokes that came along with it, were so repetitive that the same ones were used over and over again (the fucking tacos, everyone's related in Texas!!!!1) and the delivery was just SO FUCKING FORCED holy shit. Certain parts of the movie had no explanation and didn't make any sense at all, such as Lady Gaga supposedly appearing at a Teacher of the Year ceremony (bitch the REACH in this one...), and the repeated forecasts of the actual hurricane despite the weather being the complete opposite in the movie setting (and RuPaul totally not trying to sell the weatherman act whatsoever). The acting was so bad and bland that this felt more like a kids' movie or some dumb teen show on MTV rather than an adult comedy, and that's sad when the main subject is Bianca fucking Del Rio. She was the only thing keeping me from switching the thing off after the first 15 minutes or so, but somehow I got through it thinking it was gonna get better...but to no avail. Somehow there was a sequel made for this shit and I don't even know if I wanna touch that one or not...


    Films like these are what's wrong with the industry in this age conquered by butthurt millennials on the internet and overall killing artistic creativity. We as a society have regressed back in time where in media, one mustn't overstep boundaries and risk offending certain people (like 0.1% of the population??? ok KARMA) so the film has to be toned down significantly, while at the same time try to be edgy - newsflash: it doesn't work. Same as with forcing all these "celebrity appearances" or reaching so hard for that same joke you used two or three times in a row that your fucking arms fall off. I was also not really impressed with the assumption that Southern people are dirty, incestuous, bigoted, etc. It really dragged on after the first 5 minutes or so of Richard arriving in Texas, and it got old real quick. I'm too tired to type more, but the gist of it is, this film is uninspired and just there to make a quick buck for everyone involved since Bianca is a bonafide star. I suggest she stick to standup rather than movies tho...



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