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Status Updates posted by suji

  1. most entertaining moment of 2016: kisaki's downfall

    1. Atreides


      For me, I'll say a certain members actions and infatuation with a particular band.

    2. Elazmus


      gracefully fallen from grace loll

    3. nekkichi


      2016 ragrats: being too lazy to right cliq->save that epic au naturel kisuckee selfie

  2. Never in my life have I ever had to call a shipping service just to confirm my address/number so I can get my shit. Jesus christ...

  3. new twitter is gross, ewww

    1. Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      It feels claustrophobic. 

    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      To revert (on firefox) go to about:config in address bar,

      Then right click anywhere inside make a new string. For the preference name put in




      and for the string value


      Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko


      -→restart firefox, old layout is back


  4. note to self: don't buy indie cds from amazon

    1. reminiscing2004


      why>? :o

    2. suji


      because they fuck up the shipping by trying to deliver to the wrong address. twice. :/// 

  5. Now where the hell do I go to throw my money at Crucifixion's singles??? I don't see a webshop anywhere!

    1. suji


      //sweats 💦💦 but do they ship overseas tho????

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      That is most likely no. @inartisticwould know best

    3. Biopanda


      They don't. We've helped a few people order them in the past though, since FromJapan is cool with mailing them.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  6. peenagon

    1. IGM_Oficial



    2. Serox


      I agree with you :3 (X2) [IGM_Oficial]

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      my dix moist

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  7. People who brush aside someone's death just so they can play a guessing game on how they died truly are the scums of the earth.

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      one would think that it shouldnt be so difficult to respect the families wishes

    2. Zeus


      i thought about this but then i thought back to my own experiences in 2009 when jasmine you died. that was more personal to me than mikuru's death and versailles requested privacy as well. a part of me still is curious about what happened but during that time i realized people process grief differently. some people don't want to talk about it and others need to talk about it. perhaps doing it in the same topic is not the place. give me a moment @midi:netteand I'll split the topic up.

    3. suji


      I get your point, it's natural to wonder what really happened, as I too am curious about most deaths that happen, but not to the point where I'd make up conspiracies or some shit. Thank you tho. ♥

  8. people who hate jazz music probably like THE RAID

    1. nekkichi



  9. phi phi o'hara

    1. beni


      alyssa edwards

    2. saishuu


      I obviously don't think she deserves hate, death threats etc (this is just a reality show after all), but no edit can make her come across as aggressive and excessively controlling as she does everytime she's on screen. Her entire attitude is off-putting and that's something she needs to work on before coming back to TV aiming to receive a redemption arc for a show that craves drama. She's got my sympathy for the amount of abuse she seems to be receiving everywhere, but that doesn't change the fact that she's an asshole.

    3. beni


      I thought we were just doing favs, lmao. Didn't see the previous comments, so I'll seriously contribute in response (but not to anyone here directly, just my thoughts). No one deserves death threats in such a way, but the way that she came across at first as soon as she appeared on All Stars of saying how she wishes to put the so called attitude people thought she had under the rug but then continues to be spiteful and malicious isn't doing her any favors. She can't even hide this fact, but I'm also thoughtful of the obvious twisting of editing/producing in the show, in any such entertainment show. Even the drama I'm sure is egged on anyway, but hell, don't base off an assumption of knowing someone without really knowing them in the flesh is what I'll say. I'm not a fan of Phi Phi, but I'm also not a hater, because who can really say what's been exaggerated or is actually natural?

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  10. plot twist: inb4 starwave manages to kill off some of their bands with these 47-prefecture tours a la ains...👀

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Not getting surprised if it actually happens

  11. Question: if I already voted in the early voting deal back in March(?), am I allowed to vote again in the actual election? 

    1. Atreides


      If you're talking about if you voted in the democratic/republican primaries then yes, you can still vote.  However, if you voted early due to some state law etc. then no, your vote is already cast. There may be someway to rescind your vote, but I'm not really sure, look into your state laws.

  12. REALLY wanting that Labaiser PV DVD but.....Christmas ;w;

  13. Reuploaded Jisedai Excite & Marco tracks on my new channel <3

  14. Sickened to hear of another shooting, this time in Las Vegas...hope you peeps from there are ok ;o;

  15. some people just can't fucking read & feel the need to make shit up i s2g

  16. someone pls ship me to Japan so I can see Marco & Merry 💔😩

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Me too :wan-48:

  17. stanning yohio makes me The Ultimate Pokemon Master

  18. stop making requests in news threads, it'll still be ignored

  19. tf do u mean Merry's been indie this whole time???? im so confused

    1. nekkichi


      they're currently signed w. firewall div. (which is an indie label, however, their releases are distributed through sony music japan);

      prior to that, they had a major deal with victor entertainment.

    2. suji


      the thing is, i always thought they were major, even after victor. it's never occurred to me that firewall was actually an indie label o.o ...always assumed they were a major sublabel because of kyo but this is fine too :))))

    3. nekkichi


      actually, free-will is the independent label, and fire-wall div. is a major publishing label (so like free-will handles music production, and FWD does marketing/sales? I don't get it) 

      https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/フリーウィル - src

      anyway, victor was their original major deal, and a bigger one in comparison to FWD.

  20. tfw everyone freaks out about this guy cutting his hair when I'm freaking out about another guy doing the same thing

  21. tfw random bandmen follow u, yet u can't even get ur faves to do so ;w;

    1. suji


      Yep, that's one thing I actually like about it, that my faves aren't that desperate, lol.

    2. Komorebi


      That's an odd relief I can relate to hahaha

    3. returnal


      bonus: when it's one of your faves but they also follow literally everyone back (looking at you, 風麻 and keiya!)

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  22. tfw some people just can't read like ffs

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