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Everything posted by Xerath

  1. trying to upload M.A.D tomorrow.both songs sound really great so look forward to it :D

  2. this reminds me so hard of gothica and I like it still sad I can't order it...
  3. still can't find otheloo on cdj..could it be that xneon's new release is live limited?? didn't read it tho

    1. Xerath


      xenon's *

    2. Owl


      Isn't it limited with 1000 copies only? Probably was sold out before the release.

    3. yakihiko


      Maybe it was released on indie shops only, is a small number and only saw Jishuban and BrandX selling.

  4. uhhh a really great split single coming up. looking forward to it
  5. finally my krad cd came *--* ahh so happii

    1. Elazmus


      Plans to share??

    2. Xerath


      I'd just like to enjoy the music a bit before sharing ^^

    3. Elazmus


      Oh certainly!

      Only at your ready of course haha

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  6. looking forward to it uhhh *-*
  7. the previews sound so damn awesome *-*
  8. hope M.A.D arrives tomorrow.they shipped it on tuesday *-*

    1. Elazmus


      that would be quick indeed<3

  9. Xerath

    why do you do this to me..2new krad releases..xenon's release and in may is giru*s concert like they really hate me or smth. but if i can afford it I will order this awesome shit *-*
  10. Xerath

    thanks to GEMA I have no idea how this sounds XD and the yt unblocker doesn't work too..great
  11. reminds me a bit of the raid i their early days
  12. why is Morrigan's Euthanasia so good T_T <3

  13. hmmh..interesting line-up and a good look,but the preview isn't really overwhelming though the last one sounds promising.Hope to see some development in the near future
  14. does someone have euthanasia lyrics? kanji is fine too.would rly appreciate it ^^

  15. why can't I pre-order xenons new single T_T come on cdj I trust in you

    1. DarkPaladin


      I have also ask myself the same question :-;

    2. Xerath


      I hope they'll enable it in a few days ...

  16. ahh Anfiel's new pv is amazing <3

    1. Tetora


      I just watched. It's nice.

  17. sounds more than promising If I had the money I'd definitley buy it....
  18. Xerath

    same thought xD I was like hmmh chisa feeling the k-pop there xD but the rest look amazing : D
  19. Xerath

    lol Heven sounds here lot better than he did in Redrum and I like this a lot : D
  20. ahh this release sounds soo damn promising *-*
  21. how lovevly when I'm translating lyrics and at the end there is a comb of kanjis I never read of and fk up the part :) y u do this to me morrigan?

    1. Chi


      "you thought we would make it easy for you? HAH!"

    2. Xerath


      it is really just the part at the end destroying everything.I can only do it from hearing and I am slightly angry xD

  22. wwaaaat just 2 songs? and one is rly called fixxer? xDD nice one.fortunately its just 1000 yen so I can order it without any regrets ☺
  23. I hope its good new from DevilKitty too ,as I was rly happy for ruchi being in a band again after dollars disbanded..
  24. the color of valentine,huh? xD

  25. got my limited raven tshirt from mejibray *cries*

    1. Shir0


      are you..admin of J-rock/Visual Kei Community on FB?

    2. Xerath
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