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Everything posted by Xerath

  1. happy new year everyone! hope you'll have an awesome year <3

    1. Chi


      happy new year!!

    2. CAT5


      happy new years!

    3. yakihiko


      Happy New Year

  2. I'd love to see some xepher members again TwT especially ran...tho I think it'll need some more time

    1. -NOVA-


      I miss'em too :'(

  3. does someone know what happened to habaki's project xD ?

    1. Aferni


      I guess him and DeDe are putting in work towards it...Habaki's twitter is rarely updated. I try to ask him questions but i get no responses

    2. Xerath


      ahh ok thx..had the same problem on ameba...he never answered xD

  4. ahh I still need to find the live limiteds from Shedia..

  5. Xerath

    I only have to say 2things : 1st-> give me more songs and 2nd-> come to fkkn Germany xD so hyped for their new release btw xD
  6. Xerath

    this is really the worst monday of my goddamn life
  7. Xerath

    still didn't listen to ikenai kiss but still interested in that new release..hoping it will be more like their older stuff xD I know it's not likely to happen but let me dream ok
  8. Xerath

    nooo T_T why... I really enjoyed their latest releases....
  9. Xerath

    I wish Elzamus,Kira-san and thedroppingsky a happy birthday and hope you guys have an awessome day !!
  10. finally pre-ordered M.A.D *-*

  11. just listened to reign's album preview..ahh finally a promising release after along time xD

  12. omg cdj rewardedme with 500 extrapoints T_T now i have 1050.M.A.D I'll pre-order you very soon xD <3

  13. I feel the electro-tune here xD but the last release was enjoyable for me so I am interested in the preview of this release
  14. Xerath

    sounds ok.
  15. watching pewdiepie so late is one of my worst ideas

  16. I keep listening to the same song for more than 20h..its so gooood

    1. Shir0


      such a beautiful song <3

    2. Xerath


      agree ^-^ but also sad TwT

  17. damn had I crazy 5minutes now..I rly had to pay 7,36€ taxes addionaly like fuck u...had to ran to the bank and back and etc.. but I fucking finally have my krad cds!!!

    1. yakihiko


      Wow it's was a very long wait

    2. Xerath


      it really was,but now I can finally hold these masterworks in my hand!without tradingcards tho... xD

  18. Finally CDJ listed KRAD's new single.Guess what I'll order pretty soon xD

  19. after 4h of playing 1st ep of LiS I missed one photo and it's that from victoris's wall I didn't want to mess up...great e_e

  20. it is actually the best choice he could make with the band going on hiatus.It didn't also seem that he is interested in doing something new so soon annnd as model he gets quite money(at least I assume so).thus you never know his reasons,could also be that he wants a bit distance from music at the moment.
  21. llll-Ligro- just come back already XD....please
  22. tomorrow it will be 2weeks that I'm waiting for my krad copies..but y'know its ok :) *cries*

    1. yakihiko


      Sie sollten es im nächsten Jahr bekommen

    2. Shir0


      this moment when yakihiko speaks german and you need a few mintues to realize it haha

    3. Xerath


      hahah xDD also bei mir kam alles was über 20€ kostete erst zum zoll und nach 3wochen ca zu mir e_e und ich hab mir immernoch nicht die songs runtergeladen weil ich auf meine CDS warten will xD

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  23. Xerath

    finally they decided to go on hiatus...they weren't going anywhere lately thus I didn't see any release announcements..but MUGEN was so goood I hope they don't decide to disband during their hiatus
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