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Everything posted by Xerath

  1. 1st pv slaying!!

    1. Spectralion


      Digging this thing!

  2. thx parents for nt taking the package I waited weeks for :)

  3. hope they can show us a good Jekyll & Hyde performance in their pv
  4. pretty sad...I loved weakness my blood,but their first album is more like a bestof,so I feared the day would come..hope to hear from them soon again tho
  5. would be really sad if they do such a big deal about it and in the end they suck af xD
  6. Xerath

    I really think that was a rather wise decision for them.Sad that they couldn't get that much attention,but to be honest I wasn't a big fan of the vocals.At least they got some experience and I wish for them that they can use it to grow as musicians
  7. this MV is like better than the whole Xyloride discography xD (from what I heard ) hope they keep thiss here up.
  8. slightly disappointed in Penatgon's album.expected a heavier impact TwT

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I expected an heavier approach too, but it wasn't so bad

    2. Elazmus


      I actually haven't even found one song I truly like on it, singles included..

    3. ricchubunny


      I really thought the previews were pretty boring but im enjoying this album a lot lol

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  9. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss !!!
  10. it sounds really nice,but I also expected a deeper voice for some reason xD THOUGH the vocal isn't bad curious for the full mv
  11. fans from Shou(diawolf/A9) confuse me so much..calling his instagram acc fake,tho it is connected with diawolf's homepage?? like wtf xD

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Where did he say that? His Instagram is @show_ohara. It's on their site (www.a9-project.com).

    2. Xerath


      but there is also a9_shou which is connected to diawolf's ohp.

    3. Chi


      the insta acc linked to his official twitter(SW_A9) is show_ohara. the other one is not connected to diawolf's page, seems to be anything w/ a diawolf related tag will show up there(=there are even pics of cds posted by fans).

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  12. it is cancer. He has/had nodular sclerosing hodgkin lymphoma.seems like the treatment worked and he is able to return to synk;yet. thank god
  13. ahh in1 month the new KRAD single will be released .can't wait! *-*

  14. jej can give xenon more of my money xD currently I am only excited for KRAD and xenon releases xD
  15. Xerath

    my hope died to 97% when I read EDR= Electronic Dance Rock...but I will still give it a try cause it is a mini with 6 new tracks
  16. Xerath

    jej *-* I just hope ayame would return finally e_e
  17. not bad,but I don't get the feeling to be hella excited about it..
  18. the ruvish mv spot is HQ p*rn.

  19. Avenger's dead dirge from Lustknot. is uch an eargasm xD <3

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I really miss them :(

    2. Xerath


      jeah me too TwT

  20. Xerath

    oh jeah missed that my bad xD but the opportunity stays
  21. sounds really promising ! couldn't rly dig the last release,unfortunately..but this is going to be really nice,I can feel it xD
  22. Xerath

    it's jut the webshop,so their fans are able to get some stuff until they disband.Dunno why now but seems like a good opportunity to gather some money before disbandment xD
  23. curious: do you also have those days where you listen to music of your motherlanguage(for me its croatian which I didn't listen since end of 2k14 xD)

    1. Thedane


      Listening to anything Danish is just... cringeworthy... embarrassing even.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      ^I don't think I'll ever change my mind about Hungarian but I discovered that rap can sound pretty cool in it xD

      As for myself I do have some favorite local artisis, so I do listen to music in my country language from time to time.

    3. Shir0


      I sometimes do but not entirely voluntarily only on weedings or when visiting relatives (even then I'd sometimes put in my earplugs, hide them with my hair and secretly listen to my own music)There're only a feeeew songs I enjoyed, still Albanian music is just not my thing

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