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Everything posted by Xerath

  1. the previews from glamhaze are so awesome TwT

  2. +1 btw I'll try to translate them myself when I finally get my copies xD but for beginning of darkness and dead boquet there isn't much I can do e_d damn live limited releases
  3. this isn't bad actually xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRtFgCSZuTY

    1. Elazmus


      I throw a bit of shade at Pentagon but the last three songs on the Jesus Phobia single were winners :]

    2. Xerath


      mhm I liked the single too ^_^

  4. just read somewhere that tetsuya(xenon) and aki(arlequin) are brothers ?!?!? dat true? xD

    1. Lestat


      No. XENON's Aki is Tetsuya's twin brother. They are in the same band.

    2. Xerath


      ahh it was that aki xD I wonder why there stood arlequin but okeeej xD.and thank you ^-^

  5. AAAAAH I want to dlk those krad releases but I want to ait for my own copies as well xD this struggle is real ok

  6. it is definitely better than their last releasess tho it lacks heavyness and ofc a few screams would have been nice too,but this one really is ok
  7. Xerath

    at least "bad end story" fits here,cause this story they call band will end bad this can't be from the same vocals btw xD
  8. *prays that the custom service won't have my order for too long TwT *

  9. Xerath

    doesn't sound bad at all
  10. instead of studying focused,I sing along weirdly to songs xD

  11. the moment when the hairdresser doesn't give a shit what you say :)

  12. Xerath

    with that history it is a miracle that they lasted "so long" hope they the best for them TwT
  13. *we shipped your order today* omg finally T_T now it will just take 5weeks for my krad cds to come xD

  14. what do you mean my KRAD CDs weren't shipped yet ??

    1. Elazmus



    2. Xerath
  15. *desperately waits for the cdj shipping mail*

    1. Shir0


      KRAAAD Ich fühl mit dir haha

    2. Xerath


      KRAD TwT haha xD bald kann ma auch schon den neuen release vorbestellen *-*

  16. agreed.I couldn't really dig the last single,but this is a nice pv spot and the flower is bigger than keiya's head but nvm xD
  17. wow this is actually very xibalba XD cuz they released under xibalba "underworld" which had a flower as cover art aswell xD the only difference is that,here it grows out from a hand xD btw the PV-spot is amazing
  18. I hope one of those songs is going to be "Quiet storm" ...it was once a live limited when they were just a sessionband and another time as shedia's last release before disbanding..and the preview of that song was soo awesome TwT and it would be nice to have their other live limited song "xxx mask..." in one of their releases xD just saying.
  19. I'm always a slut for KRAD releases xD can't wait for it to be listed on cdj XD and I would appreciate a tradingcard or "at least" a flyer/poster TwT
  20. I expected a bit more from qualia..but in general its ok...

  21. just read on twitter that KRAD has an important announement soon...I'm lowkey afraid

    1. Xerath


      mhm..thats why I'm kind of scared to read their announcement xD

  22. today's mood ♪♬ gawd I miss them

    1. YuyoDrift


      The only song I ever looked into form them.

      It's great to have those throwbacks.

      What happened to them?

    2. hiroki


      omg, i miss them so much

    3. Xerath


      @YuyoDrift whenI'm correctit is indefinite hiatus(or even disbandment I don't know even more...) and @hiroki totally TwT I can't dig belle tho I really like haro's vocals e_e

  23. *watches KRAD's pv* *dies* (??♡∀♡)

  24. thanks to the fandom tzk deleted his insta account. well done people e_e

    1. Xerath


      mhm..and I also read that maaany fans are now whinning and writing dms to him on other sns to come back on ig xD

    2. Shir0


      this is pathetic some comments were so embarrassing and awkward & now they're complaining haha

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