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Everything posted by Xerath

  1. 1st nice look 2nd meeh distributed single e_e and 3rd daaamn 4songs for only 1080 yen? if the samples are decent I will get this release for sure(if I can buy this through cdj xD)
  2. just one month and 16days left...I hope they ship my krad cds earleir tho.

    1. Elazmus
    2. Shir0


      ~KRAD.BEFORE LONG TO KRAD~ with every Tweet from their offical Twitter I hope it's some new information or full MV of Plantman :((

    3. Xerath


      jes TwT it is so hard because I pre-ordered it when it was pre-orderable on cdj so I am waiting since july xD I wonder why they made it so early.

  3. Xerath

    nice,but I can't see "back to the roots" in their new look xD anyways much betetr than the turtles and hope the pv spot will be decent e_e cuz the beginning was...not baad but boring af xD
  4. It's so sad when you finish all free to play horrorgames on steam and you have no idea what to do next e_e

  5. just a question.I just got my kagamibari copy and on the other side of the tradingcard stands "secret"..did they do a special for this single or am I fucking lucky xD?

    1. evenor


      I got the same too. It's typically a group shot one, individual members, then a "special" one.

    2. Xerath


      Ahh ok I just wondered because until now I got quite many tradingcards and this was the 1st group shot xD but thanks for telling me :3

  6. daichi's hair looks so fucking awesome in the pv spot *wants* xD and the pv spot is decent too,tho I dunno where to get the release if it is not live limited..
  7. I don't know why but lately I'm really into BFN xD especially uragaeri oO

    1. yakihiko


      Light Is there, グロウ・テスト・クラーケン, 四次元マッシュルーム, SHOW the cloven hoof, 王家??潜むモンスターパーティー, Monster World, SHOOTING STAR, Dead Devil Dacing

    2. yakihiko


      I think you can find all here :)

    3. Xerath


      thanks a lot! ^_^

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  8. Xerath

    well the disbandment happened 9days after announcement of the new release so I assume something big must have happened..I hope we will be informed by the band(members)
  9. I had such a good day and then I remembered Oneness disbanded...fml T_T

    1. anakuro


      Same though :( I miss them

  10. cool,cdj shipped my order 2days before the release :3 I hope the custom service won't hold the cd for weeks again because the price is above 20€..why did I use all points on krad xDD..

  11. watching some xenon liveclips and crying cause I can't see them live XD

  12. ahhhh can't wait for my xenon cd TwT <3

  13. it is so hard to introduce a new friend to jrock,because they're curious.oh gawd have mercy on his soul xD

    1. Xerath


      the biggest problem was that I want3ed to try to give like an overall(y'know like top30 vkeisongs 08.2015) but this was so pporly done by the uplaoders,but there wasn't any other choice and guess what since he saw that he didn't answer me xDD

    2. Elazmus
    3. -NOVA-


      lmao ive been there

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  14. they look even more electro-pop now e_e oh gawd please let there be a decent pv spot m(__)m
  15. I will remember this day as the day DIV lost me xD....

    1. Xerath


      problem is the look represents the pv to almost 100% so I can imagine how it will sound and jes nowaday DIV is for me a complete different band than it was back in 2012/13 TwT

    2. Licio123


      well, I just got into them and I absolutely love their music. SECRET is very good and the previous albuns have some nice tunes.

    3. Xerath


      I didn't like the whole 2nd album...since their 2nd album I knew me and them were going different ways xD..unfortunately..

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  16. omg I just prdered the last copy of kagamibari with the posterbonus T_T gonna have to transfer some money tomorrow xDD

  17. I feel like D.I.D is doing the same over and over again,how about some new songs ?no?am I asking too much ?

  18. Loka's bassist will leave the band TwT

  19. wow..I rly thought 100 is a number one can reach,especially when its also a 1st anniversary.it is always something special and wouldn't there be actually even more people? but that is really sad TwT
  20. Xerath

    this session should turn into a formal band,pretty nice line-up
  21. this band is too perfect ;w;
  22. and I thought Liquid was a flawless release and now they gonna release this perfection? this is not fair xD <3 have to order this soon,cause I want the poster bonus *-*
  23. the amazing moment when the keyboard isn't working properly anymore -_-

    1. Tetora


      I barely use a computer at home but that one is busted, have to play with the wire to make it go back on. Wont buy a new one unless it completely dies though.

    2. Xerath


      e3e well I expected a better product from steelseries.my laptop(msi) is barely 1year old..

    3. Tetora


      Oh, it's on your laptop, that is unfortunate, hopefully it is not too much to fix.

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