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Everything posted by Xerath

  1. the reason i love pentagon's popcornmonster is probably cause it reminds me of their 1st pv and i miss that time 

  2. Xerath

    so we ignoring satoshi's hairdo? ok oh yeah and the pv,I think its GOOD,but I also feel that they can do better,it missed a kind of uniqueness I can't really explain but thats how I feel about it xD
  3. this song ist actually killing me rn 


    1. Xerath


      when I first saw it by accident(like yesterday to be honest) I got so confused because I never heard of it or read about dof having a song named monochro. I am also entering a state now again where I can suuport bands and I'd wish they put this in an upcoming release or in a best of for what I care just let me have it xD

    2. chemicalpictures


      I feel ya! But there's their DVD, if you really want it, with the plus of getting some PVs that weren't shared anywhere!

    3. Xerath


      great suggestion thanks! I'll look into it later or tomorrow after my exam :tw_grin:

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  4. Guess who just pre-ordered krad's upcoming release 

    1. Elazmus


      probably the coolest kid ever ??

    2. Xerath


      could be xd

  5. 2018 shall be the year where vocalists like ran,leo and otogi return. I want them the fk back finally :tw_bawling:

    1. xriko


      i'm only hoping for a awoi revival if I can go to there

      we still have no news for otogi, only that he still talking with ryo (sure) and probably the others.

      he is probably retiring.

    2. Xerath


      mh it would be too good if awoi came back I'd be happy enough if otogi just started being active again,tho it doesn't seem very likely 

      And yes I mean xenon's Leo I miss his voice xD

    3. xriko


      I would love a dark jazz band with OTG

      I'm hardcore fan and the beggining of awoi was so lovely,  even if I love their second period

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  6. Xerath

    who is responsible for that xD
  7. Xerath

    wait,its a release without dead flower. how come ? xd anyways super hyped for new stuff can't wait !
  8. I'd love to hear him singing tbh xD
  9. why is almost everything on their ohp written in hiragana that bothers me so much
  10. Yes they did "taste of life" and that was exactly my thought aswell with that food. More Deja Vu please
  11. Xerath

    HOW OFTEN WILL THEY RELEASE DEAD FLOWER HOLY COW. no joke this song is in almost everywhere and paying 3000 yen for 7 songs...hmhmh I wonder if I will get this release. also a waste of that look for a best-release :/ just don't you dare disband aswell KRAD
  12. Xerath

    are they all leaving the vocalist again
  13. whats going on with all of these white/dark looks recently xD 

  14. hmmh. Shall I pre-order Bless this mess' 1st album or nah

    1. lichtlune


      I think so!

    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      I think I might!


      (and if there's a silver lining of joining Starwave... hopefully it'll be on Spotify too)

    3. BrenGun


      maybe it will be on spotify 

  15. Bless this Mess' MV is fking lit, a shame I can't support them(well I wasn't able to support any band lately,but times will change,hopefully xd)

  16. I just noticed that blads apparently disbanded?? what a shame,liked their pv :/

  17. if morrigan's merch is lit I'll fking pay those 200€ to see them in amsterdam.cheaper than traveling to fking southgermany it's hilarious

    1. Lestat


      They're playing in Amstelveen, not Amsterdam. The information on the poster is incorrect. 

    2. Xerath


      thanks for the correction,its still far away tho xd

  18. Xerath

    and there goes my chance to see morrigan
  19. Xerath

    you know just as I assumed they going the good way with visualish etc they drop THIS. WOW xD well you may call it a good song,but damn that was unexpected
  20. Xerath

    I hope its good news as they literally just started with their activities again
  21. just took a look on morrigan's ohp for updates and they still did not update the schedule with the eu tour,theres just now the big 4weeks gap. I'm so impatient,lol.

  22. anybody having lyrics of Dispiиa 「疲弊の頬」to share ? 
    would be greatly appreciated :) 

  23. Xerath

    Seems like its gonna be a short EU-tour tho their staff tweeted this today < so there is a 4weekgap between 10/20 and 11/20 and if they start in november we might expect maybe "just" 12-15concerts/locations.
  24. I feel like Morrigan should take another band with them...like dadaroma or krad or arlequin or purple stone xD

  25. Morrigan coming to EU I can't breathe,first concert in ages holy cow *hyped*

    1. Xerath


      Imma join you  flipping tables then xD 

    2. 蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      Not the biggest fan but after 27month w/o a j-rock concert I'm looking forward to it. <3

      And let's be honest, Germany is the most important european country for VK-bands. ;) They definitely won't skip it. :D

    3. Xerath


      mh,as long as it is somewhere I can reach with my ticket its totally fine. I've seen livefootage from morrigan and their xibalba times,I am looking so forward to it :D

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