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Posts posted by violetchain

  1. Took a few listens to get into it, but I'm really liking Free Throw.


    I'm really happy Takeshi formed this band, because I haven't been able to get excited enough to listen to a full release from the HIATUS since A World of Pandemonium, and I just realized that came out 6 years ago. :tw_dizzy:

  2. 10 minutes ago, orange~ said:

    @violetchainbut these are the days to be excited about GNR! I didn't think I'd see the day when Axl and Slash would be playing together again. I've seen all the bands before and GNR is definitely the one I'm most excited about now. Michael Monroe's gigs can be cool, but when he's warming up some other band, I don't think he's at his best. One of his 3 hour gigs were excellent however. The Darkness is really interesting, because the last time I saw them was with Lady Gaga and the crowd was so not into them which just sucked, but this time I expect to be dancing there in the front row with all the likeminded people. :) This is gonna be sooo good

    Haha, I guess, for some reason I always forget that Slash is back in. I don't know, I've never been willing to take the risk of going to see GNR. Might just be that I'm super thrifty and I assume that the tickets will be really expensive. Plus I kind of prefer smaller shows, and I assume they only play bigger venues.


    I suppose it depends on the situation. I've only seen Michael Monroe once, and it was a really big deal because it was the first time he'd been back to my country in like 10 years or something and it was a headlining show, so the crowd was super into it. The members also did pictures and autographs afterwards, and they were really cool about it despite the fact that the venue was trying to get everyone out fast. I don't know if he's been back since, but I was just thinking recently that I'd love to see him again. I've only ever seen The Darkness headlining as well, and I had a lot of fun both times. Justin jumped into the audience right in front of me and crowdsurfed all the way around the venue the second time. They're also one of the few bands I like that the friends I drag to concerts with me have actually heard of, so that's probably a big part of why their shows stand out in my mind.

  3. 4 hours ago, orange~ said:

    omg I've never been this hyped about a gig before! Tomorrow it's gonna be Guns 'n' Roses, Michael Monroe and The Darkness, all on the same day :o My teenage years are rushing back like crazy!

    I'm kind of indifferent to GNR these days, but Michael Monroe and The Darkness on the same day is a killer line-up indeed. 

  4. Oh, nice to see another metronome fan! I was at the Toronto concert as well. Missed the Q&A, unfortunately, since I mixed up the time and got there like a solid hour after it was over, but the show was great.

  5. Yuuki Suda, the bassist from Suck a Stew Dry/THURSDAY'S YOUTH, is a big Hidekazu Hinata (STRAIGHTENER, Nothing's Carved In Stone) fanboy. Hinata treats him as a sort of little brother figure, which is pretty cute.


    He was just posting about Hinata coming to THURSDAY'S YOUTH's first one-man recently.




  6. 58 minutes ago, Lestat said:

    Despite the band efforts and our promotion we must face a pity reality...We hope for a new interest of Visual Kei bands in the future to allow them to tour Europe again in good conditions. 

    I dunno, but I'm reading this as "VK doesn't sell enough tickets in Europe these days to sustain a tour".  I feel like they're saying that they're not bringing any more VK bands until there is more interest?

  7. ^Yes, the statement mentions an issue with the local organizer first and says something like "and also, with the worsening state of things in Europe", which makes me think the terror attacks weren't the main reason. 


    It seems like B7Klan have been pushing this tour much harder than the MERRY one, so I'm really surprised that it ended up getting cancelled. 

  8. On 4/20/2017 at 1:17 AM, Bear said:

    Anyone got some tips and recipes for asian food that is cheap, good and easy to prepare?


    Don't care about the origin of the food, be it japanese, korean, chinese, vietnamese or whatever. But cheap, easy and good are the 3 keywords here.


    ^You can add some meat or vegetables to it to give it more substance, but this is basically the cheapest and easiest soup I've ever made. I just made it earlier today, actually, because I was feeling lazy. 


    This is also a new staple for me: 


    ^You can use basically any kind of meat or vegetables with this recipe, so it's super practical. I've tried it with a bunch of different combinations (baby corn, peppers, mushrooms, shrimp, broccoli, etc.) and it always tastes good.

    You don't necessarily need kaffir lime leaves - you can probably get away with just lime juice - but they make it taste way better. 


    Any sort of miso soup with noodles, tofu, meat, cabbage, etc. added is usually pretty cheap and easy as well. I think I made this one before, but I either skipped the noodles or used angel hair vermicelli instead of udon, since it was all I had at the time. Can't remember.



    This isn't bad either, if you happen to have big bags of dried lily and wood ear mushrooms in your pantry like I do. It's good with hot sauce.


  9. I'm not totally sold on the song yet, but it's great to see Danablu making actual videos. Hopefully they'll end up on a label soon so I can actually buy their stuff...



    I miss Aki's flailing, but I guess I've got that WESN video for that.

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