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Posts posted by violetchain

  1. To overflow evidence's new album "Clear" is coming out June 7th.




    1. 足跡  / Ashioto

    2. back to back

    3. たられば / Tarareba

    4. rev

    5. 跡に幻 / Ato ni maboroshi

    6.  リピート / Repeat

    7. エンドロール / Endroll

    8. ただそれだけ / Tada sore dake

    9. 舟を編む / Fune o amu

    10. Clear


    Tada sore dake




    Fune o amu


  2. 10 hours ago, anadentone said:

    JOY- Canadian or lived in Canada

    I felt like there was something familiar about him. Maybe it was a subtle hint of Canadian-ness I was picking up on...

  3. On 5/28/2017 at 7:29 AM, qotka said:

    Kis-My-Ft2 is probably the best example of JE mishandling (oh snap) the few talented idols they do manage to produce. They were kept as juniors for far too long and when they finally debuted it was way past their momentum and everything was just... meh?? since then. Tragic.

    Yeah, it was really sad to watch how badly their debut was botched.

  4. I don't see any VK acts on the regular Oricon Top 100 Albums of 2016, so I think the Indie Top 20 is probably the easiest way to gauge it:




    Unless you count GACKT as VK, it seems like you're probably right by saying Kiryu sold the most albums - at least among the artists whose releases came out on indie labels. There must be some major bands that sold more, but I can't think of any really popular ones that released albums last year either.

  5. I really wish Kis-My-Ft2 weren't given such bland, sub-par songs, because the rollerskate choreography is fabulous and Kitayama Hiromitsu is super cute. 


    Shake It Up and the pre-debut Kis-My-_ songs are great and Fire Beat gets a pass because of the choreography, but almost everything else I've heard from them sounds like a filler track that got rejected by ten other groups before they ended up stuck with it. I mean, I'm not expecting high art from Johnny's groups or anything, but the songs aren't even catchy most of the time.


    Then again, I haven't been paying much attention to them for the past few years. Maybe they released something good recently?

  6. 5 minutes ago, emmny said:

    sorry but how were japanese fans so stupid to even suspect this was karma omfg

    To be fair, all they had to go on was the angsty concept and hearing them talk on the phone - no music or images of the band. Could have been just about anyone.

  7. I like the song, energy and the costumes - I really feel like they have potential to be cool - but the "sexy wrist-cutting" aesthetic is so not for me. I really hope they'll drop that aspect going forward.

  8. 2 hours ago, emmny said:

    i asked him to his face in 2015/2016 idr when and he seemed interested, idk. i was under the impression he couldn't because of label stuff and thats why he brings uber indie bands but hey who knows. i thought he'd be a fan actually, interesting to hear

    i hope he brings more hxc/skramz bands as he usually stays around "safe" subgenres (from what i've seen on lineups) but eitherway im so happy that what he does is based in canada....even if i haven't been able to attend yet ;_;

    Oh, I see. You probably know better than me then, because I've never spoken to him. I'm just going from a vague memory of what I've read on the NMFT blog.


    He definitely mentioned them as an option, so I assume he likes them well enough, but the thing that makes me feel like he's not super into them is that he always seems to just kind of throw them in as a last resort. For example, he mentioned them as an option for NMFT 9: http://www.nextmusicfromtokyo.com/?p=6168, but it just seems like he was saying "Well, I can get them, but I'd rather have Ame no Parade, or any other band on this list"


    He brought Kinoko Teikoku, who were on the same label as THE NOVEMBERS at the time, so I don't think the label is the issue. He also wrote that he held two NMFT events in one year mainly so he could bring Maison Book Girl before their major debut, so I feel like if he really wanted to bring them he would make it happen, you know?


    Regardless, I think it's actually more fun if you don't know anything about the bands before you go, because the acts he brings are usually much better live than the recordings suggest. otori didn't sound like the type of thing I would be into at all from the samples on the website, but they killed it.

  9. Just now, emmny said:

    when will steve or whomever bring novembers im WAITINGGGGG

    I remember he mentioned THE NOVEMBERS as an option once or twice, since their label apparently offered him the chance to bring them the year after Kinoko Teikoku, but it didn't seem like he was terribly excited about them. I don't know if he still has the connection now that they're not on UK Project anymore.


    You can always suggest them whenever he makes one of those posts asking for input, though.

  10. http://www.nextmusicfromtokyo.com/


    Line-up: The Taupe, Yukueshirezutsurezure, Hyacca, Bakyun the everyday, Yubisaki Nohaku



    May 19 Toronto @ The Rivoli
    May 20 Toronto @ Lee's Palace
    May 22 Montreal @ Divan Orange
    May 24 Vancouver @ Biltmore Cabaret


    Is anyone going to NMFT 10? I've gone to all of them since vol. 5 and it's become a bit of a tradition for my friends and I - especially because it's so cheap - but I'm not sure I'm feeling it this year.



  11. Good Charlotte and NCIS on the same day - nice. Curious to see if this will lead to more random moments of my favourite bands from my teens randomly collaborating with Japanese bands I'm into now.


    But yeah, there's 10 Japanese artists on just the Osaka line-up alone, so I don't know where the OP is getting 4 from...



  12. I'm kind of sad that they're calling it quits so fast, I liked White ray of hope.


    Wasn't really feeling the samples of the other tracks or Let It Die, but I still felt like there was potential for something cool to come out of Yuusuke and Inzargi singing together after a few more releases.

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