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Posts posted by violetchain

  1. 25 minutes ago, zaa_zaa said:

    I think it is Daiki (ex. Aikaryu) who plays support for NOW according to his twitter.

    Might be both? Ray has definitely tweeted about playing as a support member of NOW before, and it's written in his Twitter profile.



    ETA: Oh wait, probably not anymore, since this mentions seeing NOW from the audience for the first time.


  2. 1 hour ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    tbh they took out a lot of the good characters and i was not pleased by the things they left out either, but i still enjoyed it and the animation was top-notch.

    but yeah, i agree. they should have made it a two-part movie or something and try to include everything that made gantz what is. :/

    Yeah, it wasn't terrible or anything - the animation was really cool and it still mostly followed the story, so it was definitely still watchable - but the tone of it felt a little off. The thing I love about Gantz is how ridiculous it is, despite all the violence and the heavy subject matter. There's always a sort of unpredictable, twisted sense of humour to the action, and I think the movie lost a little too much of that.


    I was in the mood for something kind of silly at the time, so I watched the movie "Tag" instead, which definitely delivered.

  3. Watched about half of the Gantz:0 movie on Netflix last night, and then I noticed that Kuwabara had been written out of it and had to turn it off. 


    That scene where he has sex with the alien when it takes the form of a bunch of regular-sized women joined in the shape of a giant woman is integral to the plot. I don't know why someone would make a movie about the Osaka mission without being prepared to animate that. They even cut out the part where the guys on the Osaka team shoot up before they go kill things and replaced it with a lot of awkward closeups of a guy smoking. :( 


    I mean, if you're going to make a Gantz movie, it's pretty obvious that it's not going to be kid-friendly. Why take out all the random, over the top nonsense that makes Gantz what it is?


    The monsters looked great, but they took all the fun out of the story.

  4. FABLED NUMBER's 2nd Major Album "THUNDER" will be out November 8th.





    1. Like a Thunder

    2. Good-Bye

    3. Keep on Killing me

    4. RED

    5. ザ・クロスレインボー

    6. Ride the Sound

    7. Encounter

    8. Rolling



    Still kind of surprised that they're releasing another album this year. It feels really fast.

    The new video is glorious though.

  5. Oh cool, I'm on the other side of the country in Toronto. I've only been to the West coast once to visit family, but it was beautiful over there. The plants all seemed like twice as tall and thick as the ones here.

  6. Oh nice, it's cool to see so many Canadians joining recently. What part of the country are you from? 


    I like a bit of rap as well, but I only know the super mainstream stuff, so I doubt I can recommend anything you don't already know.


    For an image signature, I think you just need to use the basic [ img ][ /img ] tags around a url (without the spaces, of course). 

  7. The song is not as catchy as Oshimai, but I think it will grow on me with time. I liked it more after a few listens, and it seems like it would be fun live.


    They look great in the video, and I think it's kind of nice that they've been keeping the MVs and promo spots to a minimum. Everything looks very polished and deliberate so far, and I'm curious to see if they can keep that up.

  8. Lol at Sho saying that Malice Mizer inspired him to become a musician because they performed by dancing without playing instruments. 


    Too bad Subaru wasn't there. Would have been interested to see him join in for I for You. Well, at least Murakami didn't sing.

  9. 1 hour ago, jaymee said:

    As for PLC, I agree they've had a few not-so-great songs post-reunion (but they've always had random filler-ish stuff in their past albums so I guess that's par for the course), but what's wrong with "Mirai Shounen x Mirai Shoujo"? The lyrics are cute and the MV is about a queer/trans couple where the trans girl (played by trans personality Haruna Ai) finally gets her sex change operation at the end. It makes light of the "hospital/major illness" drama trope, is cute, and overall pretty progressive for not only starring but showing trans people in a positive light.

    True, PLC have always had a certain percentage of filler on their releases, so I guess they've been fairly consistent in that area. 


    Oh no, the video for "Mirai Shounen x Mirai Shoujo" is quite cute, I just hate the song. Something about it doesn't feel right to me, and I have trouble even listening to the whole thing. 

  10. Knew there was no way MORRIE wasn't going to be on this.


    Was wondering where TAKURO was as well, even though he's not a vocalist, and he covered that with this batch too XD


    He performed at the Solar Budokan, so I was hoping for Taiji Sato and Tetsu Takano, but I guess you can't have everything.

  11. Today has been weird. Suddenly really wanted to listen to Tigertailz's "Young and Crazy" album, which led me to look up what some of the hair metal/sleaze rock bands I used to follow are doing now, and somehow that led to finding out that Tripp Eisen from Dope/Static-X randomly started performing again last year. 


    Apparently he's playing reunion shows with Roughhouse, the hair metal band he was in back in the 80s. It's a really weird sight. The rest of the members look like they could be in Dokken, but he looks just like he did in Dope - almost like a hologram from 1998. It's kind of unnerving. Can't deny that I'm impressed he can still move like that in his 50s though.



  12. metronome - the comeback single was great (fabulous B-sides too), the new album grew on me a lot after a few extra listens, and I saw them live this year and they were just as fun as I thought they'd be


    Psycho le Cemu - not every post-reunion release has been a winner (I'm still not sure what Mirai Shounen x Mirai Shoujo was supposed to be...), but the distinctive vibe of their looks and music is most definitely back, and it doesn't feel stagnant - it still seems like they are trying hard to push themselves.


    Also GLAY, if we're counting them as VK. They've definitely had rough patches here and there, and I still haven't gotten around to their most recent material, but the old GLAY magic was definitely back on G4 IV. Supernova Express 2016 had the big pop sound, Scoop was vintage sexy GLAY, and Kanojo wa Zombie was refreshingly different for them. Their singles can be hit or miss, but there are definitely enough hits to make up for the misses. I still remember seeing a tweet Sugizo posted after he went to one of their concerts where he was like "even after all these years, GLAY are still overflowing with youth" or something, and they really seem to be (at least mentally, anyway). I also still adore the fact that they always try to pull out lots of random album tracks and B-sides to keep their live releases fresh. I mean, they played "HIT THE WORLD CHART!" last year?!


    I'm keeping an eye on Kizu as well, because I liked every track on Oshimai and Lime is basically everything I want in a frontman, but with only one single to go on it's hard to predict what they're going to turn into.

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