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Posts posted by violetchain

  1. The biased part of me kind of assumed they wouldn't go far after Motoi left, since he was the only thing about them that stood out to me, but this is actually even sooner than I thought they'd give up. Two singles and done. Wow.

  2. 1 hour ago, peffy said:

    Today is election day for Ontario. We're almost certainly going to elect a pseudo-Trump to lead us. Yaaaaaaay.

    (If you remember Toronto's crackhead mayor Rob Ford from a few years ago, well, the pseudo-Trump is his brother, Doug Ford)


    This timeline sucks.

    They were saying that the polls could be a bit off, since the methods they use don't usually measure votes from young people very accurately, but yeah it's not looking good.

  3. Just had the weirdest moment. I was looking up a VK guy, and I saw that he used to be a host, so I was scanning through some other hosts on the site just out of curiosity, and while I was still on the first page, I saw a face that I was sure I recognized. 


    Then I looked at his profile, and his birthday and city both line up with the drummer from a pop punk band I love - I'm like 90% sure it's him. The resemblance is ridiculous if it's not.


    I guess he's got the looks for it. Kinda surprised though, since he usually comes off as the type that would go out of his way to avoid dressing up. Then again, it seems like he didn't stick with it for very long. He doesn't seem to be on the club's website anymore and searching around for more info didn't really bring up any results. 


    Still, what are the odds.

  4. I saw BACK-ON at Anime North. Took ages to get through security, and they played the one song I actually knew when we were still in line for bag checks outside the building, so yeah...


    The audience was into it, and they sounded good, but it felt kinda meh compared to most of the concerts I've seen at AN. I usually stand a bit closer to the stage than I did this year though, so that might have been part of it.


    Oh well, it was free and the people in front of me seemed like they were having the time of their life, so I can't really complain.

  5. Looked into the band été a bit recently because Fuse from yorunitokeru wrote a comment for their latest single. Their singer's voice is adorable, but "mourn" is the only song of theirs that really sticks out to me so far.


    I've kind of got my eye on them though. I'm curious to see what they sound like in a year or two.



  6. You know those dreams where you dream about waking up in the room where you fell asleep and slowly realize something is off, so you pinch yourself or tell yourself to wake up to get out? I had a nap this morning after waking up early to finish my work, and I had like 9 of those in a row before I finally woke up for real. I've never had more than two in a row before, so it was absolutely terrifying.


    Each time something was wrong with my fish tank, and when I woke up for real I was like "Wait, my fish tank isn't even in this apartment?!"


    Guess I'm scared my fish are going to be dead when I get home...

  7. There's a lot of slang in this that I'd never heard of before, so I'm not sure how accurate some lines turned out, but I did my best. Feel free to let me know if you have any corrections.

    Tomo’s lines in [ ]
    $EIGO’s lines in { }



    ねこ地獄 / Cat Hell


    Lyrics: Tomo

    Music: $EIGO, Yacchi, Tackrou


    Moe moe kyun!*


    [I love cats and I’m feeling frisky,**

    As expected, I like cats more than dogs

    Like a Motai Masako, they make the husband happy so cats are good***

    Cats biting at a cornered mouse like Tom and Jerry,

    Stray cats holding fish in their mouths,

    The neighborhood’s alley cats

    The day when dogs cry out “nyaa”,****

    Hesitating cats will be overrun!

    Silver vine won’t be the deciding factor!*****

    I’ll head out on another journey, playing with green foxtail and faking people out******

    Everyone wants to be covered in cats, cats, cats, cats, and more cats!]


    Moe moe kyun, it’s kitty cat hell

    Suffer with me, look, 1, 2, 3

    Moe moe kyun, it’s kitty cat hell

    Bury me in caaaaaaats!


    {Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re so charming, aren’t they? ☆

    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re so cute, in other words, angels

    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re seriously cute, aren’t they??

    Let’s say it together “Ooh! Nyaa!” “Ooh! Nyaa!”

    Urya urya oi!}

    [Nyan nyan, fill your head with cats!

    Let’s nyaa!!]


    [I wanna stroke their soft fur!

    So cuuuuuute, so cuuuuuuute~*******

    The pads of their paws are squishy, they’re so damn cute!

    Full speed ahead towards those cats~]


    Moe moe kyun, it’s kitty cat hell

    Suffer with me, look, 1, 2, 3

    Moe moe kyun, it’s kitty cat hell

    Bury me in caaaaaaats!


    {Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re so charming, aren’t they? ☆

    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re so cute, in other words, angels

    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re seriously cute, aren’t they??

    Let’s say it together “Ooh! Nyaa!” “Ooh! Nyaa!”

    Urya urya oi!}

    [Nyan nyan, fill your head with cats!

    Let’s nyaa!!]


    Oi! Raise! Cats!

    Oi! Raise! Cats!


    {Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re so charming, aren’t they? ☆

    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re so cute, in other words, angels

    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re seriously cute, aren’t they??

    Let’s say it together “Ooh! Nyaa!” “Ooh! Nyaa!”}


    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re so charming, aren’t they? ☆

    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re so cute, in other words, angels

    Nyan nyan, I’ll fill your head with cats!

    They’re seriously cute, aren’t they??

    Let’s say it together “Ooh! Nyaa!” “Ooh! Nyaa!”

    Unya unya oi!


    {Let’s go to cat hell!}



    *It’s like an extremely cutesy spell/exclamation that’s associated with maid cafes/otaku culture

    **I'm not sure if this is correct or if it's talking about the cats loving the brand Friskies. Hard to tell.

    ***Motai Masako is an actress, so I think this is referring to one of her films – I think it is “Teacher and Stray Cat” (or “Finding Calico”), where Motai plays a woman that used to feed a stray cat and the plot revolves around her husband searching for it after she dies and it stops coming around – but I see another called “Nekonade” that also could apply

    ****”nyaa” and “nyan” are both the Japanese equivalent of “meow”, but I think you lose some of the cuteness if you translate it into English, so I’ve left the sound in Japanese

    *****Silver vine is apparently a plant that attracts cats like catnip

    ******this is hard to translate, because the point here is that these words both have the word “neko” in them, but the English meaning has nothing to do with cats

    *******Apparently this is like a sound effect for really intense, smothering cooing, like someone speaking to a newborn or a dog in babytalk? Not sure if that's the intended meaning here though


    ねこ地獄 / Neko jigoku


    Moe moe kyun!


    [Neko daisuki FURISUKII

    Inu yori “Yappari neko ga suki”

    LIKE A motai masako

    Teishu wa genki de neko ga ii

    TOMU to JERII kyuusoneko kami

    O-sakana kuwaeta DORAneko kinjo no noraneko

    INU ga NYAA to naita hi

    Mayoi neko wa OOBAARAN!

    Matatabi kimete nyaran!

    To mata tabi e nekojarashi neko damashi

    Neko mo shakushi mo

    Neko to neko to neko to neko to neko ni mamiretai!]


    Moe moe kyun neko neko jigoku

    Modaenasee hora 1, 2, 3

    Moe moe kyun neko neko jigoku

    Neko ni umorenasaai!


    {Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    CHAAMINGU dosue☆

    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    Kawaii = tsumari tenshi

    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    Maji KYUUTO ja ne??

    Go-issho ni “Uu! Nyaa!”

    “Uu! Nyaa!”

    Urya urya oi!}

    [Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shiyagare!

    RETTSU nyaa!!]


    [Mofumofu shitai o!

    Fugofugo fugofugo~

    Nikukyuu ni puni GYAN kawa!

    Nuko ni masshigura~]


    Moe moe kyun neko neko jigoku

    Modaenasee hora 1, 2, 3

    Moe moe kyun neko neko jigoku

    Neko ni umorenasaai!


    {Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    CHAAMINGU dosue☆

    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    Kawaii = tsumari tenshi

    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    Maji KYUUTO ja ne??

    Go-issho ni “Uu! Nyaa!”

    “Uu! Nyaa!”

    Urya urya oi!}

    [Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shiyagare!

    RETTSU nyaa!!]


    Oi! Neko! Kae!

    Oi! Neko! Kae!


    {Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    CHAAMINGU dosue☆

    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    Kawaii = tsumari tenshi

    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    Maji KYUUTO ja ne??

    Go-issho ni “Uu! Nyaa!”

    “Uu! Nyaa!”}


    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    CHAAMINGU dosue☆

    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    Kawaii = tsumari tenshi

    Nyan nyan

    Nukko nuko ni shite yan yo!

    Maji KYUUTO ja ne??

    Go-issho ni “Uu! Nyaa!”

    “Uu! Nyaa!”


    {Neko jigoku e~}




  8. Honestly, they sound better than I expected from the look... Was expecting tons of screaming, and I'm bored to death of VK screaming, so I'm actually pleasantly surprised that there wasn't any at all. 


    I mean, the song doesn't really stand out, but it doesn't sound like it was recorded into a tin can rolling down a hill like DAYDALA's debut single, and (played-out subject matter aside) the video looks pretty slick for a low-budget new band, so I'd say it's definitely an upgrade for Motoi so far.

  9. Felt kind of sad that Sugizo wasn't going to be there before (especially because Sugizo was one of the biggest highlights for me when I saw them years and years ago), but after the hologram announcement, yeah, he might've dodged a bullet with this one...

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