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Posts posted by paradoxal

  1. Ok monochromiums, what shopping services do you know (besides FJ)? Something serious, maybe less cheaper and who doesn't racket people?

    I want to buy shit but, I am very nervous to order via FJ again... what's your solutions?


    First there's Tenso (http://www.tenso.com), but it's rather just a package forwarding service than a shopping service. You will still need to be able to purchase the goods yourself, and then you can ship them to Tenso, which will ship them to you. 


    @Seimeisen just recently linked me to Zenmarket (http://zenmarket.jp/), but I have no idea how they work.


    I haven't tried either one of them, so I can't really tell you anything else about them :D

  2. Para: Just kidding :D


    [Hugarian, tho~ There are also few other dudes here, but they're just lurkers (not because I'm that active, but still... xd)]


    I was graduated from German, but didn't use since ages, I should to recharge my studies.

    Learning Dutch currently, but i'm still a beginner. (I never learned English at school, so my grammar is sucks ._.)


    Added Hungarian and a bonus language: Polish :D

  3. My Slod - Melt to water arrived, and again thank you Para for surprising me with Mopera flyers, a signed A4-poster and the clear file originally distributed with the limited edition of Justice to put all of my Matenrou junk in. Luv ya <3<3



    Yes, "arrived" = you picked it up from my place. :D :D

  4. This is my first time preordering from Brand X. I preordered two CDs and one CD that was already released.

    Paid for them. They were released yesterday, and usually Brand X has been good about telling me when they ship orders and giving me the tracking number. But haven't heard from them. Emailed them. Do they sometimes forget to tell you they've shipped orders?


    Yes, they frequently forget to give you the tracking number. Just wait for them to answer, and you should soon receive your shipment. :)

  5. I'm devoid of music, lost most of the stuff on my computer and far too lazy to rip my cds..  All I need from you is to recommend me some sick ass Japanese beats.  I'm talking stuff that's like hard rock, or very sleek and smooth and fast.  I need YOUR fucking beats, so drop them on me please, and I love you Monochrome.


    Moderator Message:

    I merged your topic with the existing Music Recommendations Thread. Use the forum search function next time. :)

  6. My parents have known about visual kei since I started getting into the scene in about 2005-2006. My mom used to comment on my taste like "well you'll soon get bored of it anyway" and my dad doesn't really say anything about it, except for a tiny amount of complaining how some songs are really cool, but the vocalists always suck. He is a classic rock enthusiasts, so I think he really understand my enthusiasm towards the music I like.


    My mom really doesn't like that I spend money on CDs though, she'd rather have me buying clothes. Though she doesn't have a clue how much I'm spending on CDs... :D

  7. They have everything right, they look pretty awesome, they have a high quality music video and they have recorded the song in a proper studio. The song just isn't that great.


    DiVOID is still my favorite. Their songs are awesome, and they did it with basically a zero budget and probably recorded it at home too. 

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