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Posts posted by paradoxal

  1. im someone who prefers buying band merch over actual music/dvds so i totally understand the logic of cheki. the idea of seeing my fav member in different looks and cute poses in pictures i can hold and play around with is totally cute.

    i just dont get when bands charge upwards of 1000yen like uh ???? its a fucking polaroid


    I think it's natural, till a certain point, buying chekis from band and changing with others, but overpricing it like some bands does isn't correct.

    I have saw not one, but lot of japanese fans with cheki(s) in front while eating food, like dating... This I think it's too much xD



    Bands usually start raising the prices of chekis only after they've reached a certain level of popularity. New bands usually charge around 500 yen, but more popular bands might charge even 1500 yen for one cheki. They don't necessarily want to raise the price that much, but it just simply prevents people from buying too many cheki at once. They can't produce infinite amounts of cheki, so if they can make 100 cheki for one concert, the higher pricing kind of guarantees that more people will get the chance to buy one.


    Everybody knows already that the material cost of one cheki is basically nonexistent, so chekis are basically just one more way to support the band you like. Nothing wrong with that imo :D

  2. @Wicked Teletubby, is that from the movie Perfume? the book is seriously so awesome, it's one of my favorite books and i love it so so so much


    That picture pretty much sums up my feelings towards X JAPAN nowadays. There's no way the album will be good, when the only incentive to do it is money, since apparently most of their fans buy anything they release.

  3. Especially considering Sex-Android have been doing their thing since the late '90s already and Lycaon only barely managed to keep it together for more than half a decade : ^ )


    Yeah, those guys have been doing their best  for almost 20 years, and they're still playing with those shitty new vk bands no one likes. 

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