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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. lol 16-seconds previews, what a tease. love both songs though.
  2. ditto, oshiete sensei is my favorite track out of everything so far ^^ it could totally have been a Belmosaic song :') usotsuki was kinda nice too, though i wished the piano accompaniment in the background hadn't been so muffled. kanden is the sort of track that will probably work out well in lives, but... it's just strange to listen to it on record XD as things stand i may just use an online proxy and buy it together with some other stuff i'm planning to get at the end of Feb, but thanks for the offer!
  3. ehh not really my thing to be honest ._. but i don't think it'll really matter in the end cuz my irrational self will convince me to get it anyway (*_*) i'm more interested in hearing tracks 1 and 3 actually.
  4. hmm i like this more than the amber bullet original. also w.r.t. the 4 types thing: in this case Type A has everything one needs, so i don't particularly mind. the other types are there for fans/completionists to collect more than anything else.
  5. ^ yeah lol i saw that. wonder how much they'll lose from falling cheki sales
  6. hiroki

    「ALive」 1. 花鳥風月 2. ALive 3. 春恋 4. JUMPER 5. 冬の天使 6. White Heart 7. Lair Lion~真実の口~ 8. Dilemma 9. 夢ネイロ 10. One step!! Preview of their live-limited single 「冬の天使」
  7. hiroki

    PV of upcoming single
  8. hiroki

    Sad to see you go. Hope everything goes well for you and come back and say hi from time to time!
  9. looking for someone in Tokyo who can go for a live on 26/2 (Thursday) 5pm for me. I'll pay for the ticket. PM if you can help or know someone who can, thanks!

  10. hiroki

    hmm, to be fair, the last time something went wrong with my foobar scrobbler (it was giving me some "API key suspended" message), i contacted the last.fm staff and they got back to me within a few days. i was kinda surprised since almost everyone i know says terrible things about them. that said, there was once started a thread to give some suggestions on how to manage scrobbling multiple artists with the same name, but none of the staff responded and my thread died *shrug* so it's a matter of luck i guess? i'll be quite sad if last.fm dies cuz i made quite a lot of friends there, some of whom i still chat to frequently. and like Ikna said it's an efficient way to find new artists, manage track statistics (though i suppose you can do that locally), etc. well, if/when that day comes, i think everyone will realize what a waste of time it was to squabble over stuff like whether Raphael or Raphael is the "correct tag" XD
  11. hiroki

    thinking aloud to myself here.. a big part of what's irreplaceably precious about being fellow fans of a vk band, at least for me, is the sense that we can look forward to the next release together; the excitement that accompanies trivial or even stupid things band members do; the capacity to get a kind of joy out of just talking about the band that others will probably deem irrational; the audacity to be totally crazy about the band and not be afraid to show it in front of others (especially those who are comically allergic to vk); the assurance that there will at least be one other person beside us to mourn a member's departure; and a shoulder to cry on when the band eventually disbands. most importantly, it's also the tacit knowledge that there's someone out there who quietly knows how much a band means to me. as an example, when Xepher announced their disbandment i hardly said anything since i hate to be melodramatic about stuff like this, in spite of which i received messages from some really sweet people (some of whom i've never met before) asking if i was ok cuz they knew how much it must have hurt inside. i get tetchy when chatting about vk with a close friend irl (we like similar bands) who makes me feel as if i'm talking someone who's tackling a differential geometry problem with a straight face. sometimes i kinda wish they can show a tad more emotional intensity cuz it's not supposed to an exercise in rationality in the first place *shrugs* we can chalk it all up to a matter of personality or temperament, but i don't think it's just that.
  12. hiroki

    always the vocalist for me. like benibana, lyrics mean a lot to me, and for that reason i usually can't really stand songs with too much cheesy/lame lyrics or undecipherable harsh vocals. conversely a song can be simple or even uninventive in its instrumentation, but if the vocals are good and its lyrics move me i'll probably love it to death.
  13. hiroki

    haven't watched anime in years, but some of the most memorable OP/EDs for me. most of these are "classics" anyway so i think people will know them ^^; Hikaru no Go ED1 - ボクらの冒険 / Kids Alive. (this will always always be one of my favorite songs) ZOIDS OP - Wild Flowers / RAMAR Hunter x Hunter OP - おはよう。 / Keno D・N・Angel OP - 白夜 ~True Light~ / 宮本駿一 AIR OP - 鳥の詩 / Lia
  14. http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_462385911.html?_SRC=li_i0 LOL glad to know Tomo is loved this much
    1. Tetora


      The Mona Lisa of cheki...

    2. inartistic
    3. kyoselflove


      Someone doesn't know how to bid. Or they are just crazy ....and rich.

    4. Show next comments  198 more
  15. not a fan of the titles, but preview sounds pretty gd.
  16. hiroki

    dunno who this group is but i clicked on this thread cuz of the 'modern classical' tag, so pardon my ignorance XD the first 2 previews are amazing, and it's a plus for me that they don't sound as anti-structuralist as most "modern classical" stuff i've heard, which i've come to intuitively associate with the "reactionary" avant-garde that try to banish as many established forms as they can from their music. the 3rd preview on the other hand is slightly too minimalist for me..
  17. they just get better and better. i'm speechless :<
  18. hiroki

    and what would an "unbiased review" look like? one that mechanically intersperses every line praising the album with another that points out some defect in it? or one that's written in passive voice and as academically expressed as possible? the first is a stylistic preference and the second is just an annoying attempt to make an opinion look like The Truth; neither of which is any more or less biased than blackdoll's review. also if you're already adamant that it'll be a waste of your time to listen to this album even before you've listened to it, then i don't think you should. not sure what else is there to "accurately evaluate" lol. sakura seven alr said that everyone has their biases... well that's yours. #just-saying
  19. hiroki

    wow takeru o.o; think i'll be getting this. btw they just posted an announcement on their OHP that Takeru needs to rest for a month or so after surgery for his tonsilitis see http://sug-web.jp/info_article.asp?id=449
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