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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    wow i didn't know that! cool i'm also glad you mentioned HAZZE. i only listened to them after Purple Stone formed, and they're soooooo good ;w; it's a shame their CDs are impossible to find now. i wish i found out about them earlier i really look forward to their new songs as well!! keiya mentioned they will be performing a new song at their presents live on 27/3, so hopefully they announce a new release on that day! i also notice that all CRIMZON bands (incl. Gimmick. and Shonenki) don't pump out releases that frequently - it's usually at a rate of 1-2 releases per year. i don't mind at all as long as they are consistently good (as they have been until now) what's everyone's favorite song?
  2. hiroki

    Purple Stone (2013 - present) Vo. keiya (twitter) Ba. 風麻 (FUMA) (twitter) Gt.&Programming. GAK (twitter) Support Dr. スピカ (Spica) (twitter) Purple Stone began their activities on March 30th, 2013, and are based in Osaka. They're currently under the label CRIMZON, a subsidiary of GIZA studio. The band's OHP is here, and their discography here. ========================================== Ok. Now can we talk about how amazing they are?
  3. hiroki

    I disagree that it's pointless news. If you want it badly enough there are always ways to get it - as long as it's a band that operates in Tokyo/Osaka, there's a low but significant chance you can find someone who's going to the live to buy it for you, or even to go to the live on your behalf. I've done that before. People may think it's kinda silly; but if you want it badly enough, who cares what others think? If all else fails, stalk shops/auctions for a copy. If we eliminate all news of live-limited releases, most of us wouldn't even be aware that they exist in the first place. Another point: live-limited releases don't only affect foreign fans, so we should disabuse ourselves of this 'us vs them' notion. I have a friend living in Hokkaido who's a huge Xepher fan but couldn't go for any of their lives until their final one-man where she had to leave her graduation ceremony early to fly down to Osaka from Shin-Chitose. A lot of Japanese fans share our sentiments w.r.t. live-limited releases.
  4. hiroki

    The "potential market" you have in mind is disproportionately larger than the one that actually exists. Making a release easier to get is actually the best way to kill demand since someone can simply buy it and upload a rip publicly or share it with everyone who wants it. Not only are live-limited releases harder to procure, they are also less likely to be shared due to a variety of pragmatic and psychological reasons. (I'll also note here that a good proportion of people who complain about live-limited releases probably won't buy them even if they are a few clicks away, but would instead wait for someone else to buy and upload a rip. I'm not referring to specific people; it's just the way things work today.) Also, don't forget that physical/online CD shops get a cut of the sales, so there's that too. Live tickets have always been and will continue to be the main profit avenue for bands, so it makes the most sense to maximize it. Chekis too, but obviously someone has to be at the live before he/she can buy chekis.
  5. Shintaro just posted this on his youtube channel i'm excited!
  6. hiroki

    oh no hope they find him soon.
  7. hiroki

    Casio Privia PX-350 i have an upright piano in the living room but since i mostly work in my room it'll be a lot more convenient having a good digital piano right beside me
  8. lol idk whether to feel more for lycaon's fans or those parading their idiocy in this thread
  9. hiroki

    i'll miss them.
  10. Feedback: I got my items today. Michi M. is extremely friendly and helpful, replies promptly to all requests, and tremendously reliable. I'll definitely use her shopping service again if there's the opportunity. Amazing service that I'll highly recommended!
  11. yay!!! edit: omg that new look.
  12. hiroki

    well my last music-related buy was a Guild distro from puresound which turned out to be a blank CD-R :< honestly i wasn't hopeful for anything when i contacted them, but they actually offered to refund via points, which was really nice.
  13. haha what's so surprising about having a truck? o.o; btw it isn't really "their" truck, they probably just rented it for a week or so to promote their new single + tour. it's on their label's website as well: http://goemon-records.com/news/%E3%80%90%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AB%E3%83%B3-%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0release%E6%83%85%E5%A0%B1%EF%BC%86%E3%83%AF%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E6%83%85%E5%A0%B1%E3%80%91/ ===================== 【2/24(火)~3/4(水)ジレンマ 4トンワイドアドトラック都内走行決定!】 ===================== speaking of spoofs, Aki did post some for giggles: lol.. as for the single: i'm still waiting for my copy, so no comments for now.
  14. hiroki

    new look: <3
  15. hiroki

    great news. loved all their singles so far.
  16. no thank god they aren't it's a side-project. Tomo and Rui alr had another side project before this called 大根団地 but those releases were fan-club limited.
  17. hiroki

    they just released the full PV of this after 1 year+ haha
  18. hiroki

    SPELL BOX will disband after their one man live on 2015.04.19 at Shinjuku RUIDO K4. Source: http://ameblo.jp/toshiki-blue/entry-11992301673.html :( :(
  19. yeah i saw they had a 重大発表 today and thought it would be something happy since Shuuta was telling fans earlier today not to think much of it. i don't think most fans expected this. 全然受け入れられない (;ω;)
  20. i've always been a big fan of Ritsu. real heartbreaking to see him retire.
  21. hiroki

    oh god i'm so happy to see Syouta back, even if it's just a session. all his fans were devastated when he deleted his twitter last month ;_;
  22. looping milia∞ all day and niteeee~( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ ♪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up2FG52K1N0

    1. Tetora


      Last night I logged on Last.fm while you and Cirrusly were looping this song in unison... I was like 'Whoa'.

    2. cirrus
    3. cirrus


      Milia∞ is awesomeeeee

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