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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    haha the intro caught me by surprise (i think i missed the previous preview?), but a really nice song overall. both the sound and visuals are more "urban" than most of their previous releases. i think i can say now that i'll like this more than their last 2-3 singles, but how it compares with ZERO ONE is a question that can only be answered when this album's out. at this point i suspect they are too conceptually different for any meaningful prediction lol. really looking forward to it
  2. hiroki

    1 PEAK HOLD 223 2 Cross hearT 51 3 HAZZE 46
  3. hiroki

    This is a sudden announcement, but ZORO will disband on 2015.05.05. There's no regret in this decision, since it had been made precisely because ZORO is more important than anything else and is what we love most. This definitely wasn't an answer that I can give alone; it's one that Tatsuhi and I came up with together. I'll make a promise here. Until our final live on 2015.05.05, ZORO will become even better [than we've been]. We'll end in the best way we can. To all who have been supporting us, thank you. -Ryuuji For 7 years we've kept things going till now. Thanks to the support of various people, and most importantly everyone who has cheered us on, we could continue ZORO hitherto. I also won't have any regrets in our decision to disband. We'll keep going till the end. And we'll continue to bring great music to everyone till the end. -Tatsuhi (took some liberties with certain parts as it's real difficult to type on mobile..)
  4. hiroki

    oh yes, finally something that isn't live-limited XD
  5. glad they look more like early DELUHI than current giru
  6. hiroki

    got some feedback that my WTB post was too messy so i updated it, leaving only items that i want badly ^^
  7. hiroki

    not a big fan of their releases after 「夢」 ~ムゲンノカナタ~ but still really sad to see them go, if only because they were one of my biggest obsessions in 2009-2010. i still remember skipping school just to take a train down to suburban Osaka to get an autographed poster on release day XD now if they can come together and start "from the beginning" (as their latest double A-side suggests) i'll be happy to back them again
  8. HAL's voice is gd enough to produce the intensity this kind of music needs without the need for all the fake scars and unnecessary "hey look, we're dark and br00tal now" implements. hopefully they aren't doing it just because others are doing it ;<
  9. seems like all members compose, so hopefully this wouldn't affect their overall sound.
  10. awful news. he didn't mention why exactly, only something along the lines of 'it has become clear i must do this'... btw the band will continue activities with support members after his departure.
  11. wow this just ruined the rest of my week. omg whyyy? T_T hope yuuji goes on to form a new band.
  12. hiroki

    the DVD is a collection of all the PVs they have released until now, not just the PV for Steady. i do think it's a bit unfortunate they don't have a separate edition with just the track for people like me who don't care about the DVD lol.
  13. welp they've gotta be pretty talented if they "dont care their sound" [sic] and are "still enjoyable" also lol at that non sequitur at the end of your post.
  14. hiroki

    omg yuu's back :') hope they form a new band! ^^
  15. when was the last time a vk band released 4 minis in a row? haha. well i'm sure this will be as good as the other 3!
  16. hiroki

    great! btw what happened to their single which they were supposedly releasing last month? o.o oh nvm i answered my own question.
  17. hiroki

    yeah me too... ever since they renamed/re-banded it seems like their popularity dropped even further, and it wasn't as if they were popular to begin with :< the physical copies of their 2 singles were basically unfindable; and i had no choice but to download iTunes (*shudders*) to buy them ._. also kinda depressing that they didn't sing "early" in their last(?) live, i loved that song..
  18. hiroki

    here's also hoping that Rey joins them officially. had mixed feelings about CORE but i really enjoyed Supernova. it's my favorite single since NOAH tbh.
  19. hiroki

    oh sad to hear that. hopefully they return one day..
  20. omfg, CodeRebirth's keita? Edit: wow ok i'm speechless lol.
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