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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    No idea where to post this so i'll just do it here since it's most important/relevant to uploaders. If you share iTunes purchases, make sure your iTMS Scrubber is updated. Apparently iTunes has sneakily added a new DRM field called "owner" which extracts your full name from your OS system files. This field is currently not erased by iTMS Scrubber v2.3 (for Windows), which is the version I believe most of us are using. I verified this by making a purchase 20 minutes ago and running the Scrubber, and my name wasn't erased. Here are the steps to manually update your Scrubber - you only have to perform it once. Open itms-scrubber.cmd in Notepad or a text editor. If you're unable to see the "Open with..." option, go to Folder Options in your Control Panel, unhide file extensions for known file types, and append .txt to your itms-scrubber.cmd to force-open it in Notepad. Now the 6th line of the code should read: FOR /R %%f IN (*.m4*) DO START /W tools\atomicparsley-utf8 "%%f" --DeepScan --manualAtomRemove moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.pinf --manualAtomRemove moov.trak[2].mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.pinf --manualAtomRemove moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.UUID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.apID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.sfID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.purd --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.Xtra --freefree 0 -W Replace this with: FOR /R %%f IN (*.m4*) DO START /W tools\atomicparsley-utf8 "%%f" --DeepScan --manualAtomRemove moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.pinf --manualAtomRemove moov.trak[2].mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.pinf --manualAtomRemove moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.UUID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.apID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.sfID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.purd --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.Xtra --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.ownr --freefree 0 -W You can toggle file extensions off if you've previously shown them to edit the file. That's all, the scrubber should remove the new field now. Steps should be similar for Mac version, though I'm unable to confirm that since I'm on Windows. Hope this helps
  2. hiroki

    hello, welcome to MH and nice to see that you decided to make an introduction which country are you from? ^^ hope you can find a lot more vk bands that you like, and please enjoy your stay here!
  3. i think 1 of my unregistered SAL parcels with 5 live-limited items got lost...

    1. JRD


      It took me 5 months for a SAL once... So don't lose hope!

    2. Minami


      OMG... That will be a tragedy! But i hope all will be ok!

  4. hiroki

    omg this so much. if seeing a band you dislike disband actually makes you feel good, i'm afraid there's something seriously wrong with you. and if you simply don't care, why even bother to comment? leave their fans alone tyvm.
  5. hiroki

    thanks for your invaluable input as always.
  6. hiroki

    i have to agree that there's a sense in which the contentious nature of stuff posted in here is precisely what generates so much interesting discussion that we hardly see in other threads. of course, it's a precious fine margin between healthy exchange of opinions (and being assertive while you're at it) and unhealthy mudslinging, but as far as i can tell the 'regulars' here are mature enough to tell one from the other and being sensible/respectful about stuff in general.
  7. hiroki

    I could just copy+paste my entire list of favorite bands here but that would be quite pointless. for now, some reasonably popular/iconic VK (this word demands emphasis) bands i would love to see have their banners are: - vistlip - xTRiPx - ALSDEAD - Blu-BiLLioN - DELUHI - Kagrra, - RoNo☆Cro - Royz (if only just to spite their throngs of haters here )
  8. hiroki

    Feedback: i received my items today and everything was in great condition. thank you sweetholm
  9. admittedly i haven't heard much of Schiff's playing before, but i like what i'm hearing above. i recall the days where I had sworn to get away from Bach as far as possible (a natural consequence of being 'forced' to practice nothing but his third Partita lol), but on hindsight i wished i had spent more time on Bach. on the topic of interpretation, i tend to agree with you. although i must say one of my pet peeves is playing too fast, and by that i mean being ridiculously off-tempo - a case in point being Lang Lang's rather infamous performance of the second of Rachmaninoff's Op.23 preludes: i have no idea what on earth he's thinking...? which is unfortunate, since that's incidentally my favorite Rach prelude (a piece with some fond memories of my teacher). i believe Ashkenazy's recording is one of those that does it justice, as is usually the case with the other pieces of the Russian greats. somehow he has a knack for evoking the grandeur but simultaneously managing the details of pieces like that. there is however just one exception i will grant. and that's when the ostensibly messed-up tempo results not from overzealousness or lack of control or anything of that sort, but something internal to the interpretation itself. i can't describe this very well, but exemplary of what i mean is probably Dinu Lipatti's timeless recording of Chopin's C#m waltz: the quality of recording notwithstanding (after all it was from 1950), no other recording of this piece even comes close to matching his gradation of textures, the subtlety in control, and just the general sense of how natural the entire waltz feels and flows from one section to the next despite his rather radical tempo changes. it was a great loss that he died really young at 33 and couldn't leave more of his wonderful recordings for us :< finally, i'm not sure if you've seen this - i found it hilarious haha.
  10. Waldstein is arguably my favorite of the various Beethoven late sonatas (Appassionata is a very close second). I like Gilel's rendition that you shared, as well as some by other very capable pianists, although I must say no one can quite give me the same feel as Arrau's rendition: i know many people have criticized Arrau for being needlessly ponderous and overly deliberate with his playing, yet there's something about his introspective attitude that i feel squares really well with Beethoven later (i.e. his more 'romantic') sonatas. i remember one of my music teachers telling me a long time ago that the hardest thing to do is not just to play through the difficult passages, but to do so while not letting the technicality of those passages disclose itself, and i think it's precisely that Arrau is amazing at. (for instance, it's astounding how sweet and elegant he makes the technically insane Prestissimo passages at the end of the 3rd movement..) of course, the funny thing is that Arrau used to be one of the most technically flamboyant pianists when he was younger (his early recordings of Liszt's Transcendental Etudes were even more explosive than Cziffra's lol), but i guess yeah, that's what the death of someone who's really close can do to you.
  11. hiroki

    awww i liked "Black Klaxon"
  12. if you can update the first post with an actual list of lives you'll be going to, it'll be very helpful for ppl who might be interested just a suggestion though.
  13. ooo this is much nicer than their first song
  14. hiroki

    ^ yay! that's hands down my favorite song from their mini-album.. it sounds like a fusion of RUVISH and baroque
  15. hiroki

    the tune's actually really nice imo. now if only yomi doesn't sound like a duck in the chorus i think it'll be much better i'm struggling to understand why his vocals have become like this since the past couple of releases, when his chest voice wasn't anything like this before that. if it's actually intentional on his part i'm seriously upset.
  16. hiroki

    here only cuz of the Resist and LucaRia guys :')
  17. love their look, hope preview is nice too
  18. hiroki

    i'm a big AKi fan... but gotta say SID sounds so much better D:
  19. ^ thanks sai. honestly though, i hope this can be more consistently enforced - apparently there are some people on MH who always have an irrepressible need to go into every news thread about bands they clearly don't care about and leave a slew of retarded remarks.
  20. i'm still reeling from the pain of Xepher's disbandment, and now this. i dont even know what to say anymore.
  21. great, time to release something that is NOT live-limited :<
  22. hiroki

    sound nice enough to order
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