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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. oops didn't notice there was alr a thread for this since i only have kazuki followed and he just posted this XD can't wait. (not sure what's the doll head all about though..)
  2. I think by "bonus" nagaram meant what's different across "editions" of the same release (e.g. Limited Edition A = live footage; Limited Edition B = PV; Regular Edition = bonus track). I might be wrong, but I don't think he meant bonus as in 特典 because that's frankly impossible to keep track off lol (even photosets/comment dvds vary across every shop, and a single shop can change from bonus A to bonus B when A runs out, e.g. autographed photos).
  3. hiroki

    Dates of their 3-month consecutive releases: 1st release: 10/27 2nd release: 11/13 3rd release: 12/15 Source: Newsletter CANNOT WAIT. (Edit: they might be live-limited >.<)
  4. Definitely Capella - it's a shame they disbanded. Hopefully Bon joins a new band soon. I haven't heard much from the other Starwave bands though (mainly cuz they don't look like bands I'll enjoy - although looks can be deceiving...)
  5. hiroki

    Ehhh, only people who have participated in this thread can be card-carrying members!
  6. need to stop hoarding shohei chekis ._.

  7. hiroki

    Every single band you have mentioned sounds different from the others. I don't even like the GazettE nor listen to them much anymore (well, not as much as I used to); but to say that these 5 bands sound the same is honestly quite mind-boggling. Although I guess this isn't as preposterous an assertion as some other claims I've heard - namely, "ALL oshare bands sound the same," or "ALL neo-vk sounds the same" - which I simply can't take seriously because (i) these people probably haven't heard a significant portion of what constitutes "oshare" music, let alone "ALL"; and (ii) it's just a lazy way of dismissing a kind of music they don't (happen to) like.
  8. their mini album was difficult enough to find lol >.< they look amazing (*_*)
  9. hiroki

    were the songs "蛍火" and "pallet" ever officially released? i always see them on setlists too (e.g. during their coupling tour with LUCHe.)
  10. hiroki

    ^ Thanks for taking the time to clear that up. What you're saying then is that in theory (in both senses of the word), atonality, dissonance, and other contemporary innovations have opened up new possibilities that challenge traditional forms - which you call a "progression". In that case I don't think there's any disagreement between us except a very trivial verbal difference; because what you call "progression" I call "change". The widening of horizons (as an objective matter-of-fact observation) is also quite frankly indisputable, and it can be sketched out quite nicely without any reference to "progress" (in the strong sense).
  11. hiroki

    Interesting take. I'll just respond to this very briefly as I don't have much time. If I haven't misinterpreted what you're saying (which I hope I haven't), you're suggesting that there are two kinds of "progress" at stake - firstly, one that is based on individual value judgment ("good" or "bad"); and another that's based on some kind of adopted standard by a particular community with the relevant authority (scholars, musicologists, etc.) The question I'll ask is whether it's even possible to parcel out the definition of "progress" in the way you've done, because for me "progress" invariably implicates a value judgment. In other words, when you say B represents a progress over A, the implication is that A => B represents a trajectory leading us to an end-state that's somehow more favorable than where we've begun. You mentioned that Schoenberg's shift to atonality is a "fresh take" that "[yields] a greater understanding of music and the relation of notes", by virtue of which it is progress. But this assertion presupposes that to have twelve-tone technique in the contemporary musical repertoire is better than not having it and being "constrained" by traditional fugal harmonies, conventional cadences, etc. This claim is true only if we accept the unstated premise that more diversity is good. It is not on the surface of the argument (B is better than A), but at the level of this underlying principle (having both A and B is better than having A alone) where the normative element is being smuggled in, the latter being a principle that's by no means universal nor totally uncontroversial (just talk to any of the conservative music scholars for starters). Put differently, with Schoenberg we can only say there is a proliferation of difference (or what the French philosopher Lyotard calls "accumulation of knowledge" in the context of technological "progress"); to equate this "accumulation" to progress is to assume there is a transcendental criterion by which "more" is adjudged to be "good". In short: yes, there is change and accumulation and diversity. But to equate any or all of these to progress is to lapse into making a normative claim. Just my 2c (And btw I do happen to believe that more diversity is good, lol)
  12. Samples are now available on their OHP: http://purplestone.jp/discography.html#1stsingle Image change aside, I still love what I'm hearing
  13. hiroki

    1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? I've never felt like I'm entitled to free music. In fact I believe no one is, and the reason is simple. For all the high-flatulent rhetoric about music being an art form and the idealized/oversentimental opinion that like all art, music must be free from all monetary associations, it is a fact that music exists in our society as a commodity whether we like or not. That doesn't mean musicians are prohibited from giving away music for free; it just means that no one, in virtue of their status as consumers, should demand to get music for free. The fact that music isn't a perishable commodity (akin to, say, potato chips or MRI machines) only distracts from this reality. 2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band? People have the right to refuse to share anything that they own. Let me be clearer. I'm not saying that consumers own the rights to the content (obviously they don't), but they do get to decide what they want to do with music in the form of a physical product (CD, VHS, whatever)--they can share it with everyone, or keep it to themselves, or sell it at 5 times the retail price, or feed it to their hamster. If they are deprived of even this fundamental right to decide what to do with the thing they buy, why would anyone even buy anything in the first place? 3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it? Even if both my friend and I own the same release, I have the right to not share mine but this right doesn't extend to demanding him not to share his. 4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities? No comments on this, since I don't know "other communities" well enough to make any sort of meaningful comparison. 5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD? Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip? I admit that it used to be the case that I'm frustrated when I see 128 rips floating around and there was no way to find a better quality rip. This frustration stems mainly from people not providing good rips because they aren't familiar on ripping, encoding, etc. So it's sort of an unfortunate accident that we get these bad rips. But I do feel that if people really know what they're doing, they definitely have the right to share in lower bitrates to encourage others to purchase the CD. How effective is it? That's a separate question. Again, because they own it, they get to decide. I can request, but if I don't own the CD there's no entitlement to speak of. 6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction? Not frequently, but most of the time I feel people usually understand why I might not want to share something. Other tangential remarks: Often I find people way too obsessed with what others do with their music; those who refuse to share their music are branded "elitists" and those who don't buy their music are "leechers". A lot of these finger-pointing obscures how we should actually be buying the CD if we like the music enough and have the means to. Without blatantly endorsing piracy I do believe there's a place for sharing (mainly because it's not humanly possible to own ALL music that one likes), but this isn't incompatible with my belief that everyone should buy music insofar as they can afford it - simply because if no one buys, then no more music will be produced. Another thing: as someone who has uploaded a fair bit of music, I think I don't only speak for myself when I say that the purported "glamor" and "reputation" of uploaders are ridiculously overstated. There's very little "benefit" (if at all) of sharing music that we own, and we lose nothing at all if we ever decide to stop sharing. Most of the time people share something because they hope to interest the community and they act out of their own goodwill, not because they feel as if they have a moral duty to do so. Hell no. I return you to my comments that any such sense of entitlement is nothing short of delusional.
  14. hiroki

    I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I'm not gonna pretend that I can read anyone's mind, but it does feel as if Satoshi indeed enjoys the kind of music REDMAN does more - and that giru is only returning to the more metalcore-ish sound (of gravitation) as a reaction against the backlash the band had suffered for going down the poppier route.
  15. I honestly spend more time pondering how to best organize my collection than on my exams orz. What's worse is that I'm *extremely* OCD about keeping stuff as organized as possible so I go to get lengths to ensure my collection is as "perfect" as possible: not only discography-wise, but also pointless things like making sure all CDs come with obi, replace scratched jewel cases, standardize the CD plastic wrap, etc. Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records) Save for a very small number of 8cm records (maybe 3-4) and releases in long cases (e.g. PLUNKLOCK and Fi'Ance.) my entire collection is almost fully 12cm CD releases. Beside my working space I have an IKEA CD rack with just the right amount of space between partitions to hold CDs without wasting too much space. Unfortunately it can only hold 500 CDs. Once I filled the rack entirely I started to stuff CDs in the 3 mega book shelves behind me which, needless to say, ran out of space in no time (partly cuz there was only ~20% space left in the first place). More recently I've begun to pile CDs in an unused closet above my wardrobe - this was meant to be temporary solution, although I realized subsequently that it was a good place to hide at least a part of collection so my parents don't notice the insane number of stuff I own and murder me XD In my storeroom there are another 4 or 5 boxes of older releases brought over from my old house that I still haven't had the time to sort out after several years. Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS) I don't have these. Thankfully. Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...) I don't buy digital music from iTunes, but I have ripped part of my collection into digital form. I also have a FLAC archive slightly in excess of 3TB that I spread over 4 externals HDD and hardly touch. My everyday music library is under 1TB so that fits nicely into the main HDD on my PC. For now I don't have much issues with space for my digital collection. For now. Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...) Oh god, where do I start. I have all my CDs wrapped, so obis naturally go along with the CDs rather than being kept separately. I have an unwieldy number of signed posters, some of which laminated. The ones that mean the most to me go up on the wall, but there's only enough wall space in my room to put up about 4-5 at any one time. I have a limited number of chekis, which will eventually go into a folder that I've bought. Photosets are one of my biggest problems. Over the years I've amassed hundreds of sets, which I keep sealed separately with a tiny sticker on each wrap indicating the group/release/number of photos. Autographed photosets are packaged separately to prevent smudging of ink. Postcards go into another box. Ditto trading cards. And then there's a box with the rest of the miscellaneous stuff like badges, stickers, etc. that either came with CDs I bought or somehow found their way into my collection mysteriously (yeah right ._.) Other Stuff You Collect Nothing much really. Even if I had wanted to I seriously doubt I have the money, time, or energy. Summary Terrible [2]
  16. hiroki

    Welcome! Your English is perfectly fine ^^ Hope to see you around MH
  17. Absolutely love the PV spot. Need this CD asap.
  18. hiroki

    Did you order from CDJapan? If you did it's possible for you to add more items to existing open orders.
  19. hiroki

    Awww I already have that (although if I'd known earlier I would have bought yours instead of a new copy from Little Hearts XD) Thanks for asking though.
  20. hiroki

    Last updated 2017.02.08. List of items I'm rather desperate for. Items in red have utmost priority. Small caveat: Generally I'm only interested in CDs with obi intact (if they originally come with one). Prices are negotiable, but don't be unreasonable. Do PM me in any case if you have any of the following for sale, or know someone who has i will be forever indebted to you. --- ArcrêveFaire ミチシルベ Anima オベリスク ランダムハイスコア マジックver Anli Pollicino PRIDE A≠ris Snow Rain ヒカリ AsteL the DAYBREAK / Airy Veil (Type STARGAZER, sold at their final 2 lives on 2014.11.17 and 2014.11.19 ATRUS MONSTER 夏恋花火 BLACK CAT スノウホワイト, sold at their final live on 2013.02.22 Black September 壊れかけたメロディ Labyrinth Sky white dawn DIALITE nanoscape Dianslave STAR GATE Diz プルメリア 魅惑のMEW Emu. 星屑palette faice Act[L]ess GARDE Everything GLARENOVEL 人間感殺/一つの物語 HAZZE Live-limited Mini album released 2010/10 ヒカリト (hikarito) Everything I'Z Love Honey Chocolate Kiss kate (ケイト) (ex-Neo) Starry Starry Night, released at his acoustic live on 2013.09.16 @ 原宿 ASTRO HALL LANDZ live-limited release on 2014.2.12 @ 池袋EDGE 物販 live-limited release on 2014.7.26 @ TSUTAYA O-WEST, which was their disbandment live. i think there were 2 types of ongen distributed to fans that day - whatever they are i want them. Lieluck Chain Neo CRONOSS neon. picture one's future starry lovers メルトダウン Nobady Duodecim live distro 2014.05.27 @ 大阪RUIDO live distro 2014.05.28 @ 名古屋 MUSIC FARM (should be different from the one above) PEAK HOLD シンドローム phase faith WILL PLUS MAGIC live distro 2015.04.08 POPCORE Coredrop. (distributed 2011.10.11 at their 主催) ワスレナミダ (distributed 2012.04.07 at their one man) Pastel Crayon レヴァリー (Revary) Everything SaT SaT Party (3 types: S盤, A盤, T盤) トラブルメーカー! (distributed on 2011.11.12 @ 高田馬場AREA one man) Silver Lining LAST Silver SPELL BOX reflection SwallowtaiL-スワロウテイル- 夕凪 SWEEP THE BOARD Neon Theia all live-limited releases Tokyo Shitei (「東京指定」) their 2 live-limited releases at disbandment live on 2012.10.03 @ 高田馬場AREA 物販 (type-A, type- 渋谷/蓮 session CD released on 2016.02.21 VARED レゾンデートル an omnibus single distributed on 2013.12.23 @ VARED×Shelly 2MAN at 金沢AZ Visper Ray (remix ver.) ViV HAPPY LIFE PETER PAN Z-Force Never Fade (V.A) Any of the VISUAL GRAFFITI Vol.4 live-distributed CDs given out at the CRIMZON 3-man live, especially Purple Stone's "Vanity Angel" Always collecting chekis of - Purple Stone's keiya - LAGLESS's DOG
  21. Hello all. I've decided to start a "general WTB thread" which serves to pull together the random WTB threads that tend to get lost in the mess of this section after a while. As the title suggests, people who want to buy specific CD/DVD releases (perhaps even merchandise?) can make a post below with a list of items you're looking for. If you successfully find a seller, make sure to edit your original post. Hopefully this also makes things easier for people who have a massive collection/inventory of items to sell but don't have time to make a full list (I'm looking at Biopanda ) If this works out as planned, maybe a mod can sticky it?
  22. hiroki

    4 months of auction-stalking paid off and I finally got my hands on My Fairytale's live-limited single |DD (i knew something good had to happen to compensate for stupidly deleting my completed thesis draft by accident...)
  23. hiroki

    yeah i'm aware of that. but it matters for fans who would like to collect their entire discography including the live-limited stuff for memory's sake x.x
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