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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. well the kanji 墓穴 has two possible romanizations and both are correct and mean the same thing (grave).. it's just that for this release the one arlequin's using is "haka-ana" instead of "boketsu" (you can hear this in the lyrics as well if you pay attention to what Aki sings) ^^
  2. hiroki

    Dolly's Tricolor Opera series. Like, finally. Also shopping on Amazon for some books
  3. hiroki

    I was just thinking the same thing XD and wtf I totally forgot to order their "0th single" and now it's sold out... rawr.
  4. hiroki

    ...and there will be Types A to X.
  5. lol, seems like Lyvia's still not done with his Lelouch thing. i think he's a good fit for this band though.
  6. hiroki

    lol, how does that make them "dumb fangirls"? if you like them for the music, good for you, people can always like them for other reasons. imo there isn't a universally "correct" way to like a band. ironically if it weren't for these so-called "dumb fangirls" who pay to attend events and buy merchandise, MEJIBRAY prolly won't be around anymore today to make music for the armchair connoisseurs. as for BABYMETAL, i personally don't know of anyone who exclusively listens to heavy music liking their sound. in other words it seems to me that they're more like a novel variant of idol pop that's "based" on metal if that makes any sense. i can't really get into their sound tbh, but i guess i can see why others may find this combination refreshing/interesting. since there are enough BABYMETAL fans on MH i'll leave it to them to explain what the hype is all about XD
  7. hiroki

    Afaik Ray℃ is no more, but they have formed a new band オトイロハ (Otoiroha). OHP is here.
  8. hiroki

    i miss them too ;_; didn't really like some of their earlier releases tbh but their album won me over. they will be making a major announcement during their one-man on 8/22 so we'll see..
  9. hiroki

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat
  10. So.. their two "videos" featuring others' videos of vistlip PVs have been taken down. If that's because Marvelous Entertainment reported the links I'll laugh my ass off.
  11. hiroki

    Hopefully we can see you back one day. Take care!
  12. hiroki

    そうだよね、僕も同感。。。  まあ、国籍や人種によって思考と習慣がきっと違うことがもちろん分かるけど、どうしても納得できない行為(つばを吐き捨てなど)を見ると気持ち悪くなる時もたまにある。それは差別なんてない、マナーの問題でしょ、笑。 同じ社会に住んでるからには、自分の責任を自覚するのが大切だと思う。 でも、正直、シンガポール人が周りの環境を大切にするからみんな環境を守ろうとしてるというよりも、ここの法律が厳しいからね。例えば電車の中で水を飲むだけで罰金を払わされる、笑。(*_*) そういえば、僕が京都に留学したときのことを思い出した。ある日大学から寮に戻る途中、前の人が急に自転車を降りて、道沿いのゴミを両手で拾ってから近くのゴミ箱に捨てた。これを見た僕はそのとき本当に驚いたよ。そういうことはシンガポールでも絶対ないと思ってた。今省みれば、確かにそれも環境に対する態度と価値観の一つだと思えるね。おそらくどんなに厳しい法律の脅迫でも与えられないものかもしれない。
  13. hiroki

    wow I really really like this song it seems like they're returning to the lighter and more "romantic" style that characterized much of their earlier works ^^
  14. hiroki

    そうですね。。この間日本人の交換留学生と交流してる時先生に「敬語をどんどん使ってね!!」と言われて、結局ずいぶん違和感がある経験になってしまいました (>_<) 笑、敬語は教室で練習として使うならいいけどね。 日常用語を覚えておいたらやっぱり役立ちますねw じゃ、中国人との会話はいつも英語でしますか? 空気の質などの問題は中国人の友達からもよく聞いてます。本当に大変ですね。。。 実は僕が住んでるシンガポールでも、ここで生まれ育った中華系シンガポール人とここに移住された中国人との間で軋轢が数年前からずっと高まってきた (>_<) 確かに、文化的な違いがいっぱいあるという点が僕も良く分かるんです lol.
  15. hiroki

    wellll i don't really "hate" BORN, no, definitely not. hey i even enjoyed some releases (like "Blasted Animals" and "Mother") that got totally destroyed by 'popular opinion' XD still I find this particular title somewhat childish, shallow, and cheap. i dunno how else to describe it. surely they could do better? admittedly i'm rather ocd about titles, lyrics, and these "content"-related aspects of music - so i don't think the title should just be a proxy to grab someone's attention. honestly if vistlip releases something with this sort of title i'd be deeply ashamed to buy it because for me liking a band doesn't mean making me oblivious to their flaws or rendering them immune from my criticism. of course, the music might still be good and that may offset my annoyance of having a title like 'Son of a Bitch'... we'll see
  16. hiroki

    Welcome to MH! Enjoy your time here
  17. hiroki

    LOL. dat title.
  18. I'll just say that I'm surprised at many of the comments here. I lived in Japan for a good while and I've never experienced anything like that. I dunno if I'm just lucky, but if someone tells me he/she had been denigrated or mocked by a random stranger on the street... Japan's probably one of the last places that will come to mind. From my own experience - and I won't pretend that it's a universal experience of Being In Japan - I've observed that alienation is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. A lot of people feel that they won't be accepted *anyway* in a foreign land hence they make zero effort to know people in the local community. It's the same here where I live. We peer at foreigners in our midst and imagine that they won't want to be approached by us anyway, so we keep a distance from them and feel miserable at having been alienated "by them". Obviously there are instances where you do get rudely rebuffed, and that's unfortunate. Nonetheless this isn't a problem endemic to Japan - there are rude idiots everywhere. It's also no one's fault that there's always gonna be a language/culture barrier. This problem is compounded in Japan as they're generally not fluent in conversational English, and instead of embarrassing themselves they tend to avoid gaijin. Some people construe this as "being rude" but I don't because if I were in their shoes I'd probably have done that too. This brings up another problem I've noticed that's the opposite of the first - some visitors to Japan can be overzealous. Let's just say Japanese people generally don't like others (especially strangers) to be too in-your-face or direct, especially if they can already hardly understand what you're trying to say. For my part, rather than clenching my fist and whining that this barrier exists, I did everything I could to try and overcome it by learning their language. After all, I'm more interested in their culture/language than they are in mine, so why not? By and large things have worked out very well in my various interactions with natives. In any case, I would advise taking others' anecdotal "evidence" with a pinch of salt. Some people may have had bad experiences - and I'm sorry to hear that - but these aren't exemplary of what living in Japan as a non-Japanese feels like. The bottom line is that if you treat people in a way that you'd like to be treated, there shouldn't be problems. Edit: Regarding the topic, it's unanswerable because how would I know what living in Japan as a Japanese feels like? I believe this was basically what Ikna said as well - without knowing that there's no basis for comparison between the two "possible scenarios." However if I have a chance to move there permanently (and that's different from "wishing I'm Japanese") I think I'll be happy to do so
  19. hiroki

    ああごめん、日本人がほとんどいないっていうのは中国じゃなくてこのフォーラムです  北京で働いてるんですね!中国語喋れますか?それが私の母語だけど実際に中国に行ったことは一度もないな。笑
  20. hiroki

    lol! 今中国で働いてるんですか? ちなみに日本語喋れる人は結構いるけど、 日本人ならほとんどいなさそうですね^^
  21. hiroki

    awesome!! =D
  22. hiroki

    That made me feel so sad. I've always wanted a pet but I don't think I'll be able to take it when it dies. I remember vaguely that when I was really young (maybe 7 years old?) I kept a few mice as pets and unintentionally drowned one of them. That memory has haunted me ever since and until I can finally come to terms with this "scar" (assuming I do) I doubt I'll ever be able to own another pet. This probably sound like a joke to most of you, but well... omg I'm getting outta here now before I embarrass myself further..
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