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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. natsume <333333 anyway, i agree with jon_jonz. this is the flattest preview i've ever heard from them in a while. seems like a strangely disjointed version of their usual formula. good news though, is that this is just a preview and hopefully it isn't representative of the song or entire single.
  2. ^ that's so awesome. hope Shintaro comes back too!!
  3. hiroki

    Totally amazing, omg. It's probably a live-limited release though ;_;
  4. hiroki

    OMG noooo :'(
  5. hiroki

    wow.. it's rare to see someone with both DELUHI and LOST ASH in their fave bands list XD i like both these bands as well welcome to MH! anyway, for DELUHI, yeah.. even today I still feel like I haven't got over their disbandment entirely x.x
  6. hiroki

    hmm, according to my last.fm: 1 ケイト – Starry Starry Night 536 2 vistlip – Night Parade 486 3 Ray℃ – 木ノ葉 473 4 w-inds. – I Vs. I 448 5 Xepher – まほろば 439 6 vistlip – chapter:ask 417 7 vistlip – 影鬼 415 8 Xepher – lost eyes 397 9 LUCHe. – Neo innovation -Level.1- 393 10 Blu-BiLLioN – HELLO 380
  7. hiroki

    Aww Hope everything goes well with school (i know what it feels like XD) and that you'll be back soon ^^
  8. hiroki

    great news, but why does Chisa look so horrible? (imo anyway)
  9. hiroki

    i keep everything in plastic cd wraps to protect the CD cases from scratches, and also because i've got no time to clear the dust every few weeks x.x
  10. hiroki

    spent the last few days cleaning my cds so i took the chance to take a couple of photos i'm still trying to think of some way to keep all my stuff in the same place, but oh well. A~M: N~S (there are two more rows at the back which are obscured..) S~Z: my precious vistlip collection gets its own space : and the odd-sized stuff like CD-Rs, distros, long cases, etc.: and a couple more boxes in my storeroom which haven't been (and in all likelihood never will be) sorted out.
  11. hiroki

    i prefer aka over ayumu too lol, but i think we're in the minority anyway my favorite song by them is 紫苑 ^^ there are a few other songs i like e.g. メモリア, Trance worlD
  12. hiroki

    pretty sure it's japan-only cuz the only payment method they accept is bank transfer. although it's always possible to ask a shopping service to buy on your behalf.
  13. ^ flyers, comment dvds/cds, photosets, etc. are stuff that people get for free when buying the cds. in my case i've probably thrown away at least 20kg of flyers/magazines which was the better option instead of having them take up room that i could better use for other things, or for me to waste my time selling to other people. anyway, i don't see what's the big deal with cancelling the sale if he has a genuine problem with payment. it's unfortunate, since i was one of those who wanted to buy something that he listed XD but ok, i understand.
  14. hiroki

    99% sure the vocalist is the Sherry's KOU i'm so damn excited ^^
  15. hiroki

  16. hiroki

    I didn't like them much at the start but grew into them after a while, so I'm kinda sad. although yeah, not unexpected since half the members were never gonna return anyway. hopefully we'll still hear Garo elsewhere in future.
  17. yeah only 2 singles and i really like them already. i even bought their entire set of 6 cds with different members' cover art (which was obviously just a lazy gimmick to get more money, but whatever XD)
  18. hiroki

    is this a limited-period session or a formal band? anyway i still prefer KAZMA's vocals.
  19. OMG "DeltaΔ" and "Draw the Future" - i thought these songs will never be recorded after Ray℃ disbanded. Hopefully they eventually release "eternite" too Love them so much, definitely getting both editions.
  20. hiroki

    oh, i thought "tagging" in the new rules refers to metadata of files (track name, artist, etc.)? i've never used the forum tags since the only one i'll use is "visual kei", which kinda defeats the purpose since everything in the forum is visual kei anyway D: maybe a mod can clarify this..
  21. hiroki

    omfg. don't believe this.
  22. hiroki

    hmm, much better than their mini-album look at least, i like it.
  23. fuckkk. i'll do anything to get that album.
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