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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    I dunno which is sadder: their disbandment or the fact that most of the live-limited stuff they have released are impossible to get.
  2. hiroki

    Noooooo :'(
  3. hiroki

    Welcome Some really nice bands in that list, hope to see you around ^^
  4. Fedex is always a good choice unless you live in one of those countries that tax a ridiculous amount on Fedex parcels. Closetchild has a lot of rare stuff; unfortunately like what ryuuji has also said they charge at least 3800 or 4800 yen for almost all the live-limited or live-distros. I suspect they buy at a higher price from the bangyas to try and monopolize the live-limited market so they can profit more off it lol.
  5. I buy 90% of my stuff "through" FromJapan even though they aren't a shopping site technically lol. Anyway, since the poll is really about webshops: For new vk CDs: I prefer Cross Cat and Brand X because of their slightly cheaper shipping. ZEAL LINK and Like an Edison usually have the best bonus items but online orders incur the extra cash-on-delivery handling charge. I agree with stylelover that Jishuban is a good choice as well. For used vk CDs: Auctions ftw, especially Mbok. I also stalk puresound and closetchild on an almost daily basis. (yeah I need a life x.x) Edit: To answer someone's question below - with the exception of Brand X and more recently Jishuban, all the other vk specialist shops don't ship overseas. So the only way you can place an order is through a proxy e.g. FromJapan.
  6. hiroki

    nice. i hope they put arlequin cds and merch into their webshop as well!
  7. hiroki

    I can play the piano, guitar, and flute. The instrument I really dream of playing is the oboe but it's expensive like hell and it's close to impossible to find a teacher for it over here.
  8. hiroki

    love their new look.
  9. hiroki

    really glad to see them getting 2 more members instead of disbanding
  10. hiroki

    aww i liked them well at least there's still G.L.A.M.S (i hope..)
  11. well I actually think it's a nice gesture for them to release eseringo in their album. I mean, how many times have we seen a band's best song(s) released as live distro and, as a result, doesn't get the audience it deserves? Ok so eseringo happens to be shared on MH but still that's incidental more than anything else, i.e. it was seriously just pure luck that some of us got a copy. anyway, really looking forward to their album ^^
  12. hiroki

    DELUHI's s[K]ape:goat
  13. i still like their DESIRE look more, but i'll wait for samples before deciding whether to follow this special band.
  14. hiroki

    No, what DogManX is simply saying is that there is no "good" or "bad" change independent of the person making the judgement, i.e. you, another fan of the band, or whoever else. Let me break it down. To say that a band's music has "changed" is to be making an objective, factual statement - namely, you listen to the band's music and point out how certain aspects of it are now different from before. No one is even going to dispute these factual claims unless they're deaf or you're plain wrong. But to say that the music has "progressed" (or regressed) is to add a normative spin on whatever it is that has changed - you are making a value judgment, and this claim being made is only specific to you, and anyone else who (happens to) agree with you. I'm in complete agreement with DogManX here, even if it may be an unpopular opinion. You said that "without a degree of change there is no progress". Implicit in this is the presupposition that there is such a thing as "progress" that is separable from whoever it is that decides what "progress" means, and which everyone ought to strive towards regardless. This is already a very dubious claim in politics, but even more so when we find ourselves in the sphere of art and aesthetics (which music is part of). Does abstract art represent "progress" from Renaissance painting? How about Prokofiev over Bach? 20th-century stream-of-consciousness literature over Charles Dickens? Who decides?
  15. hiroki

    great! I thought they were never going to release this.
  16. hiroki

    ^ "progress" is just a synonym for change that someone happens to be agreeable with
  17. Yeah Shibukou has slightly over 2000 seats overall (I happen to rmb cuz Guild played there a while ago). I'm not surprised they're playing there since their last tour final was @ Nippon seinenkan which had approx 1400 capacity, and they're only getting more and more popular. Anyway, GARDEN was one of the singles of the year for me (yeah I seriously liked it that much, sue me ). Really happy for them that they're playing in bigger venues now, and I TOTALLY agree that they deserve it - Blu-BiLLioN aren't overplaying their hand at all
  18. hiroki

    Kinda late, but welcome to MH I think we have rather different taste in VK (except for a few artists) but that's all good You listen to Matsushita Yuya too? I really love his music! <3 Hope to see you around and have a good time ^^
  19. hiroki

    OMGyes.. this has to be my favorite look since INNOCENCE. too bad kazuki isn't in the band anymore
  20. hiroki

    Obviously "traumatize" was a figure of speech, but maybe it wasn't that obvious to some people after all? lmao. And I thought you would have better justification for spamtrolling the thread, but disappointingly you can't find a better defense than the lame "it's just a joke!" excuse. Oh come on, there's already an entire board for spam on MH. If someone goes into a thread of Lin or Merry to do a facepalm meme once every 2 posts how would you feel? So what makes you think people are just going to do nothing when you're doing an analog of that here? I don't want to create work for mods so I'll stop here, but seriously, everyone on MH and their grandma already get that you don't like this band, so do yourself and everyone else here a favor and spend more time in threads of artists you like. Especially since this is the news section and I think people would like to be able to read updates in peace without having a broken record of "so-and-so sux" playing in the background.
  21. hiroki

    I really like them too. Most of their stuff are ZEAL LINK limited though, which makes it difficult for foreign fans to get
  22. hiroki

    If this thread traumatizes you so much, it might be better if you resist the compulsion to check it and make a post once every few days. i really hate to be rude, but in your last few posts you've made practically no contribution to the thread other than putting off ppl who actually like the band.
  23. hiroki

    preview starts @1.22
  24. hiroki

    omg i love this.
  25. hmm I like CATFIST and PLUNKLOCK separately, but not sure how they will turn out in the same band XD Although I'm a fan of Hello's vocals so I think I'll like the stuff they put out At least getting stuff by a formal band should be much easier than a session band like Kakashi.
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