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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    Hi!! I've seen you around a bit and it's great that you decided to make an intro thread We seem to have quite a few favorite bands in common Hope you enjoy yourself on MH
  2. ^ oh yes I heard this on their "live radio" last wk but the streaming quality was awful lol... it sounds a little different from Ray℃ but pretty sure it'll grow on me real quick super excited for the release! ^^
  3. hiroki

    That's really sad ;_; I guess they've alr decided to disband when menou left. Hope to see them in a new band soon.
  4. hiroki

    meh another live limited singles. i still can't find their first one.. ;_;
  5. Btw I asked MAR and he said that there are only a few more copies of the Anfinit DVD in stock. So if you want it, be quick!
  6. Apparently the live-limited edition can be ordered together with the Like an Edison edition... hmm.
  7. hiroki

    オトイロハ - ナガレボシ

    01.ナガレボシ(nagareboshi) 02.Otoiroha 03.My Love
  8. 1. パイナップル??ャー??ン 4 types, 540 yen each
  9. hiroki

    Diz - Unlimits

    Diz - Unlimits 2014.08.15 Tracklist 01.Resonance 02.終??ら????歌(owaranai uta) 03.INVITATION 01.Love & Peace 05.?????れ??も??(kimi ga kuretamono) 06.世界??終??り(sekai no owari)~Epilogue~
  10. hiroki

    ^ omg i wanna hear mihal on vocals
  11. hiroki

    Welcome back
  12. hiroki

    Well.. the whaling issue is incredibly complex. To me, citing cultural arguments for whaling or ethical arguments against whaling do nothing but distract from the task of reaching some sort of solution. On one hand culture is too often used as an excuse to justify undesirable practices (e.g. "hey it's the culture here to get the ladies in our office to open doors and pour coffee, ya know?") or as a smokescreen to deflect criticism against said practices; on the other hand the "animal rights" argument against whaling is nothing but pure hypocrisy because I don't even wanna know the full list of atrocities on animals in these very countries lobbying for a whaling ban, only that no one has ever called them out for it. Anyway, for me: Good things about Japan: - Transport efficiency. Living in Japan made me realize how ridiculously slow the trains in my country run. When the shinkansen in Japan breaks down it's reported on national news - if the same thing happens here I'm afraid there's no time for the news to cover anything else. - Service. Service standards in Japan are unbeatable. I wish my local fishmonger can stop looking as if I murdered his daughter whenever I go down to the market. - Konbini (convenience stores). - Weather. This is debatable, but I live in a tropical country with almost 100% humidity and temperatures of around 32C all year round, so.. - The sense of "distance" between unfamiliar people. Again, highly debatable point - I guess it may be "good" or "bad" depending on your personality and outlook. I'm just someone who prefers others (especially strangers) to respect my privacy and personal space, and not get too enthusiastic with the awkward questions. Obviously, this can come across as "cold" to other people. Bad things: - Work culture. I'll never ever want to work in Japan, 'nuff said. Especially not as a salaryman in a Japanese SME. - Language. Ok this is tricky because I really love the Japanese language. But I've always felt that the surprisingly low levels of fluency with English in Japan is somewhat debilitating for the native Japanese in terms of how many "doors" not knowing English closes. Not just commercially, but culturally as well. The government has always tried to improve the situation but nothing seems to work.. There are probably a few more "bad" things about Japan that I can't recall offhand.
  13. hiroki

    Well thanks for this, I finally checked the lyrics of Tea Party for this line: 剥がれて落ちるFakery image Always thought SHOW was singing something like: hagarete ochiru F*** you, will you imagine XDDD
  14. hiroki

    ^ what the hell is that?
  15. The discography isn't updated with the Rovimen Z album, but you can try to purchase it through mail order since the Rovin stuff are available through mail order as well. A proxy won't do this for you so you'll have to ask your friend in Japan to write to [email protected] with the title of the album, (your friend's) name, address, and contact number. Their staff should reply and give him/her further instructions on payment etc. Good luck!
  16. Which blog entry are you referring to? Maybe I can check it for you if you give me the link. From what I can find currently it seems to be limited to their 28/7 live..
  17. hiroki

    Maybe you won't get to read this, but know that it's a very fine line between an "unhealthy obsession" and a passionate interest. And from the very fact that you've always been creating and deleting your accounts, it's seems to me that you still aren't quite sure on which side of the line vk falls for you. It's sad to hear that vk brings back painful memories for you. I just wanna say that purging something that obviously means a lot to you out of your life entirely can be an unhealthy repression more than anything else. Perhaps one day you can finally recuperate your relationship with vk and find in it something meaningful for you We'll be here if you decide to come back! Take care ^^
  18. lol yoshi joined UNiTE.? now there's another reason for me to pay more attention to this band. good song btw.
  19. hiroki

    ooo first single in 4 years
  20. hiroki

    Anyone knows which shops will be carrying this upcoming mini-album? >< Checked their twitter/OHP and there was no info..
  21. hiroki

    Single is 1000 yen, and they have released the preview for it. If you buy 2 or more copies of the single (which is limited to August 15th, i.e. live-limited), you'll be given a bonus dvd containing making-of footages of the songs 首吊り少女 and 言訳.
  22. Exactly. I wish there were more academics like him who would try to bridge the gap between "professional scholars" and the public. This has been a perennial problem in universities all over the world. What's really sad is that most people find politics, the law, economics, etc. off-putting and suspect they're just pretentious stuff of interest only to the professors sitting in their offices, when the reality is that these issues affect each and every one of us whether we know it or not.
  23. hiroki

    Reading a really fascinating book called Urban Memory: History and Amnesia in the Modern City. It's a collection of essays centered on the "city" functioning as a repository of memory (both personal and collective). An example: some monuments, for instance bronze statues of famous politicians, can serve as a residue of the power and glory of the past; whereas others, such as those erected in postwar Berlin in the aftermath of the war, are erected to "mask" the sense of loss that's otherwise invoked when city dwellers are confronted with the haunting absence in the middle of the city. If you find yourself intrigued by the seemingly impossible link between the "private" sphere of memory and architecture, history, etc. you might find this interesting... Next on my reading list... Louis Menand: The Metaphysical Club (this has been on my shelf for the last 7 years ) Gunter Grass: Crabwalk P. K. Dick: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (really like some of his other stuff so hopefully this will be good too ^^) Too many books to read
  24. hiroki


    Hi and welcome, hope you enjoy your time here ^^
  25. hiroki

    live-limited... ;_;
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