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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    i've never used Bandcamp since i like to get physical copies for my music, so yours was the first thing i ever bought on that site XD anyway i really enjoyed your band's first release and am looking forward to your future work ^^ (thanks para for letting me know about this band!)
  2. hiroki

    echoing what ender-ender and rocketeer have said above.. i don't intend to change your mind (nor can i), but it's difficult for me to agree with how emotional attachment to the band or musicians behind the music is somehow a residue of childhood we must banish or the emblem of adolescent naivety that we all ought to eventually grow out of. ok fine, flesh and soundwaves are different things; but psychologically they aren't as separable as two disparate words on paper. after all music doesn't just fall off a tree - especially the sort of music that resonates with one on an extremely intimate level, and which profoundly affects him/her for a long time (maybe even the rest of their lives). it seems obviously logical then, at least in one's mind, to feel like the musician can speak to you (or a part of yourself) in a way that your parents or closest friends or the person physically beside you never could and never will. i should also add that lots of people i know capable of this experience lead perfectly normal and well-adjusted lives without the tiniest bit of delusional fantasies about the musicians themselves. if anything, i've always felt that any dogged insistence on uncoupling music from the people who made it is precisely the kind of thought that drives some people to happily decide that the music is all they care about, as a result of which they couldn't care less about supporting the musicians behind it since these 'strangers' are so remote and divorced from their emotional investment anyway. speaking for myself, i definitely enjoy the company of fans who are more intense (i.e. 'insane') about musicians whom they don't know in person but who means a great deal to them - and no, i see nothing 'weak' about that - over those who discuss bands and music matter-of-factly with a straight face as if they are being interviewed for their professional opinion on global warming. this latter group of people gets me terribly tetchy and over time i find it tiring to associate with them. i guess if you really want to you could call emotional attachment to the bands irrational, but for me this kind of irrationality is a lot more humanly valuable than the 'stoicism' you demand of people as if grieving a disbandment is somehow a betrayal of our own intelligence. because we are more than that.
  3. hiroki

    considering i'm already very broke this month, it's just as well they aren't selling/distributing CDs at their lives that i'll have to hunt down ._. (i don't really care about DVDs haha)
  4. hiroki

    ^ LOL. sorry but i literally burst out laughing on reading your comment. in any case, people are free to say/think what they want, except that anyone making a statement like yours had better already gone through the entire discography of both bands in question. in this case, that would be over 200 songs anyway, my choice is obvious. i could write an essay on how much vistlip means to me, but i doubt anyone would be interested..
  5. hiroki

    i actually like the look a lot (*_*)
  6. if they are going formal i would much prefer Nozomi over hikaru lol. but yeah nice lineup.
  7. hiroki

    aww, take care and enjoy your trip!
  8. kinda pricey yeah.. but lately merch seems to have become more expensive. posters used to be 1000, now some bands are selling them for 1500; cheki folders have increased from 1500 to 2000 as well. anyway i'm definitely buying this. i'll miss spell box ;w;
  9. yeah kazuki needs to chill >_< i still love him though anyway i suggested money also because kazuki sings 'tsumetai kana no naku koe' - 'kana' instead of 'kin', in which case the word boundaries seem more likely to be "(冷たい金)の(鳴く声)" than "(冷たい(金の鳴く声))" XD i'm still not 100% sure how it all fits together though, and i could be wrong. i agree with you that there's something to be said of the color references as well. as for the 膨らます it's rather metaphorical so i probably wouldn't worry too much about not capturing the literal sense of 'expansion' (so maybe.. "make that delusion grander" or something might suffice? *shrug*) maybe we can carry on this conversation over PM or email if you'd like.. i'm not sure if this is getting too off-topic (sorry shinobu.. x.x)
  10. LOL. tbh one recurring source of annoyance everytime i translate any kind of japanese lyrics is this: they have a tendency to aggregate a series of images (sometimes related, sometimes not) together without really explicating the connection between them. and so if anyone tries to render it into English, it'll become something like "a summer. a road with no one. our hands. etc." which means nothing meaningful whatsoever, even if it's kinda nuanced/poetic in the original japanese. as for that lyrics you pasted.. my first impression was that it's a scene of murder of some sort? (i checked the full lyrics and there's indeed a line about 握るナイフ). so i take that line there to be cold/lifeless money that's crying out (interesting personification though, lol) in the aftermath of the crime. sadly there's probably no objective way of translating this without imposing some kind of interpretation on it ._. good luck~
  11. lol this so much. i'm ridiculously OCD when it comes to translating and... it just doesn't do justice to good vk lyrics (or any other lyrics for that matter). the last time someone asked me to translate something i gave him 1 page of translated lyrics with 4 pages of footnotes appended. orz (needless to say, he never asked me again)
  12. that's interesting! i think it can mean both? like.. "terrifying cry" or in the sense of (here i imagine someone shuddering in the corner of a dark room) "it's scary... it's dark.." i suspect the reason they rendered the title into katakana is to preserve its ambiguity and potential for double entendre. it's actually pretty common in a lot of titles, e.g. シド's 夏恋 which is literally translated into "summer love" but refers also to the homophonic adjective "懐こい". there are a lot of other examples one could find.
  13. i like fest, but album in 5 types...? (*_*)
  14. not bad. 水彩 is pretty, it sounds almost like a Neverland song
  15. hiroki

    REALies has announced that they will disband after their one-man live at Shinjuku ReNY on 2015.08.08. Schedule of their last one-man tour 『I did it my way.』 - 7.18 (Saturday) Holiday Next Nagoya - 7.19 (Sunday) Osaka Muse - 8.8 (Saturday) Shinjuku ReNY
  16. hiroki

    Feedback: my items were shipped on 3/28 and they arrived today. klahasama is really friendly, replies to PM promptly, and it was a pleasure to shop with her. highly recommended!
  17. hiroki

    i agree, they sound amazing
  18. hiroki

    ok putting things into perspective here: Rem's stint as support drummer was due to end at this live, a decision that had been made some time ago. i would love for him to join Otoiroha but alas it was not to be. my guess is that they will find another drummer to replace him. as for Bitoya, there's a chance that he'll be back. he said at the live that he has been living in Osaka since January (for personal reasons) so it was difficult for him to continue band activities as a formal member of Otoiroha. however he will continue to play at their lives next month as a support member. so we'll see what happens at the end of that, but i believe there's a good chance of him coming back. (of course there's always also the possibility of them disbanding, but atm i'd rather not think about that...)
  19. hiroki

    it's a sobering thought that out of the millions of species living on this planet, we human beings are the only ones who can imagine our own death. someone (i think it might have been john banville?) once said that maybe everything in life is nothing more than a long preparation for leaving it. the massive irony is that the human civilization has always tended to over-prepare; we have, between science and religion, wasted so much time and resources obsessing over ways to circumvent the inevitable that so many of us, like kierkegaard's hero, don't realize we're alive till we wake up one day to find ourselves dead.
  20. hiroki

    i've been mentally prepping myself for this but guess no amount of preparation's ever enough. i felt xepher's disbandment greatly affected luche., since the 2 bands always have lives together and their members are really close. both bands began activities 3 years ago and enjoyed amazing popularity for relatively young bands, and it's probably fitting that they disband within 2-3 months of each other. maybe, hopefully, their members will come together to form new bands. for whatever it's worth, they will always be among the top kansai bands in my heart :'(
  21. Vo.ゆーじ (Yuuji) has fractured his jaw in an accident and their final one-man originally slated for 2015.04.03 will be postponed until further notice.
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