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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hope they keep to their old sound!
  2. -pretends topic doesn't exist-
  3. http://ameblo.jp/aporo-project/entry-12062908934.html lol, this is one of the most mind-boggling departure notices i've ever seen. apparently their bassist leaked confidential info of the band/company to a girl he's in a relationship with and created lots of other problems. he then declared that he'll continue to do so even if it means forcing the other 4 members to leave the band. now if his gf is sooo important, why isn't it he who's leaving the band?
  4. hiroki

    i've been experiencing scrobbling problems for the past few days as well. playcount sync doesn't seem to be working right--the songs i play in my foobar register locally but the number of plays under "last.fm playcount" isn't being updated. loved tracks are in a mess too because of how the sync plugin works. tracks previously loved on foobar are being 'unloved' as they are played because the player is unable to access the song's last.fm playcount. hopefully they resolve this issue soon :/
  5. hiroki

    nooooo why is this live limited ;w;
  6. i really like it too but yeah it's kinda expensive for 7 songs.
  7. hiroki

    yeah i really like them too their first CD is available by mail order (via a shopping service) if anyone's wondering how to get it ^^
  8. hiroki

    ahh nice list of bands, even though they aren't really what i typically listen to XD but i'm sure you'll fit in nicely since most ppl here are fans of at least a few of those bands you've listed ^^
  9. hiroki

    welcome to MH! your English is fine, don't worry~ what bands do you like?
  10. hiroki

    dying from excitement
  11. hiroki

    i'm kinda hoping they release a new breed that eats plants only lol. currently only tundras do (i think?) and the food economy is vastly unbalanced as a result.
  12. when it comes to music, art, literature, etc., your excitement is fully justified by your own subjective experience of the aesthetic object itself. it doesn't matter that you can't find anyone who feels exactly the same way as you (even though that might be nice), because your excitement shouldn't be contingent on their excitement in the first place. why should that be the case? there's also no such thing as not being allowed to be excited (what does that even mean..?). when people who reasonably differ from your position explain why they don't like something, it's always better to take what they say as an invitation to understand why they don't like x, instead of why you are wrong to like x. this distinction is important because for most intents and purposes, aesthetic statements remain in the realm of the descriptive and don't enter the prescriptive (e.g. "so-and-so ought to like/dislike x"). (an interesting digression: the Emotivists were a group of philosophers who collapsed this difference and asserted that all moral statements such as 'murder is wrong' are effectively nothing but statements about personal taste--needless to say their arguments weren't taken very seriously at all.) alternatively you can ignore everyone who disagrees with you and resist the temptation to engage with them. honestly if i'm only allowed to get excited over releases that have been "approved" by other people i'd be out of this forum long ago. and if there's one thing i've learned it's that agreeing to disagree is one of the most important skills of surviving the Internet without risking a severe stroke. p.s.: i like the song!
  13. lol this is getting better by the minute
  14. Death trap Records is dreadful beyond belief when it comes to artist management. A few days ago I paid for a friend's live ticket to the Death-trap gig on August 6th only to find that the band i wanted to buy CDs from wouldn't be performing on that day despite their name being printed on the ticket and explicitly stated on the e+plus site's lineup. And now this happens with XYLORiDE--probably one of their more popular bands. (According to the blog post XYLORiDE has told their label in advance they won't be performing, but somehow their name still appears in the 'official lineup'.) I wonder how many more fans they have managed to pissed off in such a short period of time with this series of debacles.
  15. damnnn, i REALLY love the previews. i actually didn't find track 3 strange at all - it's a little different from some of their recent stuff but i love the electrobeat/cosmic feel. track 4's verse does sound a lil unusual though i'm sure it'll be followed by a snazzy chorus we aren't hearing looking forward most to ザファースト二ムバス, スノウィブルー, shooting St.arz. i need this album rite now >_>
  16. hiroki

    ^ This. what you said above has been my main issue with this band for a long time. when i think of memorable gazette ballads i think of 紅蓮, PLEDGE (their best imo), and ok maybe Cassis. yeah this song might sound somewhat intriguing and can be fun to soak in for 5 min, but it leaves such a faint impression on me i literally can't remember what had gone on the moment the pv ends. the same thing can be said of the majority of what they have released in the past few years. but since there's so much hype from fans and non-fans i guess i'll hang around a little longer than usual.
  17. hiroki

    grinding hiatus mainly. i can still spare a few minutes each day feeding dragons and doing dailies, which is pretty much all i do outside coli anyway XD i was gonna dress my dragons up but sorting out the apparel and stuff is taking forever and i've kinda run out of free time, so i guess that would have to wait. my poor dragons will have to stay ugly for a while more ;w; which chest didn't you get? i have extras of some of them!
  18. hiroki

    The RNG was dreadful to me *whines*. This will be the last festival i can afford to grind coli since i'll be teaching a course in the new semester (starting next wk), which means no more time for FR. Well, at least i managed to get a full set of the chests so i'm happy Nice to hear you doing well~ (dat toad omg XD). And btw i have a ton of familiars to offload for free (otherwise i'll end up autoselling them anyway), so i'll probably make a post about that soon-ish. Side note: if anyone's free, help me prod this suggestion. the number of PMs i'm getting from AH is driving me insane.
  19. Excuse me but i just need to share this photo of Tacc & Kosuke with Yuu (ex-ZUCK) who went to see them at tonight's live:
  20. because CDJapan isn't one of the 'official' retailers for Xaa-Xaa CDs. they get stock from Zeal Link, Like an Edison, etc. and transfer all the misc costs incurred in the process to you on top of a ridiculous 1,500 yen service commission. if you really wanna buy it, it'll be a lot cheaper to do it yourself through a shopping service like FromJapan. edit: apparently it's sold at puresound for retail price as well! you can email them for international orders.
  21. They will release a live-distributed CD "消えない衝動 (kienai shoudou)" at the one-man live on 8/25.
  22. OMFG i wanna go see EVE DDDD: Edit: i'm still in disbelief that Takeru will be singing on stage again ._. will probably be crying in my room on the day of the live cuz i can't go
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