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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. that's awful to hear, but from what they have been hinting at over the past weeks i figured something like that had happened. hopefully they start a new band soon.
  2. hiroki

    Finished Gunter Grass' Crabwalk some time ago. The book almost feels like it's written for scholars to pore over its Freudian references, historiographical claims etc. than one that's actually entertaining to the casual reader. It might be better untranslated but I can't read German so yeah. I also read John Banville's The Sea. Nice ponderous and introspective book that's more about setting up a mood and flagging it up for the entire text rather than concrete plot/character development. I won't be surprised if most people found it a lot longer than it could have been, although it was fine with me. More recently I attempted Nadine Gordimer's The Conservationist for the second time, couldn't get past 20 pages, and promptly returned it to my shelf. Not sure what i'll move on to... possibly Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Toni Morrison
  3. interesting. i certainly like Argerich for composers like Liszt and Rach by virtue of her massive technique and how she's perpetually so controlled even amidst the most difficult passages, though part of me also feels like her renditions of Bach and Chopin are always vastly underrated. her interpretation of Bach's Partita #1 (on youtube) is one of my favorites to date. haven't heard much of Barenboim so can't comment on that. PS: we need to start putting videos under spoiler tags. this page lags like hell for me ._.
  4. hiroki

    their first single was good and mini even better. don't know what to think about this new preview. i just hope they aren't following the new trend of "when in doubt about how song should proceed, fill in the gaps with as much harsh vocals as possible" because that will be a shame.
  5. hiroki

    vistlip ofc. can't even live (die?) properly without their music :'D
  6. hiroki

    i can only rmb him doing support for Lustknot at one live before their hiatus when yuki was having problems, although i guess i won't really consider that (or a one-day revival) as being 'active'. anyway i'd love to see him sing in a full band again but part of me is just glad that he hasn't vanished entirely from the scene..
  7. awesome~ vocalist sounds like LUCHe.'s Tohma edit: lol, ok that's why. thanks trombe for updating member info!
  8. welp, another item to add into cart i guess ._.
  9. hiroki

    I got a friend to help me go to a live on 8/6 to buy some CDs for me. I then emailed the band to ask what's left in stock so I could send her the money in advance. The following day the band replied saying that they weren't be performing that day. Yes, wtf. Even though their name is in the lineup and printed on the ticket. This is literally one of the most shocking things I've encountered in my years of enlisting the help of proxies and shopping services. So yeah, dunno wtf i'm supposed to do now lol.
  10. hiroki

    i have a 3TB for music i frequently listen to, one 2TB for classical music + stuff music i don't listen to as much, another 2TB for archiving flac rips of my cds, and one 1TB for miscellaneous junk. organization-wise, it's like what most people do: VK > Artist > Release title sorted in chronological order > mp3s. oh and the best way to guard against hdd failure (which is bound to happen - it's just a matter of time) is to set up a NAS in RAID5 configuration. that way you won't lose any data unless 2 of your hard disks in the array simultaneously fail - and that's highly improbable.
  11. hiroki

    wow!! lucky you XD btw anyone feels like the rate of chest drop this festival is a lot lower than usual? i used to have 1-2 chests drop in the time i take to grind a stack of 99 tokens, but this festival i've been getting 1 chest per 2-3 stacks ._. or maybe i'm just uber unlucky lol. also, i officially hate golem workshop :x
  12. hiroki

    English should be fine, but expect replies that are generated by google translate XD
  13. hiroki

    yes they do. you'll have to email them so they can set up an account for you with your international shipping address.
  14. LOL so apparently this user 'PHSilva' on jps has uploaded 13.13EB (1 EB = 1000000 TB) from a total of 27 snatched files. you'd think cheaters would be a lil more discreet than that ._.

  15. hiroki

    LOL tetora we were just wondering what these guys have been up to XD
  16. they need to become a formal band <3 and lol... what's a 'sheepbird'? XD
  17. that was pretty nice. i must be the only one more excited abt the new A9 than DIAWOLF..
  18. hiroki

    wow this song has a surprisingly unpolished feel to it (sounds like a one-take live recording) though i'm not sure if it's just the preview quality. totally not complaining though, i'm all for a bit of the 'raw' vistlip sound they had from their earlier years - this sounds like something right out of Revolver or their first few singles edit: never mind, heard the PV version and it's much cleaner love the song!!
  19. hiroki

    happy birthday smilesxchibi
  20. at this point i can't even be sure whether the posts above are serious questions, but let's assume they are... this qualifies as vk news because he used to play in a vk band, even if what he's doing now isn't ostensibly vk. it's the same reason why d=out's vocalist's stuff is also classified under vk, and will continue to be even if the band doesn't exist anymore. being a gaijin or not is irrelevant. and as much as you might like to insist otherwise, there are plenty of overtly japanese aesthetic elements in the pv above. now that i've made this post i realize i've wasted a few minutes responding to downright meaningless accusations that no one would even think of raising if the artist in question is japanese. it's sad and funny that seba and yohio threads are always magnets for such off-the-charts cynicism and bashing to the point that the mere mention of their names alongside 'vk' (or existence of threads about them) would somehow pulverize the untouchable sanctuary in our minds that is vk, or japanese music, or whatever.
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