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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    yay! the song they released was amazing~ btw seems like the single is limited to zeal link.
  2. yup they said they're just taking a short break to come back stronger. they're pretty upbeat about it so i'm not too worried!
  3. that was exactly my impression XD Chisa is so Mao-ish and chobi so aki-ish
  4. hiroki

    happy for yuuji but this probably means we won't see him in another vk band ;_;
  5. hiroki

    the look is great but... musically it's everything i can possibly dislike about vk condensed into 3 minutes.
  6. hiroki

    amazing <3
  7. i love blesscode but still kinda upset that they're basically re-releasing old songs for both the limited editions, which means i'll be paying 4k yen just to watch two different PVs of songs i already have. hope this doesn't become a trend for them under God Child Records. guess i'll probably still buy the 2 useless cds and take it as a back payment to the band for all the amazing songs they've distributed for free before.
  8. yesssssssssss!! was a bit worried over the lack of news from them.
  9. hiroki

    i'm not really surprised? shia is by far their most popular member and his chekis always sell out in a split second. (and ofc it's well known that he has a great bod XD)
  10. hiroki

    yeah it is always scary when bands have 'major announcements' XD and thanks for the offer but i've already ordered their new single i think the only thing i'm missing from them is "snow again" - the CD they sold at their 2nd one-man in February this year. i managed to pay someone to grab "Summer Time" from their 1st one-man but sadly she wasn't able to go for the one in Feb ;<
  11. hiroki

    thanks for that!! that's a bit of a relief at least XD to be honest i was preparing for the worst when i saw the title of this single, even though i felt they were doing rather well for a relatively new band. hopefully they can pull together and find a new label that can provide better support (somehow i feel they haven't been getting the exposure they deserve under Kerberos). i've been following Masashi since Seek of Liberty and i'll hate to lose them
  12. oh wow that was a lot better than i expected. i don't regret blindly preordering this XD i mainly started listening to them because of the song Mermaid Misery and i'm glad they've kept their softer side (for once lol).
  13. hiroki

    T_T that's so depressing to hear. i can't even imagine Masashi crying cuz he's always so positive on Twitter (or at least appears to be). and his random vines never fail to make my day ;w; what exactly did he say during the MCs? did they say they were going to change their concept?
  14. ^ that was exactly my reaction.. but "恋・夢花火" is a new song i think? i checked my Jassy CDs and i can't find that track ._.
  15. actually what tends to happen is that people raise concrete instances of previously released materials, and argue that their current stuff don't quite match up to that standard. in other words most people don't appeal to some amorphous notion of "intention" ("i saw through my crystal ball that you wanted to create x but you failed"); instead, they point to tangible releases--say, DIM--whose quality the band's current works fall short of. now of course you may not agree that's the case, or that it's even sensible to make comparison across eras in this fashion, but for me that's a completely legitimate opinion that can't be quickly dismissed as an uninformed "complaint." also i can't really accept the idea that "at the end of the day, what they make is what they make." if anything that's a get out of jail free card: it's the most egregious abuse of an inscrutable intention that literally makes their works immune to critique and renders all discussion of music meaningless ("if you don't like it, it's because you don't get what i was trying to do. too bad.")
  16. hiroki

    oh no... i hope a new label signs them x.x
  17. hiroki

    LOL. they sound great though
  18. hiroki

    welcome to MH! Royz is <3
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