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Everything posted by hiroki

  1. hiroki

    previews are up on their OHP!
  2. yes yes yes yes yes and more yes. edit: ok i see what you mean hahaha XD but judging by "2016.4.18にReleaseできたら嬉しい" i hope they're working towards it?
  3. so different from noctscure but i love it
  4. hiroki

    i used to baffled as well.. until i began collecting chekis myself ._. that said, back when i was only collecting CDs and nothing else i've already felt that even among fans of the same band, everyone has different reasons for supporting them and likewise very different ways of showing support. quite a lot of japanese girls whom i know personally do nothing but collect chekis of their favorite vk member(s); some of them even go for lives just to buy chekis so they can keep those they want and trade/sell the rest. and to be honest, their surprise at our effort in hunting down live-limited CDs isn't any less than our disbelief of them paying 2-3k yen* for a rare instore event cheki XD as for myself, i'm just a casual collector and am nowhere near as fanatic (nor can i afford to be), but i think i do "get" why people do these things. of course, the more pragmatic reason for me buying chekis is that they are the main source of income (especially) for the smaller indies bands. for my few pet bands that don't release CDs on a regular basis i'm always tempted to spend a little on their chekis when i have the money to spare * (and if you think 2-3k yen for a cheki is insane, wait till you see this)
  5. umm their new look killed me edit: and just realized the release date is my birthday lol. stop it already :'DD
  6. hiroki

    Just saw this. That's just terrible... no wonder there were so many KS familiars on the AH recently ._.
  7. hiroki

    they are perfect <3
  8. hiroki

    he's the perfect fit for them
  9. oh honestly though, they've strayed so much from their earlier sound that i can hardly recognize the band >_< hope to see them back soon in any case~
  10. i'm so sad.. he's my fave EYA member
  11. they always rock the casual street fashion look!
  12. amazing stuff. nice to see waka and the F1rst MiX guys!
  13. hiroki

    is this the same release as their first single or?
  14. hiroki

    sounds ok. i miss hiro's vocals though.
  15. oh damn, reminds me of Exdrasill. definitely getting this <3
  16. i suspect a lot of ppl on MH will hate this, but i love it
  17. hiroki

    praying for mail order at least. but seems like their OHP is gone ;_;
  18. hiroki

    that paragraph you've marked a few asterisks on can be translated in any number of ways, but here's my very quick attempt: anyway thanks for your effort! that must have taken a long time to translate ^^; i love xtripx too, especially their post-hiatus stuff
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