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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Cali Otaku waddup! I'm sorry I had to! lol Welcome to the forum!
  2. YuyoDrift

    Build a hackintosh, or be sucker and buy an old iMac? hmmm........
  3. YuyoDrift

    Well, I haven't bitched about anything in a while. Let's see..... Let's talk about KRAD. Their talent is hitting the shitter. Like "Grieva's 15 min of spotlight" fast. Xisdead only confirms it. For a while, I thought Dead flower and Until the Despair Dead were the same song. Chorus varies very little. Makes me wonder what vocal capabilities, if any at all, the vocalist is able to experiment with going forward. People will get bored of them, in time. They sound like The Black Swan's retarded cousin now. Phoenix Rising by Matenrou Opera sounds like the usual MO. For some reason I heard Megaman X4 intro in this release haha. Let's all hope that the trash that is AA's - The Black , never gets any more recognition. SO fucking happy Danny is back with the band. Missalina Rei needs more love. I see people are noticing how much mejibray sucks. Maybe it's no longer an unpopular opinion?
  4. YuyoDrift

    LOL I've been watching the recent uploaded videos of the tour, and holy shit Danny sounds OG as fuck haha. I can't wait for later today.
  5. YuyoDrift

    I'll let you know. I'll be seeing them tomorrow.
  6. YuyoDrift

    I will try and wake up this time lol Witch House all day.
  7. YuyoDrift

    Why does this sound so familiar?
  8. YuyoDrift

    Still kicking my own ass for not attending Visual Japan Summit. AND I wont be going to Knot-Fest. Fuck.
  9. My fellow Americans, rest a tad easier watching your porno lol






    1. suji


      what is this sinful behavior i'm seeing here


      In all seriousness, ....................what the fuck

    2. YuyoDrift


      Lets hope Twitter doesn't end there, and decides to axe themselves too lol

    3. nekkichi
  11. YuyoDrift

    HAHA holy fuck. 'Bout fucking time. That Denis guy just didn't fit imo. http://teamrock.com/news/2016-10-24/denis-stoff-no-drama-over-asking-alexandria-split Pretty shitty method of telling the band mates he is no longer in the band. He did come across as a little shit imo.
  12. YuyoDrift

    Ok yeah @matthazell, here comes the winner is pretty good lol This album reminded me of Happiness 2.0 Ironically, Happiness is going for $80+ right now, so it's pretty hard to get your hands on.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Here we are boys and girls. Nintendo's long awaited and mysterious console has been revealed to us as of Thursday 10/20. The Nintendo Switch Release Date: MARCH 2017 So what the hell is it? The Nintendo Switch appears to be a console/handheld system tablet with 2 detachable one-handed controllers (called "Joy-Cons") that snap alongside the screen to act as a "3DS XXL", and yet the tablet has a second function, which involves a "Nintendo Switch Dock" that acts as both a charger and a console for gaming on your TV. HERE'S WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR Powered by NVIDIA's Tegra processor (Source: https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/10/20/nintendo-switch/) It cannot play physical 3DS or Wii U games (Source: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201610/21118771.html) Your Nintendo Amiibo figures will be supported (Source: http://www.dualshockers.com/2016/10/21/nintendo-switchs-amiibo-support-confirmed/) A # of gaming companies are supporting it (Source: http://mms.businesswire.com/media/20161020005938/en/550862/4/NX_Partners.jpg?download=1) Capcom is VERY interested in bringing games from the PS4/XB1 to the Switch (http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/capcom-explores-nintendo-switch-porting-possibilities/) RUMORS TO BE CONFIRMED It will have 4GB of Ram & 32GB of Internal Storage (http://wccftech.com/nintendo-switch-4gb-ram-32gb-storage/) The Switch may support Micro SDXC Cards up to 128GB (http://wccftech.com/nintendo-switch-support-micro-sdxc-cards-128-gb-rumor/) The release date is the week of March 17th (https://twitter.com/LaurakBuzz/status/793947481574780928) We will have to wait until we draw closer to the release date for more details on the console's specifications. Now, I haven't purchased a Nintendo console since the N64 15-20 years ago lol but I will not lie, this is VERY tempting, especially if this will get 3rd party support, and the library of the Nintendo store will allow me to play classics on it. What do you guys think about this?
  14. YuyoDrift

    @nekkichiI got chu fam
  15. Jesus the STD rate is high as fuck now.

    Quit fucking so much people lol

    1. blackdoll
    2. IGM_Oficial


      We're seven billion now, it's sufficient, there's no need for more people lol

    3. Show next comments  99 more
  16. YuyoDrift

    I'm going to shoot my brain out if I have to hear another argument about the presidential debates. Can't we just talk about the fucking baseball game?
  17. YuyoDrift

    I have grown bored with many things it seems.
  18. YuyoDrift

    I have so much to think about, and yet at the same time, I don't have to at all. I sometimes wonder why I feel the need to.... Why bear the weight of it all? Decisions that have to be made. Decisions I never expected to make. Do I do anything? Should I do anything? Why should it concern me? Will it really kill me if I don't decide? Gotta think fast or I'll lose everything ....... or worse.....myself. I wish I could be as cold as many people, who's hearts are nonexistent. Perhaps they never survived it. Hmm. Stuff like this would have flown right past me before. The doors really are open. Damn you. Life sure is fucking hard, when you choose to actually stop for a second. You end up seeing the reality of it all. You end up swallowing more than you can take. What ends up being worse is..... you will not get the help you so desperately need in time. Perhaps it will be my turn to be drown. Lets hope my mind gets the oxygen it needs, given I've already lost my heart.
  19. YuyoDrift

    My life sux @matthazell lol, but I managed to listen to it a few times on the way to work. I liked the guitar work in Frozen. Betrayed by the Game is too golden haha. Petting Zoo Justice has that raw energy that makes you wanna yell too haha. No favorite, yet.
  20. Holy shit I love WItch House.

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Sometimes I wish it weren't true but Salem's King Night is one of my favorite albums, and definitely my fave witch-house release.

    2. YuyoDrift


      Yeah a bud of mine has the Vinyl record of it, and it sounds holy shit disturbing haha


      I'm listening to some of the russian artists.

      Apparently it's pretty big out there.





  21. Whoa. Wtf man. That short online eulogy must've been hard to share. They must've really loved him.
  22. YuyoDrift

    There goes my money lol Edit: Nvm fuck this game lol. This is going to be based exactly on that difficult rage inducing game from the nineties. I still have nightmares about the amount of shits my digimon kept making, and always being fucking hungry! Jesus. In other news, take a look at the grpahical comparison between PS4 and Vita gameplay for World of Final Fantasy.
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