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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    I wonder if it's really ok that I'm not feeling anything because they left. Maybe because they left before and I've finally moved on. I really hope it's not a delayed thing.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Gonna try and play my copy of King of Fighters XIV tonight (Damn you college). I have been seeing positive reviews. Glad its doing well. I loved the gameplay during the demo, and the soundtrack is just hnngg.
  3. YuyoDrift

    Only my dumb ass would think that taking 3 courses on top of a full time job is a good idea. Someone kill me.
  4. YuyoDrift


    Welcome! What's your native language?
  5. Just learned about the Shironuri Fashion scene, and just wow lol.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i didn't know that was the term for it, thanks. such a beautiful fashion style~

    2. PsychoΔelica


      That kinda reminds me of old Malice Mizer... But to walk in the street like that - just no. lol 


  6. YuyoDrift

    does the japanese woman come with the snorlax?
  7. YuyoDrift

    I voted console, but honestly, give us the option to love both! I'm dying lol I grew up on console (NES/SNES/Genesis) first. It wasn't until around the time that game consoles began the switch from cartridge to disc, did I get my hands on my first handheld (GB Color). To tell you the truth, I spent an equal amount playing on both platforms so it was hard to choose. Now I struggle to play either one lol
  8. YuyoDrift

    I know none of those bands besides Anthem lol Glad to see you join. More aficionados of Japanese music are always welcome . Hope to chat with you on the forum soon!
  9. YuyoDrift

    Dreamcast was a handheld? Wow. lol
  10. YuyoDrift

    Oh I thought this was a thread about laundry detergent lol I'll check them CAT, as you guys make them sound promising
  11. I've never bid on stuff before, let alone japanese Vk lol

  12. YuyoDrift

    Here I thought I would be the only member to like Kanon Wakeshima. Welcome to the greatest website ever. EVER. Come join us in any thread!
  13. I've barely been at work for 3 hours, and I've already had:


    3 Cups of coffee

    3 Donuts

    1 Mountain Dew

    1 Banana

    2 Slices of pizza


    I'm gonna get fat.










    not really lol maybe die-a-betus

    1. tetsu_sama69


      gotta lose that foot goals

  14. YuyoDrift

    same Destiny PVP is BROKEN AS ALL HELL. I started crying at one point lol. SHOTGUNS SHOULD NOT HAVE THAT MUCH RANGE!!!!
  15. YuyoDrift

    Way to join my fireteam invite bro haha Join us next time for some pew pew and also hear me rage lol
  16. YuyoDrift

    Fantastic to know that you play games for the same reasons we all do haha. I had a feeling, but I didn't think that was an actual option. Looks like I'll play this a lot more now lol.
  17. YuyoDrift

    Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while! I wonder if - OH MOTHERF- FUCK YOU SONYYYYYY!!!!!!! Gonna have to source another way to view this, but I'm excited nonetheless!
  18. YuyoDrift

    eyyyyyy I wonder if the PS2 (original) was the better version? Glad to see you are enjoying it though. Still playing Vanilla Witcher 3 and God Eater: Resurrection. Witcher 3 story is pretty entertaining, but it has been a while since my last open world video game (last one was FF13), so I'm having a hard time staying focused on the storyline lol so I'm just out doing sidequests. God Eater has begun to get repetitive. I mean, I can tolerate it for an hour, but after that I feel I would rather play anything else. Gonna probably hold off on getting God Eater 2 on release.
  19. YuyoDrift

    I must not watch! Ok I bookmarked it, but I'm not gonna watch it!
  20. YuyoDrift

    When Ellen typed out her tweet, I bet the thought of this being a tad on the racist side, came across her mind. I'm sure she must've thought "Oh, they'll know what i mean.....", and posted it anyways. Guess they didn't. I wanna defend Ellen, I really do. Yet, with the number of current events involving (in the eyes of some) some form of racism, she should have known better. With that being said, it's a damn shame that she and everyone else, will now be afraid to share anything. We all know she was just trying to be funny. I'd agree that everyone now becomes "triggered" by anything that 20 years ago, was used as a comical stunt or baseline for entertainment. Too many keyboard warriors now. Way to make things not funny anymore.
  21. YuyoDrift

    Poor Ellen. The last person you'd expect to get blown up on social media, makes front news for a tweet. Really shows how irrational some people will go to take things out of context. Thinking that society today would find find your humor innocent Ellen was mistake #1.
  22. YuyoDrift

    Well. I'm done. Basic bitches, I'm sorry but, that's the last time I ever try and talk to you.
  23. YuyoDrift

    Yes, well the Xperia X Performance looks too good to be true. Quad-Core ACTUALLY being used to it's full potential, with Video/Camera capabilities being on point. 3GB of RAM with this CPU is solid memory for the battery life is touting. Current LTE standards are impressive as well. (DO NOT believe the reviewers at Engadget or anywhere right now) It's basically a solid Japanese" iPhone" running android (WHICH I HATE WITH A PASSION). My last phone was an Ericcson W350i. Thing was more of an MP3 player than a phone lol but it was solid. Sony tends to cater to music aficionados. Which is why their current phones support such large Micro SD card sizes. Only thing is the price, but that's only because I don't want a contract.
  24. YuyoDrift

    Whoo! Contemplating ditching iTunes, possibly even using an iPhone, and jumping on the SONY train once again.
  25. YuyoDrift

    http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/08/15/gamescom-2016-final-fantasy-xv-delay-officially-confirmed I was hoping this was a rumor. Oh well I guess.
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