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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Never think. Know. Remember this, and the other person will always identify it the same as well. Have fun! x2 what Alli said. Good luck!
  2. YuyoDrift

    I just lost 3 1/2 hours of data input on a spreadsheet for a network infrastructure that's due today. Holy shit. I feel like passing out.
  3. YuyoDrift

    you're in the wrong place bae
  4. YuyoDrift

    ^^ Good luck! About how many rollercoaster rides at six flags does it take to throw up my morning breakfast?
  5. It's one thing to go on my front lawn to catch Pokemon, but don't go into my fucking backyard, and then expect me to NOT let my dog out. Had a good laugh watching my dog chase this PokeDumbass, who felt the need to trespass for a shit starter.

    1. peffy


      Pokemon Go is a disease. It made the front page of the newspaper here, and it's being reported on the TV news, and it's not even officially released in Canada. wtf.

    2. YuyoDrift


      You'll understand the addiction when you play it. I like the social aspect of the game, since I have already proven it to be an easy way to meet new people.


      What I don't like is the fact that some will go to great lengths to ignore their senses and endanger themselves by not being aware of their surroundings, leading to bad, unconscious decisions. Like this fellow.

    3. peffy


      No way in hell am I gonna play it. I'm not the kind of person who likes meeting strangers. But I've been quite amused at the *DANGER* stories. One guy even got into a car accident because he was trying to find a pokemon while he was driving. So.. actually I kind of dread the spread of it in Canada. I don't want anyone climbing into my backyard... =_=

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  6. YuyoDrift

    Playing at work lol BTW, this is one of the EASIEST ways to pick up men/women, just like you! Hung out with 3 girls this week lol it's like a nerd's TINDER. Start out hunting Pokemon together, then pick it up from there. I can confirm this works. DON'T BE AFRAID! Oh and I think I'm team Instinct.
  7. YuyoDrift

    Sounds like you should skim/post in the thread I made a while back. You'll see that you aren't alone. There are too many factors to consider when diagnosing what you may be going through (Getting older, Experiencing new things, Lifestyle changes, etc). Everyone has hit that plateau at some point, or "burned out" in a way where the music just doesn't sound the same to one's ears as it once did before. I will admit that some of the most memorable Visual Kei to me was during the mid/late 00's as well, and that's relatively the time where a lot of the members here starting listening, and the internet evolved to a point where discovering music overseas was that much easier. The best advice (plenty of other members have mentioned this in the other thread) would be to take a break from the scene, or start going back in time to the earlier sounds of the genre. Where it all began. "Fresh meat" is not going to sound so "fresh", if all you know is music from one era alone. Time to take off the training wheels.
  8. YuyoDrift

    Jesus Christ. All these events only make you feel like holding on to those you love even tighter, and never let go. If the media has not instilled fear among the nation by now, then the next event may be the final nail.
  9. YuyoDrift

    God I love the Touhou music Universe! All the music groups from Comiket like Alstroemeria, HALOZY, C-CLAYS, SOUND-HOLIC, IOSYS, FELT, GET IN THE RING, etc. Even some artists from the rock scene, like my wife FUKI, have made albums that are part of this universe.
  10. YuyoDrift

  11. YuyoDrift

    Questions galore. Seems this "dark past" of yours, "clicked" something with this "Sara" girl, even if she told you otherwise. Obviously, your conversation with her needs to be told in order to prove my guess, but it may explain the next few mishaps that led to your friend seeing you in a different light and her "going crazy". Now. I am NOT saying you fugged up, but you should have told this "dark past" of yours to your GF FIRST, regardless of being hassled by "Sara". Trusting your GF with something like that should be ok right? It's a part of being in a relationship. Your GF could have then relayed (with your permission, of course) that "dark past" to "Sara" and told her to take it easy on you due to factors in your life at the time. BUT since you shared a piece of you that no one has heard of to "Sara" first, "Sara" may have gotten the wrong impression. I am interested in this "emotional blackmail" that you speak of a lot. Care to elaborate? You may PM me if it's too personal. Reason I ask is because (I have some psychological experience) I may be able to help you figure out what may be going on with your friend, unless you've figured it out yourself.
  12. YuyoDrift

    Welcome Care to share anything about yourself? Favorite music, bands in particular? You a gamer, by chance?
  13. sometimes I wonder if that's even at all possible anymore Ahhhh an organized folder....... gonna put that on my bucket list. lol.
  14. YuyoDrift

    I felt it was better than the 1st one. More "in your face" story, and scenes were better acted out.
  15. YuyoDrift

    Sometimes I kick my own self for not getting out while I can. Why bother with someone who's already given up?
  16. YuyoDrift

    So I'm basically kinda gonna welcome you to the forums, so yeah, here's your "welcome to MH post. There you go. Post some shit sometime? We kinda wanna not really, but we will, want to hear some stuff from you cuz you joined, maybe?
  17. Jyess. The love for Kiryu is growing.


  18. YuyoDrift

    So has anyone played that GOD EATER RESURRECTION game? I wanna preorder #2 (GE:Res comes with it), but I don't know if it's worth it.
  19. YuyoDrift

    Welcome! Some bands I recommend with clean vocals are lynch., Arlequin (アルルカン), BLESSCODE, and if you like some traditional sounding japanese, then Kiryu (己龍) are awesome. Here's a thread where you can see which vocalists top everyone's fave list, as well as list your own. My favorites are on that thread too . Glad to finally have you join us!
  20. I say a bunch of crap in the morning, but today it was: "...... Ugghhhhh fuckin' A." Followed by sitting at the side of my bed like this:
  21. YuyoDrift

    LOL you mean people that you deem unappealing, or physically ugly? Nvm I'm going into full on velociraptor mode. Stahp.
  22. Fuuuuuuck I need caffeine.

    1. YuyoDrift


      I'd shoot myself if I had to eat what she does.


      I'll take my "kill me sooner" diet anyday lol

    2. nekkichi


      I find her fascinating tbh (either in this form or [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp18AwsEnSo]a more accessible one[/url]), but her wholesome tantric-conscious choices alone are legit more hilarious than any soft of intentional lifestyle trolling whatsoever

    3. YuyoDrift


      Well I know nothing about this lifestyle, but if she's making a living out of this, then good for her.


      Brb I'm gonna go relapse on some nice Coca Cola and Donut.

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  23. YuyoDrift

    Played the Demo for Bloodstained with my nephew this weekend, since he has a steam account, and Uncle Yuyo has been accused of not loving his sister's kids lol. It was only like a 30min preview, but so far : The graphics are 7/10. 3D side-scrollers have always been hit or miss, but their use of Unreal Engine 4 is there to impress. Still lacking from an unfinished product, I can see the potential, so the rating will change over time. The UI in-game is quite impressive. The menu showcases her different types of equipment, each with a damage/resistance/agility stat increase/decrease, that you can strategically alter yourself. The controls (used an Xbox One controller since it was a Steam code, meh) felt and operated exactly like the old Castlevania games, with a few new commands added in. Button inputs felt a little too sensitive for my taste and so some inputs would accidentally trigger when I didn't want them to, for example, Miriam's crouch would be triggered when I was trying to use her sword/kick. Most of time though, the controls worked as intended. One little thing that bothered me was the game speed. Maybe I've grown impatient over the years, but for a character to only able to walk, well.........FML lol. They have to add a run mechanic, or I'll go mad. With that being said, it was just like Symphony of the Night. I was more concerned that my nephew would grow bored playing this, since he is part of Gen Z, and nothing impresses them apparently, but to my surprise he was enjoying it and was asking when we could place a preorder lol. Success.
  24. YuyoDrift

    That's a shame, I guess. Didn't listen to anything but their popular stuff. I'm more surprised they were even together. lel I live under a rock.
  25. YuyoDrift

    LOL you brok'ded the story. Here. I fix. Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made him super soft, but thirsty, so that booty juice turned pink with excitement, making noises like barks, so Seimeisen inserted coins up that ceramic bunghole of juiciness. During @Zeus's speech, he farted very slowly, pleasuring his special appetite for anal masturbation, whimpering silently, "Take me to church." All this jocularity means unicorns chewing weed, while blowing away a fistful of sand at my swollen body, Ultra-Poo pleasuring
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