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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    I preordered the steelbook with the soundtrack. loooong time fan. I thought 13 was impressive. 14, well..... if the gameplay is consistent, then it will make up for the weird 3D look of the characters. Kyo looks like a white dude lol.
  2. YuyoDrift

    my life right now Chicago was nice for a bit.
  3. YuyoDrift

    I'd agree with you if we were dealing with adults BOTH above the age of 21, where by at that point, a majority of the experiences that the average person would have, have already happened (ex: Graduating HS, going to college, being able to drink/smoke legally.) Dating someone up to 50 (pull an Anna Nicole) years older after you're 21 is accepted (although criticism is still headed your way if it's a 10+ age difference) in today's society. You are both like-minded individuals, pursuing the same thing. Someone else that can make you happy and share your life goals with for example. Sounds like @ArtFart's case with her current BF. Glad to know you're doing well. What I don't agree with, is dating someone who has not yet experienced any of that (i.e. teenage years.) Most likely, they don't even know what they want in a relationship. Actually makes me sick to my stomach to think that there are people who only date underage (yes, this is a thing). For example, I know someone who I used to call a friend who is 26, dating a 16 year old. Does that seem right to you? if it does, then you have more gall than most people. I know my ex-friend's situation, where he's at the age where he needs to start thinking about something permanent to start the next stage of his life, according to his family. But what about the person they're dating? For god's sake, they aren't even out of high school, let alone be able to be out at night legally lol. Does my ex-friend really believe that their love interest has their life even planned out yet? Will they even want to stay with my ex-friend after high school (assuming it lasts that long)? Or is it just a phase for them? I'm pretty sure she's going to leave him. In his mind, he is playing for keeps. I'm sure of it. So I'm sure it's gonna end badly. I wanna believe that people in these types of relationships are in it for keeps, I really do. Any other reason (just sex, or as a trophy), and you're worse than most of the scum in prison imo. You're wasting their time, their youth, and yours as well. They don't know any better. They're dumb, horny kids. (or if they're psychotic, it will be their excuse) You on the other hand, should. My question for those who are in this type of relationship: Why struggle keeping something, that in the back of your mind, you know is not gonna work? Or do you really believe it CAN work? I mean: That teenager can't go out past curfew. That teenager can't drink/smoke, let alone be allowed in a bar after 10pm (here in states). That teenager can't even be seen with you by their friends (they may think you are a sex offender lol), let alone anyone they know (unless YOU look young). Will their parents even be OK with someone as old as you dating their kid? You realize they have the say in the relationship right? right? More shit that I don't even want to think about, so I'll get to the point. Why a teenager? Really, why? I can't wait to see the justification for this. I'm sure they're aware they can spend time in jail if they're caught, and be labeled as a child molester. Seriously, do tell.
  4. YuyoDrift

    Is this actually true? Have you heard of mejibray?
  5. YuyoDrift

  6. YuyoDrift

    Found a Japanese/Korean collab by accident lol Guess this kid is well known.
  7. Hey mods, @indigobrought up a good point just now. Is there section on the forum for us to share mixtapes freely? If not, can we make one?


    1. fitear1590


      Also, Cat recently started the Introductory Artist/Band Mixtape thread: 


    2. YuyoDrift


      Oh these are perfect!


      Thanks @Zeus and @fitear1590.


      @indigo there you go. Now go make us all a mixtape.

    3. indigo


      Will do, soon. Haha

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  8. YuyoDrift

    Time to invigorate this thread once more. I'll be into Japanese Hip Hop once again for a bit. So stay tuned for more finds.
  9. YuyoDrift

    Damn dude you live! lol where you been? edit: A friend of mine is playing it. I'll hang out with him and get an impression soon.
  10. YuyoDrift

    It does seem interesting, I'll give it that. Set a whole day aside where it's just you, the game, and a beautiful TV display with the lights off, and I have no doubt that you can let your imagination go wild. Only problem is: with the already huge list I have to still finish, and the games I've already preordered come next month, this game will only be bought and sit for a looong time before I can actually get to playing it. So I agree, if it were $20-30 for this, I'd totally bite. By the time I can actually purchase it, it might just be lol.
  11. YuyoDrift

    God, I haven't gotten shitfaced in years. I wonder if my body can do it for just one more night? Welp. I'll know soon enough. Liquor me up baby.
  12. YuyoDrift

    SuperDry had a 50% off sale and I couldn't resist lol
  13. YuyoDrift

    Nope. Didn't work. It's ok. I can lurk lol.
  14. YuyoDrift

  15. YuyoDrift

    I was going to watch F&F: Tokyo Drift yesterday, but when I typed in "TOKYO", I saw they made a live movie adaptation of one of my favorite Manga as a kid "Tokyo Tribes", so I watched that. The manga was supposed to depict an underground scene of gangs, with a subtle hint of J-Urban into the mix. Let's just say, they overdid it lol. Movie was so cheesy, almost embarrassing to watch at times. Fell asleep at about 2/3, but will try and watch it tonight.
  16. YuyoDrift

    Matenrou Opera
  17. YuyoDrift

    .... Are you fucking kidding me?
  18. YuyoDrift

    Sounds very punkish. Good start.
  19. YuyoDrift

    ^^ There's 2 Tokages? God help us all.
  20. YuyoDrift

    Welcome. Join us for some dubtrack going on all day here.
  21. YuyoDrift

    Dude I don't even know i'm even bothering with this person.
  22. YuyoDrift

    Trying so hard to not draw a boner on there, cuz that's what I feel like right now lol
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