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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Hmph. hmph. Smart Girl. I'll never tell Since the PSP was introduced, I wanted to get it. I just couldn't justify the price. Then the VITA came out, and after all the support, I was on the fence. Then the Integration for PS4 play was introduced, and I was more interested. Then I was told that I could have my own wallpaper lol and that was more tempting. Actually, I really wanna buy and play all the MegaMan PS1 games from PS Store lol
  2. YuyoDrift

    Finally caved.......... and ordered a PS VITA. Did you guys know they were $150 on Amazon yesterday? Got mine in orange . Also bought a 32GB memory card. I had no Idea Sony made them proprietary Lulz. Just got a free copy of Persona off a friend, when he realized he had 2 for some reason lol.
  3. YuyoDrift

    Sweet cuz I have too many oldies I'd like to share!
  4. YuyoDrift

    OK got it! So like anime OST's count too?
  5. YuyoDrift

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made him super soft, but thirsty, so that booty juice turned pink with excitement, making noises like barks, so Seimeisen inserted coins up that ceramic bunghole of juiciness. During @Zeus's speech, he farted very slowly, pleasuring his special appetite for anal masturbation, whimpering silently, "Take me to church." All this jocularity means unicorns chewing weed, while blowing away a fistful of sand at my swollen
  6. YuyoDrift

    I'll be there hopefully! What's a soundtrack dub?
  7. YuyoDrift

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made him super soft, but thirsty, so that booty juice turned pink with excitement, making noises like barks, so Seimeisen inserted coins up that ceramic bunghole of juiciness. During @Zeus's speech, he farted very slowly, pleasuring his special appetite for anal masturbation, whimpering silently, "Take me to church." All this jocularity means unicorns chewing weed, while blowing away a fistful of sand at
  8. YuyoDrift

    So for those of you who backed Igarashi's Bloodstained, did you get the steam code to try out a demo? I don't have a steam account Looks like I'll be visiting my Niece and Nephews today lol
  9. YuyoDrift

    lol that's not daunting at all If it will help you help, then I'll try.
  10. YuyoDrift

    That looks like it hurts. lol
  11. YuyoDrift

    sorry peffy Played Destiny after a few weeks, and well, I think I'm done with PvP for good. Everything has been nerfed to shit.
  12. YuyoDrift

    Yes. Although, if you've never enjoyed a MegaMan game (or have a history of sidescrolling games), then this game will not persuade you otherwise. Plenty of other games to play. Not directed to you obviously, but anyone who just jumped on this "train of fail" for the lulz. I've read the reviews on MC, and people who funded the game should have known full well how KS works (this is a large majority of the commenters). All I am reading is them whine about how their money was not well invested, and in turn, made them sour and not appreciate the effort devs put into the game. Shocker. How does that help me? Idgaf about your poor investments (I funded $100 btw to the Kickstarter), or what you read from IGN/Gamespot/3 years of news coverage, tell me about the game you just played, please. Those who were hyped up to ecstasy levels (Fanboys and Hardcore Gamers), were expecting an uncharted 4 looking game, really? Welcome to Kickstarters homie. Truly, the real fools are those who blew 1k+ in investment (for a character design or handshake or whatever it was (mostly done because they had the money to do so)) for a game that may never have even came out, and were not happy with the result. Nothing in a KS is set in stone For those who have played the game, and did not enjoy it, I can understand why they did or did not enjoy it. Most actually said that you'd enjoy it, and gameplay is good. Well seeing as a lot of their profit is from click bait articles, I am gonna assume the latter. Websites as big as them thrive on it. Often, their articles stick to the game itself, so I'm not bashing these websites. Just the sheep that follow their every word like a religion, and don't give games a chance. I was actually referring to websites that I have never seen, or heard of, write an article out of the blue, recycling the same reasons IGN or any other big gaming websites have said. No new opinion, just copy/paste. Idk but I hate the status a lot of gamers have given themselves lately, so much entitlement, enjoy the fucking game for gods sake. When the original MegaMan for NES came out, I'm sure they recieved the same criticism. Inafune must not be new to this. I was arguing with some D-Bag about this game yesterday, and I was getting my jimmies rustled, when I realized that this troll never even played the game at all, or any megaman game at all. Holy shit people on the internet sure have changed in the last decade. Sorry for the rant. Wrong place for this.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Just played 2 hours worth of Mighty No. 9, and coming from a long time MegaMan fanboi, this was not a failure of a game as everyone has been led to believe. I knew the hotshot reviewers on the internet were fishing for attention. The game is pretty cheesy with the voice acting, I'll admit that. Yet, the MegaMan Game Series never really had voice acting to begin with, so it's something that everyone has to get used to. Beck's voice actor sux hard. The graphics are a bit lacking in the cutscenes, but seriously, if you're going to base the game on the graphics alone, then you're not judging the game as a whole. I really like the gameplay. It's a mix of the Megaman/X series movement and shooting techniques, yet no charge on the buster (arm cannon), so it's more like the classic NES MegaMan. Dashing will take time to get used to, but it becomes a valuable resource once you master it. Saved my ass countless times. The new absorption technique is nice, but really isn't needed. The stages seem to score in an arcade point fashion, but I could do without it. Just like it's brother games, dying becomes quite tedious, and reminds me of the old times where I used to yell and shriek in aggravation because I'd get to the boss with only 1 life left , after being in the same stage for an hour that i'd just speed run it lol FML. So many spikes and pits and objects trying to kill me, and beck not responding to my controller's inputs like OH MY GOD JUST LET ME FUCKING GET TO THE BOSS GODDAMMIT! Anyways, I'm having fun playing this, and hopefully I can beat it soon. $30 is justifiable for this game.
  14. YuyoDrift

    I gave up watching p0rn, just to watch this instead lol.
  15. YuyoDrift

    Only with groups I already have been listening to for years, so yes. Are you an audiophile?
  16. YuyoDrift

    das hot. Good news all around!
  17. Better download your favorite YouTube vids now before they're taken down cuz taylor swift fuggin' it up 'fer 'errbody

    1. doombox


      What did that twit do now? :(

    2. Tokage


      Trent Reznor's a fucking hypocrite, more news at 11

    3. YuyoDrift


      Good god.

      Now they're all joining the hype train.

      Only a matter of time before they post stupid tabloids to brainwash the common folk into thinking its their own fault Piracy has gotten this "bad".

  18. YuyoDrift

    Well, things just bad for YouTube, in general. http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/21/entertainment/taylor-swift-dmca-youtube/index.html Taylor Swift is no longer the kind girl she once was.
  19. YuyoDrift

    .....................................................fuck. http://kotaku.com/the-mighty-no-9-kickstarter-release-got-messy-1782334573
  20. YuyoDrift

    Bringing it back mods. Here's my current gear: 1. Astro A38 White Wireless Headset- PC/Mobile Device/Guest Listening Only bought these b/c they were on sale for a ridiculously low price. Pros: Lightweight Even sound Pair easily on Mobile Devices Customization capable (just ear plates doe) Customer Service is Excellent Cons Battery life sux Break easily at the joints (on my 3rd pair through warranty) Bluetooth signal for PC/Mac could be better No noise Isolation Ideal for small heads 2. Sony MDR-XB650BT Blue - PC/Work PC Recently acquired these through the warranty off another set I wore out. Pros LIGHT AS FUCK (Plastic and Aluminum) Bass richly rich (for EDM listeners) Battery life is great (I've gone 25+ hours on these) BT signal for PC/Mac is great Little Voice in headset that tells you "On", ''Off", "BT connected/disconnected", Etc. Noise Isolation is nice Cons: Bass may be too much for anything other than EDM Earcup will not cover ears completely 3. Shure se215 Clear - Personal/Music Review Bought these personally for listening to Visual Kei music lol Pros: Sound is clean, tuned for accuracy, and ideal for FLAC files Fit comfortably in ear (my ear at least) Very high quality construction VERY good noise isolation Cons: Bass may be too weak for some (I call it a technical bass) Cord is too long (it is specified only for musicians, after all) 4. Klipsch R6 - 24/7 on Hand and Tortured (Currently only one side is working) Being my first set of Earbuds I have ever enjoyed, I keep buying these (on my 4th pair) for overall listening. Pros: Fit comfortably in ear Sound is amazing for price range Cord design is less prone to tearing and tangling Noise isolation is good Cons: Average life is about 1 year for me(Wires start cutting out sound usually), so GET THE WARRANTY! Hard to find a real set anymore (lots o fakes at stores) 5. Sony Playstation Gold Wireless Headset - Gaming Only Everyone knows about these, so they don't need an explanation. My only gripe is that they're heavy on my already big ass head lol 6. Little Caesar's Earbuds - Spares/FML set Don't ask how I got these, or why I use these lol but I NEED to have something in my ear at work. These POS earbuds are JVC earbuds bad lol
  21. YuyoDrift

    It's funny you mention that, as I was just in an argument with someone earlier today about it. I blame Inafune for taking on other projects during the making of MN9, deteriorating his rep for each delay he announced. The bigger argument here is this: if the potential of a game maker such as Inafune, or even Kojima and Igarashi, is going to turn out like this, then do we really want to crowdfund or even give so much hype over something that hasn't even been planned out yet? With that being said, I don't believe the game should suffer because of the mishaps between its release date. As all games being released now, MN9 was put on some pedestal by everyone, and was doomed to fail form the beginning. I hope Igarashi's Bloodstained or Kojimas new game won't suffer the same fate. I'll play MN9 when I receive it in the mail, and give my thoughts on it.
  22. YuyoDrift

    I'm dying from being annoyed by what I just read. Not you btw, I mean the IG feed lol.
  23. YuyoDrift

    lol thanks for the input. At least it's $30 starting, so it may not take too long. I am a long time fan, so I had to get a special edition of the game.
  24. YuyoDrift

    As of now (no order (....maybe later)) D'espairsRay the GazettE 12012 deadman SCREW lynch. OZ Arlequin ayabie (before Aoi left) Kagerou
  25. YuyoDrift

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made him super soft, but thirsty, so that booty juice turned pink with excitement, making noises like barks, so Seimeisen inserted coins up that ceramic bunghole of juiciness. During @Zeus's speech, he farted very slowly, pleasuring his special appetite for anal masturbation, whimpering silently, "Take me to church." All this jocularity means unicorns chewing weed, while blowing away a
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