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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Any of you like/dress the "mori" kei fashion style?


    Looks so comfortable.

  2. YuyoDrift

    Today, it was ".....ughhh...... shit....."
  3. YuyoDrift

    Played KoF XIV this weekend for a good while finally. I really hate the way Kyo and Mai Shiranui's face looks. It's almost as if at last minute, they just decided to go and fucking slap on whatever they had available on their faces. It really bothers me haha. Benimaru, who was never good imo, surprisingly has some pretty good movement/combos. Also, they go all out with the handicaps, in order for you to truly train and master the players move set.
  4. YuyoDrift

    This. Especially when it sounds like a mashup. Quit spitting the truth bro.
  5. YuyoDrift

    Last night my thoughts kept me from sleeping quickly. I think it's starting to creep in. Fuck.
  6. YuyoDrift

    Has it really been that long? Holy shit time flies. Well, it's been a good run for them. Any reason as to why yet?
  7. Shit, I need a shower. Haha.

    1. nick


      Clean people don't need a shower. x)

    2. YuyoDrift


      Well my water has been shut off for 3 days now lol so I needed one bad.

      Went to my friends house instead ehhh.

  8. lol fucking samsung, this is what happens when you care more about quantity over quality.

    1. itsukoii


      well shit i was just thinking of going from my iPhone 5s to a Galaxy S7 

    2. YuyoDrift


      Well I'm sure the other models are working correctly, so check em out.


      Me personally, I'm getting a SONY Xperia X Performance, and leaving the apple fandom for now.

      As much as I like the idea of headphone jack (most of headphones are ),  I'm not ready. lol/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    3. YuyoDrift


      I meant no headphone jack, and sticking to bluetooth move by Apple.

      Most of my headsets are bluetooth anyways.

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  9. Happy Bday Bday people!

  10. YuyoDrift

    lol I just gotta share this https://www.engadget.com/2016/09/05/russian-youtuber-imprisoned-for-playing-pokemon-go-in-a-church/ Holy fuck, your addiction has gone too far if you're playing at church. I mean I hear church is boring, but c'mon lol.
  11. YuyoDrift

  12. YuyoDrift

    Oh no we're losing her! The YouTube anime episodes are mainly about the individuals themselves, so you know their bio beforehand. Go watch the film Peffs. Nvm I'll do you a solid. I'll pm you a torrent to the film in HD. lol You are correct. It was a nice film intro for the game. Want a pm too?

    1. YuyoDrift


      lol you troll.

      In your dreams, tonight.

    2. Show next comments  111 more
  14. YuyoDrift

    I really want to like Kuroyuri to Kage's チョコレート階段, but that chorus makes me cringe so bad. I mean, it starts off amazing. Gives me an old school KORN type vibe, and the vocalists soft echoed tone matches. THEN THE CHORUS KILLS THE ENTIRE BUILDUP. Like wtf man? Back to the buildup and solo part which again sound amazing, BUT THAT FUCKING CHORUS SCREECHES MY SOUL BRO LIKE OH MY GOD WHY? Give this track to DEZERT, and let them show you how to make a proper fucking mashup.
  15. YuyoDrift

    Just came back from watching Perfume perform here in chicago for their COSMIC EXPLORER USA TOUR '16 Oh man these women are still looking foxy after so many years together. I was so happy to finally see them in person. They have some great legs lol (waifu obsession kicking in) They actually interacted with the crowd (told them they like chicago pizza, and to brush their teeth, and promise to be on their best behavior lol). I don't think I've ever seen such a delightful and cheery performance in my life haha. I will definitely pay VIP prices to see them again. I'm in love.
  16. YuyoDrift

    2 kewl 4 u, we noe.
  17. YuyoDrift

    Basic bitches gon' basic. I am still cracking up from those 2 burnt as fuck girls getting lit in the comments section. Sometimes I love YouTube. Please don't let VK become the next Kpop PLEASE NO!
  18. YuyoDrift

    Hehe they're both great animals. Funny how one is very furry and the other is not lol. My shiba is just low maintenance (other than the fur), hence why I brought him home.
  19. YuyoDrift

    Yes it was from that famous dog. It was also the easiest name my niece and nephews could remember (they play with him A LOT). Shiba Inu are equal rivals to the Husky, in terms of beautiful coats and appearance. This video is a year old, and he's actually a little bigger compared to the average Shiba (the red sesame/white colored ones tend to be a bit bigger). They are very comparable to cats, as they do not move around too much and spend their time inside laying down. They are potty trained right off the bat, so that is nice. Hachi would rather blow his organs than piss /poo on my floor, but he'll bark something fierce to make me take him out. They do hold tempers lol so don't piss them off lol. My hachi knows I hate it when he rubs against me because of his fur, and purposely does it after I annoy him. They are very arrogant animals, and it's not that they won't get along with other pets but the fact that they aren't getting the attention they feel they deserve. They are VERY loyal animals. If I were you, if you decide to get one, let it roam around your home when its a puppy. They are very smart animals and will remember all their surroundings, so it's kinda hard for them to get lost. That being said, they will use that against you too haha. I can't tell you how many times my hachi would run off and make me chase him, only to lose him and find him at my doorstep.
  20. YuyoDrift

    lthat's why I'm not a dog trainer haha
  21. YuyoDrift

    Yeah he's a little bastard.
  22. YuyoDrift

    My dog really likes popcorn
  23. YuyoDrift

    lol you could have taken less classes doe
  24. YuyoDrift

    I mean, you'd still have your way with her anywayz rightttt?
  25. YuyoDrift

    Just went to go see FInal Fantasy: Kingsglaive last night and wow the animation is crazy. I am now too damn hyped to play this game lol.
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