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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Uh ........ Ok, lol.

  2. YuyoDrift

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!1 http://gematsu.com/2016/10/fateextella-ps4-ps-vita-models-announced-japan KILL ME PLEASE! SOMEONE!
  3. YuyoDrift

    This morning was *big yawn**groan for a second*.........."fuck, man."
  4. YuyoDrift

    I like you already lol Welcome to the site!
  5. YuyoDrift

    Ito's panel at ACen is litterally the only reason why I go anymore. In 2013 he was babbling on about how great it was, and I joined to see what all the fuss was about. He was right lol
  6. YuyoDrift

    Probably because you aren't an idiot. I believe the way you view attraction, and the way you believe everyone else sees it, should not be mixed. Different priorities. Some people will fuck anything that moves, or vice versa. Someone with their head on straight will actually take the time to get to know someone before letting those sparks fly. I think the butterflies in my stomach feel a lot nicer than the throbbing sensation between my legs that will be forgotten quickly. VK does not mess you up. If anything, it has helped remedy some of the worst periods of my life. I feel people who have their own interest in genre, are much more interesting b/c they aren't sheep and follow the mainstream. You read? That's awesome! You don't often hear anyone talk about literature, let alone utter the word "book". Where are you from? People are shit everywhere.
  7. this is true @Kaye Basically, they wanted to recreate one of the most iconic pop rivalries of all time, and boost sales to all time highs once again. What better way to get physical copies sold, than to release it with an old rival? Ayumi had already released her remaster of "A Best" (the same one from 2001) in March of this year, so they had to use the next big thing. Marketing can work wonders when nostalgia is the driving force behind it. Now if AVEX had known about Hikki's return ahead of time, best believe they would have stomped all over Ayu again and held off that best of remaster until now. Now THAT would have been something.
  8. Well I'm not too informed on the current details, but I have seen that Hikki's album has succeeded in pulling ahead of EXILE's best of. http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/103565995.html It's being talked about right now b/c this is the SECOND time that AVEX pulls this stunt, using one of their best record selling artists. When I was still into JPop, I remember Utada Hikaru came out with her new album DISTANCE, and AVEX pulled a bitch move and used Ayumi Hamasaki (I dont think you need an explanation of who she is) to promote a BEST OF album. I remember because I bought both lol. You would have had to have been in tokyo during 2001 to have seen the amount of promotion that AVEX went through to make sure Ayu's record sold. BOTH CDs sold extremely well (we are talking hundreds of thousands on release), but Hikki's came out on top. Ayumi was pissed off that she was being forced to make a best of album for AVEX greed (this led to bad blood between her and the company), and went on to apologize on her behalf. Ayumi was already planning to release a greatest hits CD on her own, but AVEX shut her down, and had her do this instead. Eventually I think it lead to Ayu being stressed out and worked to the point where she later became deaf in one ear. So yeah lol
  9. YuyoDrift

    S Story of my current life right here
  10. YuyoDrift

    Should have bought a ukulele, or a banjo.
  11. YuyoDrift

    Well I agree on that point, but the actual point of the movie was for the easter eggs. Here, hype yo self up brah. If you aren't a major FF fan, this will show you what you missed.
  12. YuyoDrift

    LOL at you watching the movie for the actual movie.
  13. YuyoDrift

    I was just about to post this exact sentence lol LETS BE BORED TOGETHER!
  14. So one of my coworkers says her dog is in heat, and wants my dog and I to come over and fuck her brains out.


    lol I feel she wants more than that



    1. doombox


      The wording of this.... 

    2. Biopanda
    3. YuyoDrift


      I don't have sex with bitches bro.

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  15. Cool yo. Mine has got to be Thanksgiving, more so b/c I always spend it with the friends. Black friday shopping is fun here in Chicago b/c its utter chaos lol.
  16. YuyoDrift

    Dude that concert was: bad. ass. It was actually my first time seeing all those supporting bands, and holy crap they were really good! I was most impressed with Hail the Sun, and their vocalist Don. Dude played the drums and sang! lol holy shit man I may have been drunk, but i was taken aback. As always DGD sounds way better live, and Tilian was more impressive with his vocals this time, improving the songs he covered in Tree City Sessions. He really let loose. I always have a good time at their concerts, and will definitely go again if they come back to Chicago soon.
  17. YuyoDrift

    Looking forward to seeing your contributions to the forum! Welcome!
  18. An impressive feat to have hit #3 on USA ITUNES for a bit Hikki. Anybody read about the drama between AVEX using EXILE's BEST OF to dwarf Utada Hikaru's album release?
  19. Sometimes I wonder why I'm not an asshole like everyone else around me..


    (insert the "you are" responses here)

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Sometimes I wonder if my life had been better had I been an asshole.

    2. YuyoDrift
    3. YuyoDrift
    4. Show next comments  102 more
  20. YuyoDrift

    So my date just bailed on me, after we planned to go to the DGD concert tonight. ??? "I already have plans. I'm sorry " You must be some special kind of bitch, to actually have the nerve to text me that response. Were you even planning to let me know if i had not called you?...... Ugh. Wtf is with you younger kids and not communicating? Jeezus. Have the decency to at least call me and cancel ahead of time so I can find a replacement.
  21. Just killed a recluse in my room, that was under my boot.


    So what type of gas will burn my room faster? lol

  22. YuyoDrift

    LOL oh god if they play this at their live next month, I'm gonna burst out laughing.
  23. YuyoDrift

    Wat chu talking cuz?
  24. YuyoDrift

    Ok I have been playing Amnesia Memories for the Vita the last couple days. This is my first Otome game, and even though it is so linear, it is a very nice change of pace. I don't even mind the fact that I am a woman in game, toying with like 4-5 guys emotions lol.
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