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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    That's a good fucking question. I feel good. Many reasons to do with that, some of which have been already made apparent. I think the time off really let me focus on things that I had placed on the backburner, and I can confidently move forward. I can come back to what I enjoy the most, and it will be a better learning experience this time.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Persona 5 delayed again? lol where have I seen this before? Why did you guys let this thread sit idle? There's a lot of shit going on! I am really looking into Taro-Kun's Nier:Automata, I really am. I was going to get Horizon:ZD, but this game looks like it's gonna be too damn good. The gameplay trailers are getting better and better. Also, who's pre-ordered that Legend of Zelda BOTW game yet? I can't wait to play that as well. Hopefully I can get my hands on a Nintendo Switch at launch. I've literally forgotten about everything else coming out this year. haha. Has anyone played that For Honor demo? I saw some Twitch streams, and it looks very good for people who like that style of combat, but as for me it's kinda slow. Especially that samurai character. Will play it myself and get back to you guys.
  3. YuyoDrift

    10+ years looks good in my book, as it separates you from the rest. I'm curious to hear about your classical music preferences in more detail. Any recommendations as far as romantic pieces from your favorite composers? Welcome to the site.
  4. YuyoDrift

    I second this advice. Although hormones and that vulnerability of "love" associated with it are really hard to fight for some, it is still possible. @HakariI wish I was here when you posted this. I would have told you that many people, in fact, feel that the first time they have sex with a stranger just feels awkward. I lol'ed when you said that men don't last long the first time, and it's quite a letdown (insert the "don't care, still snu snu'd" here), because it was actually the opposite for me. Still awkward though. Yet, I don't regret it. Sure it would have been nice if I could still hold on to that "purity", but believe me, it makes a great corny story to tell others, who you know had similar experiences. You just have to look at it from a positive light. So jealous you found someone to keep.
  5. YuyoDrift

    It's actually the other way around, bud. There's something wrong with them, but instead of taking the time to realize their worth (not just to the world but to themselves), and improve/better themselves as a person, they seek that validation from someone else. It gets to the point where they will eventually lose sight of their own morals, and they will settle with "anyone". You aren't wrong on this point as well. The problem tends to be the lack in dealing with situations like these, where one has to remember (and understand) the decision they made to have this type of relationship. Believe me, people can go mad if they are lying to themselves about what this "relationship" really is (to them). It has VERY high risks, not just to you, but to your social status, (unless you are a loner from the start) should your fuck buddy go and try and ruin it. Hehe?
  6. YuyoDrift

    First time listening to this LACK-CO., and probably my last. The lack of sync between the singer and the rest of the band, and the fact that he's tone deaf, make me cringe real bad. At least it's not as bad as KRAD. Been trying to catch up on releases from the entire month I was gone, and the talent is so scarce, that I'm lost for words. I do hope I find something new that is enjoyable, otherwise 2017 is the terrible start of more Mejibray "quality" bands. Are they gone yet btw?
  7. YuyoDrift

    Sometimes I wish I could sticky my own threads on this forum. Sorry I couldn't reply sooner, I've been busy. Have a read through there, and perhaps you may get some insight from others here who felt the same way at some point.
  8. You guys would do some sappy shit like this for VD. Ehhhh, of all the times to come back haha.


    Glad to be back regardless.

    1. Komorebi


      I warned you.

    2. YuyoDrift


      and I did not listen lol

    3. Komorebi


      Bad Yuyo.

  9. YuyoDrift

    Holy fuck, where have I been?!?!? The fucking Utaite scene has exploded in the last 5 years. I don't know who any of these Pop Girls are lol.
  10. Shit, I really need get things done before I start classes again.

  11. YuyoDrift

    Miki Matsubara - That's All Edit: For those that want to know, this is from her album Pocket Park.
  12. YuyoDrift

    Didn't read the spoilers Saku but, do you feel that this patch (to Ch. 13) that will be released soon is needed to fill any gaps in? In your opinion, do you feel there was anything missing from chapter 13? I'm barely on Ch. 7, but I am willing to wait (do sidequests, lvl up, grind) if it will make the game more complete.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Ok, I was going to listen to this because I thought all of you were being assholes, but not even 3 seconds in and I just had to just stop it. I know the sound of nope pretty well by now. Let's make sure we kill this with the most effective fire before we hear it somewhere else. (insert an effective jab at mejibray here)
  14. YuyoDrift

    I think it was from Pre-Orders in Amazon USA. Well that sucks lol but I read into it, it's just 1/2 off Hotels and Gas. So you're not missing much.
  15. YuyoDrift

    Ya know, it's becoming less and less clear-cut whether suburban Chicago even has a remote possibility of turning it's current state around for the better. "A few degenerates do not make up the entire demographic here" is no longer such a sound excuse when its now more than "just a few". Social Media sure as fuck is not helping, and painting us as one of the most violent places to live sure does not make one feel too proud of where they're from.
  16. YuyoDrift

    Yep, as it kills my boredom. Would you let someone teabag you in the face for $1000?
  17. YuyoDrift

    Just downloaded and played one of the free games for PS Plus this month, Titan Souls. I'm not gonna lie, I've yelled pretty hard from being instakilled, it's that aggravating. This game has pissed me off more than I could handle, and for a split moment, I wanted to chuck my Vita across the room from full on rage-quiiting.
  18. I know you said it's organized in terms of popularity for their time, but goddamn it, seeing SCREW in the wrong wave makes me cringe a tiny bit robbie lol. I pretty much have been coming back to the Era of Laputa/Pierrot/GLAY, and have been finding hidden gems since then. You just can't beat the young talent during those times.
  19. YuyoDrift

    Lose some weight Be a better person Actually care about people Who am I fucking kidding? lol I don't need to do any of that shit I guess I can take up learning to use a fountain pen. I like those things.
  20. "Top coffee pot is my stuff." "I dont drink that peasant's shit." Hahaha god I love getting my haircut in the morning.

  21. I'm literally choking from laughter because some stupid-ass is triggered because I don't know who Lil' Yachty is. God dis 2 much.

    1. YuyoDrift


      I just looked this motherfucker up.

      Hahaha holy shit who the fuck names these fucking people.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. platy




      ...jesus christ....

  22. YuyoDrift

    Ever since I played Vanquish for PS3 years ago, I had hoped they would return to this style of action for quite some time. Been a fan of Platinum since that game. I was very impressed at the similarity to detail and action during gameplay for NieR: Automata, and hopefully the character design does not get altered.
  23. God I love being right.

  24. YuyoDrift

    I think each one is equally as fun, given the right scenario. GG is life.
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