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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Suchmos' KIDS was pretty good- er, I mean, Welcome to Monochrome Heaven! Feel free and get caught up to speed, as you've missed quite a lot in the scene. We have TONS of topics where you may participate, so for now, make yourself at home. Any questions, feel free to PM anyone with a Blue or Red username. Welcome back to VK.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Welcome to the MH forum Heine (or would you prefer Vino? haha) Take a look at all the content we have here to provide, and feel free to participate in the discussions we have on a daily basis. There's much to learn here on the site, and perhaps you may stumble across something new that you will come to enjoy. I believe everyone here knows who DIr En Grey are haha, so making friends who want to talk about Diru is gonna be easy We also have a dedicated thread to discuss the band as well. Any questions, feel free to PM anyone with a Blue or Red username. Have fun on the site!
  3. Note to self:

    Hire a professional to install a water heater.

  4. YuyoDrift

    I'm still waiting for the next release from some of these bands haha. Seriously, its hard to imagine the scene without bands like Girugamesh or SCREW. ZERO ONE from DIV is an unforgettable release. Thank you very much for putting this together @doombox Let's hope the list for 2017 is a lot smaller haha.
  5. YuyoDrift

    @The Bread WolfI want to add on to what @Zeus had mentioned earlier, and perhaps this can be a 4th reason to his post. People seek answers. Understanding why they feel the way they do about this fallout, from those who've experienced it before them, brings no better closure. Some people are fine moving from one genre of music to another, but there are some who let it define them, and moving on equates to leaving a loved one. These individuals need to know it's OK to move on, and if they choose to come back, there would be no ill sentiment for doing so. I know because I'm one of those people, and I've created a thread like this before because of it. So let me partake here. I wouldn't say that I've moved on, but that my view on what is considered "talent" or "potential", has shrunk immensely. Once the bands that I still follow disband, there would be a gray area that I would be placed in, for me to decide whether it's time to go, or see Visual Kei past the music. Time will tell.
  6. The overtime is cool and all, but I'd rather trade that for some decent Coffee and Donuts in the Morning haha.

  7. Old School VK fans are very rare. Nice to have such a unicorn among us haha. As everyone has mentioned, welcome to MH! What is your favorite BAISER release, if you don't mind me asking?
  8. YuyoDrift

    My Hachiko turned 5 this weekend.
  9. YuyoDrift

    Aiolin's newest release only proves that if they continue to emphasize the violin (which still pains me to hear for many reasons) the way they are, then each future release will continue to fall short of great. Aiolin has very great potential, but they just have to adjust the violin, or get rid of it completely (which defeats the purpose ironically). Night Howl is a perfect example of just how great these boys can improve with minor adjustments.
  10. YuyoDrift

    Haha fucking @Platy, you actually posted this. I've actually been keeping an eye on this news for years. Rumors have always been going around that another season was in the works, and that the demand for one was at an all time high. The problem was getting all the same art designers, and production studio, as well as the ever so busy PILLOWS on board for a reunion of sorts. The first thing I said when I saw the trailer was "..... these fuckers actually managed to get the Pillows on board for this? HOLY SHIT!" It was actually the make it/break it for almost every hardcore anime fan of the series. No one can bring the magic back like they can. As for the potential of the new seasons, that's hard to guess. Its going be about 15 years since the debut of the iconic anime that helped start (or restart, if you were a hardcore Sailor Moon fan) the anime wave here in the USA. I'm all for it. I'm more interested in how they are going to tie in the last adventure and the new one together, or if the entire thing is scrapped, and this is an alternate timeline. From what the trailer shows, it caters too much to the hardcore Otakus, but that was the crowd pushing for it in the first place, so its like a commitment to them. As long as the theme and the overall feel of the anime and story go hand and hand, then I say that I will enjoy it.
  11. Good lord, I haven't worked a Saturday in a LONG time.

    1. Bear


      Well, I am actually in the middle of trying to get a job for the weekends. Want to work 7 days a week tbh.

    2. YuyoDrift


      Try it out for a couple weeks, and see how you fair against time.


      It's usually the main factor besides physically being able to work 7 days a week.

    3. Shir0


      Same here... just that it doesnt sound as fun as at your place lol working 12h in a clean room no one would be in the mood to drink a beer afterwards

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  12. You'd think that a company couldn't get any more cheap, but then you remember where you work.


  13. YuyoDrift

    LOL never thought we'd talk about It Follows here. That movie was very original, and even had an the underlying theme associated with it. Gotta scare the horny teenagers into having less sex somehow amirite? That ghetto Friday the 13th music doe. Also, I saw Kiki's Delivery Service, which was airing with Japanese/ English subtitles in theaters. I'm far from an Otaku these days, but I sure as all hell love me some Miyazaki Films.
  14. Meh. It's fine.

    1. PsychoΔelica



  15. YuyoDrift

    As fucked up as this world has become, knowing that someone like you is here too, keeps me going.
  16. YuyoDrift

    I'm trying to get my hands on one for my niece and nephew to play on. I'm just ..... too fucking cheap right now lol. I want to hold off until Black Friday at this point, since the games go on sale constantly here. Can anyone with a Wii U tell me if the Switch is a viable upgrade? or can I wait a bit? Breath of the Wild is available on the Wii U, and Super Mario Odyssey will be released for the Wii U in late Oct. Those are the only games I think they would play at the moment. Maybe Splatoon. Difference in graphics seems marginal. Also, is anyone going to opt for that monthly subscription once it goes into effect?
  17. YuyoDrift

    Someone that I have been following on YouTube. solely on a whim, uploaded an informational video on one of Japan's most influential genres during one of it's most important eras: シティポップ (City Pop) Enjoy!
  18. Our entire warehouse is flooded.


    I can't help but laugh.

    1. Komorebi


      I kinda laughed too, sorry.

  19. YuyoDrift

    Social Darwinism my friend. Kicked into full gear for 2017. Make sure you're at the top.
  20. YuyoDrift

    Well if I had not lost interest in the game like I did, then I would have finished it the first month. I took time off to take a crack at my backlog of games, seeing as my school semester was during finals around that time. The patches, and the weird DLC kind of put me off finishing it until, as you mentioned, they fix all their mistakes. Then I just never went back to it. I think I just burnt myself out on the grinding 24/7 the first week. Right now I'm on SNES/PS1 ROMs and light PC gaming with legacy titles (Vanquish/Bayonetta/Indies). Most of the time I'm on the go with my Mac Air, so emulators work very well. Any legacy titles you recommend? Only game I wish I could go back to is Witcher 3. I just don't know if I'll have the time with school. FML. Now that's just sad lol
  21. This tax hike is some BS.



  22. YuyoDrift

    So I was playing the port of Vanquish for steam when it first released a month ago. It was very awesome to play, but I felt it was a tad harder to play than I remembered. I then find out it was a bug with the framerate determining the incoming damage. So I didn't suck at it ok lol Beat FFXV finally. It was very anticlimactic. Was hoping for.....more....memorable.
  23. YuyoDrift

    If Yiruma doesn't play "When the Love Falls", or anything else besides "River Flows Into You" from First Love at his concert, I'm going to kill him. I don't give a fuck about all the Twilight humpers and their BS, I actually want to see an impressive performance, so you better not half-ass it.
  24. YuyoDrift

    Rather than have my way, I'm going to humor them. I want to see how bad this will actually turn out. Might actually teach them something this time.
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