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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Not cooked to perfection just yet. This is saddening news, and following an impressive last year nonetheless. A small speedbump, I'm sure. I don't follow them all too well, but I'd imagine that this is a condition that they've been aware of for some time, so I wouldn't be surprised if a replacement was not already in the works. Still, their guitars have (in my opinion) been the highlight of their overall change in sound for the last couple years. So while it's a small blow, lets hope their motivation is still at it's highest.
  2. Never too late to start keeping track of your 2018 Japanese Releases! Rate them now



    1. yakihiko


      Man, I just made it... but for the 2017 lol In addiction for the list I just posted on the review section.

      I think I will make the 2018 Rating earlier, otherwish I won't be annoyed by looking everything I listened haha

  3. YuyoDrift

    Hey @Kira_Uchiha! Been a while! Depression is a hell of a weight to shoulder. No one is immune to it, and the many forms of depression are still being discovered. I wish I could share my experiences, but time constraints limit me to do so at the moment. (maybe I will post it here later) The ways I have dealt with depression in the past, required a game of trial and error. I say "trial and error", because you don't know what will work for you. Mistakes will be made. Learning to accept that not every method that you read/hear about will work for you, is a great start. Depression is not some cold that will go away with some medicine, nor is it something that once gone, will never come back. The sooner you can see it from this perspective, the less impact/harm it can do to you, whether or not you were to go through depression more than once. We all know that the only enemies during depression are you and yourself. If you find that the methods you are trying out aren't making a night/day difference, the methods simply aren't for you, so no need to beat yourself up. Move on to the next one. Now I don't want to change your way of life with this one post lol, but it sounds like your depression has even skewed your outlook/focus. If I could provide one solid piece of advice, it would be to see the greater picture, and that is your life. Many people grow tired of their careers, their relationships with friends/lovers/family, and more importantly, themselves. You're lying to yourself, not other people, if you say otherwise. "I'm comfortable", seems the be the phrase I hear the most when trying to argue this. Well, that's fine and all, but "I'm comfortable" is just the first cry for help. It leads to, in you own words, "repetitive and numb", followed by "feeling scared and stressed about my future". "Is this who I've become now?" "is this really what I want" "Is this going to be me until I die?" We're fucking human. "Too much of a good thing......" (you know the rest) is an outlook on life itself. Try and understand that your career is not your entire life, and that you have other things to look forward too (girlfriend and your friends, hobbies, etc.), so take it with a grain of salt. I'm sure they'd appreciate it too. What I've learned to do, is COMPLETELY understand that my work, my relationships, things I'm passionate about, etc., are separate entities. Your career (and all the other areas) has the potential to cross a line, if not set. How can you enjoy other things, if your career is now a part of it? Are you having fun? I'm not gonna get all deep and shit (I'm busy, sorry) so I'll get to the point. Your career is just that, your career. You want to get paid to do this right? Come in, do some work, clock in/clock out and learn something new the next day. Another day another dollar. It should not require more thought than that. Doesn't it sound really easy when you look at it that way? lol I suppose your first mistake (and YOU ARE NOT ALONE) can be seen as studying a career field with the wrong objectives. Your career is a stepping stone to a better you, better opportunities, and not some mattress you can just slouch on for the rest of your life (I hope you understand my crappy metaphor), as that will be seen as the only thing you want to do by others. Don't place yourself there, because it may be difficult to get out. Some food for thought: If I wanted to do what I was passionate about, I would have studied to be a mechanic instead of Information Security. Eventually though, I would have hit the same point you have, where I no longer feel passionate about it. Keeping my love for working on cars as a weekend hobby, allows me to control my level of interest. same with everything else. Ask any mechanic who went in because they were passionate about cars, and they'll tell you they hate their jobs and the sight of a vehicle lol. Wonder why. Anyway...... Keep checking up on us more often! The more we hear from you, the more we become chums! Don't be a stranger!
  4. YuyoDrift

    10 Acts of Service 9 Words of Affirmation 5 Physical Touch 5 Quality Time 1 Receiving Gifts No surprise here. Not only do I tell you you're beautiful, I try my hardest to make sure you feel that way too. Words can only be as strong as your actions. I've had to learn that the hard way, many times. I'm not a fan of PDA as much as women would like, but I strive for every bit of time that I can make with them, in order for date night to feel much more special. Don't buy me shit lol. I can afford it myself thank you. BUT if you happen to say you made it yourself, then I will love it forever.
  5. Now this took quite a long time for me to think about @CAT5. As we look at the dozens of streaming services NOW that exist in 2018, the idea of no longer needing to purchase CDs/download music is SO much more possible than it was 8 years ago. Still highly improbable to have everything available to stream, but no longer impossible. I think I would stop downloading music if this could one day happen. Shocking, I know, but it's actually a dream I hope technology can one day allow us to do. Here's my reasoning why. The bane of my existence currently, is the sheer amount of digital/physical hoarding that I seem to have become addicted to doing in the last decade or so. I do it because my curiosity got the better of me. Growing up, I sampled new (to me) music each week, and as time went on, I wanted more. "More" became "even more". "Even more" soon became "I want all of it". As a result, 2 things are apparent: I've become numb to the music "experience", more so with newer releases. I can't sit down and just enjoy an album. It's a fear that I eventually came to realize has now become a part of me. Instead of taking the time to appreciate a casual listening session, I already have in the back of my mind, the desire to seek the next thing to listen to. If my music collection could talk, it would describe the neglect and abandonment of being only part of a "collection", and holding no sentimental value to its owner. Secondly, and possibly the more troublesome reason, is that I'm stuck with terabytes of music that I will NEVER be able to sit down and listen to more than once. I have hard drives up to my neck with music I don't even know if I like anymore. I've wasted more money than I would have liked to, just for the preservation of possible old relics. If ALL music was available to stream online (and I understand that even the rarez would be included in this), I'd actually have the possibility of freeing myself from my own sickness that as you mentioned, I continue to feel I need. I understand that its human nature to feel attached to something you hold dear. Multimedia is not one of those things imo, whether digital or physical. Obviously there are MAJOR cons, but I wont get into details here.
  6. YuyoDrift

    After spending an entire week binging on the Dragonball Z Universe from everything 2010 to now lol, I've started watching Dragonball Super. It's really awkward coming back to a show you thought you knew everything about, to then find out you knew nothing lol. Liking the show so far hehe.
  7. YuyoDrift

    Me no habla portugues, but you're A-Ok amigo.
  8. Pretty much my experience back in the early 00's, but I was a noob lol so I couldn't tell what was Korean/Japanese. All I cared for was the music. BoA (before she branched out to the Japanese market) was fantastic, and pianist Yiruma had music that brought new life to contemporary music. There were others, but it's been a long time (and I never bothered to translate their names). When I "retired" from JPop (I was full VK at this point) less than a decade ago, my exposure to KPop (Korean Music in general) was through my younger brother. At the time (like 2010), he convinced me to sit down and watch older K-Dramas such as Winter Sonata, Spring Waltz, etc. As we got to watching more modern K-Dramas (Dream High, Boys Over Flowers, Shut Up Flower Boy Band, etc.), it was then that I was exposed to recent Kpop. It was ok. My brother eventually became the KPop fan, and I still hear about new releases from him if they are worth listening. I'm not a fan for many reasons, but overall I feel an "emptiness" from most artists/groups, listening to a lot of it. I think there is hope for KPop, but whats out now and being received by the masses, to me, is not a great representation of it. K-indie is where its at though for now.
  9. YuyoDrift

    We need more old-school VK fans on this forum! Make yourself at home, and like @suji said, don't hesitate to ask us any questions. Looking forward to any future contributions to VK history of yore from another OG haha. Welcome to the forum!
  10. YuyoDrift

    "OH NO! SHIT! Am I late for work?!?!?"
  11. YuyoDrift

    Good, cuz if you dissed my boi Leo Di, we'd have some problems. haha. I never imagined there were still people out there who had not seen the film, wow. So happy you enjoyed it! I just watched Dragon Ball Z : Fight of the Gods & Resurrection "F", and man did the DBZ database get 2x as complicated for me lol. I spent hours researching the new forms, and universes, and characters! Too damn much man. Here I thought my pojo magazine from the 90's was enough to keep me informed on everything DBZ lol.
  12. YuyoDrift

    I'm feeling somewhat stressed. Not sure why. I mean, I have a lot planned for this year. I've carefully taken into account what my priorities are, and I've gauged the amount of time needed to accomplish my goals for 2018. I've taken precautions, in the event something were to go wrong (or not happen at all), to reduce the impact/time needed to get back on track. I'm trying (to the best of my own ability) to tie up loose ends, as the thought of having them will come back to haunt me after I begin the next chapter of my life. All this, while accepting what I am currently (physically/mentally/financially) capable of doing in my current state, and what I will be able to achieve once some goals are attained. Hmm. Ok. Now I can see why I might be lol.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Recently came across the game trailer for the new Spider Man game (2018). I might actually pick this up. Lol.
  14. This might sound dumb, but trust me when I say: have more than one option. Make your chocolates and cookies, and then have a backup set ordered at a shop where she is, that is, if you can manage to find a place nearby where she currently resides. It will help in the event that your gift doesn't make it on time, or at all lol. Having too many gifts is better than none at all right? Shipping will kill us no shit, but I think its a small price to pay as we don't have that many options to begin with hehe. Unless you are broke then nvm lol Don't remind me haha I gotta fly over to see them 3 times this year. My poor wallet .
  15. YuyoDrift

    After seeing a vocalist chuck a water bottle at the crowd, to then be picked up, unscrewed, and viciously tounged in an amorous fashion by a fan who got hit with it, I don't think anything surprises me anymore. Lol.
  16. I have to deal with us living half a country apart temporarily, but I'm currently working on having flowers/cupcakes delivered. Such a romantic they say lol. I just hope the delivery service doesn't screw me over since I have no way of verifying until the day of.
  17. Oh god it's been a hilarious year. We are barely 2 weeks in!

  18. YuyoDrift

    RESULTS! First off, I want to thank everyone who participated! For those who planned to, but could not, it's OK! There's always this year's awards to look forward to. Maybe. Anyways, On to the Results! ______________________________________________________________ Best Overall Artist/Band Best Album Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP Best Cover Art Best Song Best Look Best Newcomer Best Veteran Best PV Saddest Disbandment Most Overhyped Band Most Overhyped Release Most Underhyped Band Most Underhyped Release Most Disappointing Release Most Anticipated Release Band that Changed their Sound for the Best Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse Band that you spent most of your money on in 2017 What the hell were they thinking!? Award Best Revival/Returns There were SO MANY ties , as well as categories that had NO CLEAR WINNER. In any case, thanks everyone once again for participating in the JRock Awards this year, and let's look forward to if/when we host 2018's!
  19. YuyoDrift

    Best Overall Artist/Band - JILUKA, ARCHEMI, Matenrou Opera Best Album - Pantheon Pt 1 (Matenrou Opera) Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP - Black Pentagram (Unlucky Morpheus) Best Cover Art - TRACES Vol. 2 (the GazettE) Best Song - "Violet" by Unlucky Morpheus, "Night Howling" by Aiolin Best Newcomer - アクメ(ACME) Best Veteran - KAMIJO Saddest Disbandment - BLESSCODE Most Overhyped Band - LACK-CO Most Overhyped Release - THE CORE by RAZOR Band that Changed their Sound for the Best - Matenrou Opera Band that you spent most of your money on in 2017 - the GazettE Best Revival/Returns - リグロ(llll-Ligro-)
  20. YuyoDrift

    Been a while.
  21. Last Day! Get your votes in for the JRock Awards 2017 while you still can!



    I'l be closing the poll around midnight (my time zone).




    1. plastic_rainbow


      will try to get my done today!

    2. Mamo


      You in Merica!!

    3. plastic_rainbow


      finally got them in! looking forward to the results~ :)

  22. YuyoDrift

    I would agree to this, to an extent. The album is refined, and like you mentioned, it's easy to see why some fans don't like it. I too, would love to listen to a version of "Eve" that had prioritized higher frequencies more than trying to balance the entire track. It needs more "life" to it. What made AA so great in the beginning of their career, was their determination to be the loudest fucking band out there. Making noise essentially, not giving a single fuck about anything else. What we see now is the band truly focusing on creating pieces of work with meaning behind them. What they want to achieve is making music that's just right for them, showing their maturity as a reunited group of friends once again, letting go of past BS. It's actually very commendable, as most bands never stay together long after some drama, let alone forgive, to then embrace this change. Danny certainly has vastly improved his vocals, and its one of the highlights of the entire album, as songs that may sound bland, hold their own with his singing. You can also look at it from the other side, saying that the band is trying to be mature to a point where you may say "they're trying too hard". Focusing too much on trying to make the music "just right", to then sound "watered down" as you put it. Some fucker on Sputnik said they come off too "Nickleback" haha cracked me up.
  23. YuyoDrift

    YouTube revoking privileges from that kid, due to his ignorance, is a step in the right direction for the company. Hopefully its a reality check for the rest of the "YouTube stars".
  24. Only a few days left to submit your votes for the MH JRock Awards!

    Get them in ASAP!



    1. Mamo


      Can't wait I'm ready for the results.

  25. Wow, and he was only in his 30's. Too damn soon.
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