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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Dude there are already covers for this lol Alright so I have not been in the loop for a bit, but I hear they have a new producer? I'm enjoying the energy of the track, combined with clean vocals and guitar riffs, its easy to see this is heavy, and well executed. Solo is good, great harmonization. It still sounds like GazettE, which is what all us fans have been dying to know. I'll embrace the DJent sound if it sounds well produced. These fuckers need to do another world tour haha. Definitely pre-ordering this.
  2. I actually predicted this haha, but I will admit that I didn't predict they would call it an album. I went ahead and skipped their TRIGGER EP and their CREATURE single because I had a feeling they would offer "a compilation" with all these tracks later. Guess I'll order this one.
  3. YuyoDrift

    You guys are killing me. I can't listen to it Am I seriously gonna have to VPN into my own PC at home, and then use a proxy to watch this? lol
  4. MH is gonna be quite lively today :)


    1. yakihiko


      Everytime the GazettE make some announcement their thread got 3 new pages in 15 minutes. Their yt debut album videos just don't get faster in views like the FF7 HD remaster trailer.

  5. YuyoDrift

    Just saw the instagram post! Finallllyyyy!!!
  6. YuyoDrift

    Do I save either one of them, or throw them both under the bus? Not sure yet.
  7. YuyoDrift

    "Whoa. We're living in the future man." - Dude behind me after witnessing a transaction being made with my Apple Watch Is Apple/Android Pay not a thing yet, or is it the fact I used my watch? lol
  8. JASMINE is making a comeback? 

    What a great time to return to JPOP! lol

    1. CAT5


      "Jealous" was really dope.

  9. YuyoDrift

    I'm enjoying the read guys. I can relate to a ton of your points. When I first started downloading shitty Japanese 128kbps albums online (like many OGs on here it seems), I did it because I was a kid first off haha. I downloaded everything I could listen to because I was in love with Japanese music, and it sounded so great to me. I went out of my way and got a ton of my friends hooked, and played it nonstop in the car, at school, and made mixtape after mixtape of the songs I enjoyed. This defined my future with music. I never knew how to get my hands on the actual CD's though, but that was not necessary because the point of file-sharing was so that I didn't have to. Now I want to clarify: This was music I could not get outside of the USA, or was harder to obtain/process of finding it was too much effort than it needed to be. I had the means to buy local, and I always did. Why try and waste hours of my day trying to get the latest Linkin Park CD for free, when I could just go to the store and buy it in 10 minutes? Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I appreciate file-sharing for what it is. I have never taken it for granted, and it led to the beautiful discovery of other genres of music that would have been wayyyyy out of my budget at the time. Did that mean that I was never deserving of listening to all that music in the first place? I think that's a terrible way of looking at it. I feel that I've paid my respects by playing the artists music until my ears bleed, and I'm returning those efforts made by the uploaders by contributing what I can and preserving VK for those who join tomorrow through Monochrome Heaven as a moderator. I try and buy the releases that I can when they are reasonably priced. I feel that along with others who have stated here, there has to be an agreement to lower the cost of the media to us internationally. Also, the consensus seems to be that since its 2018, the music industry needs to step their game up, and make their music more available to the masses. I completely agree. Had streaming services existed back in the 90's, I think I would have gone that route, as listening to the music was my main goal. At the same time, I would not be as tech savvy as I am now (and I wouldn't have pursued a career in Information Security) and the process of file sharing to have not existed would mean that I would never have stumbled across the sites, the people, and the music itself to which I spent years losing sleep in pursuit of. This topic is something that I know all too well, and I'll be damned if we are trying to get rid of a system that has been a vital source for music exposure and preservation worldwide, with no concrete substitute by the music industry and technology, as well as lack of support of.
  10. YuyoDrift

    As someone who joined the file-sharing scene in the late 90's when Gnutella and P2P (centralized networks for file sharing) were at it's infancy, I have so many questions that I'd like to ask the users. I just want to understand, so please forgive the ignorance. I'm looking at all this from the outside in, and I'm simply perplexed at what became of file-sharing. Wtf happened? Such a simple idea to create exposure and salvage media that would otherwise be lost if not archived, to this? I've heard of people becoming entitled, but to what degree? I've always been an advocate for "sharing is caring" but after talking to people online, that saying is now a toxic ideal.
  11. YuyoDrift

    Gotta save some for the starving children.
  12. YuyoDrift

    I'm allowed to turn down food. Guess what? SO ARE YOU! Portions you fucking bastards. PORTIONS. Learn to fucking say "no I'm good" ffs.
  13. YuyoDrift

    Sure, blow me off when I ask how that potential job opening for IT staff is going, but to start losing your shit the minute you see me updating my portfolio..... Haha you're something else boss.
  14. A 2018 version to Renai Shashin?

    Yes please.

  15. YuyoDrift

    So what now? What's the next move for @Kira_Uchiha?
  16. Currently I just log into TIDAL (6 months free trial FTW) and check out their TIDAL rising artists section, and hit the shuffle button. There's probably a similar option with Spotify/Apple Music. The days of spending hours browsing YouTube are long gone for me. I do give them credit, as they've GREATLY improved their algorithms for finding things I might like to see. I'll still give them the time of day when a recommended video sits well for me. Aside from that, I think I just blindly download a bunch of random releases from bands I've never heard of, and just delete the ones I don't enjoy.
  17. Tripping hard because I just found out Takako Uehara sang all those old JPOP hits from my fanboi days of the early 00's.


    I love you JPS.

  18. YuyoDrift

    It's been so long since I've fully used Facebook, I didn't know you could do that. Thanks!
  19. YuyoDrift

    https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/9/16994364/logan-paul-youtube-suspends-advertising Haha about fucking time. Now get the rest of those spoiled YouTube bastards.
  20. I love coming in to work on a snow day, since they have to pay me overtime for it.


    Getting paid all day to browse reddit/do my schoolwork feels nice sometimes haha.

  21. YuyoDrift

    Holding my place here for an 80's Japanese City Pop Mix later.
  22. YuyoDrift

    I want to delete so many people off my Facebook , but then I have to justify why I removed them if they find out. Then again, why the fuck do I care? Fucking hate you Facebook. Now I can't even get rid of people. I remember now why I don't use it lol.
  23. YuyoDrift

    https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/04/technology/early-facebook-google-employees-fight-tech.html This needs to take off ASAP.
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