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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    For those who might be interested, here is a translated attempt to the lyrics for both CADAVER and REVADAC, courtesy of user 雅miyabi from YouTube: This is fucking genius. Nothing short of amazing from the band.
  2. YuyoDrift

    You've got to be fucking shitting me hahaha holy shit! Didn't hear about this until now, but hot damn that was good. Impressive as fuck actually. I was just thinking about them this week, and wondered how they were gonna top their EP. Definitely sold me here with that inverted track.
  3. YuyoDrift

    Sure thing. Since It's been a few months, I wouldn't be surprised if they introduced updated/new headphones (maybe they have the old ones on clearance?). For the price, I can recommend the Klipsch R6 (99% positive they should be there at your best buy lol) https://www.bestbuy.com/site/klipsch-reference-r6-earbud-headphones-black/4946038.p?skuId=4946038 Do you have a Guitar Center around you? If you are willing to spend near $100, they offer higher quality earbuds there too. My personal pick (if you don't mind a longer cord) is the Shure SE215. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Shure/SE215-Dynamic-Microdriver-Earphones.gc The highs and the mids are well worth the price, and the lows are acceptable (but poor to those who listen to Hip-Hop/EDM) for rock music. NOTE: You can find a special edition (from Japan Ooooh) of these for the same price on AMAZON. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Shure/SE215-Dynamic-Microdriver-Earphones.gc (These have a bit more bass, and are the much more preferred version of the 2) Where do you reside? It can help with locating stores near you for audio.
  4. YuyoDrift

    Kinda wish Misa's Aioria took off. What a shift in the VK scene that would have been....
  5. YuyoDrift

    I was going to quote an online user for my paper due today, and had to scrap it because their username was Miss_Bullshit. Why did I ever think using a post from reddit was a good idea?
  6. YuyoDrift

    I have heard DIM SCENE over a few hundred times, and NOT ONCE did I ever realize that aoi's guitar was playing in the background alongside that build-up. Those synchronized basslines have been more prominent to me this entire time. I had to put on 3 different sets of headphones and equalize the sound to make sure it's existence was real holy shit lol. Bravo.
  7. YuyoDrift

    So I tried watching Punch Line the other day, and had to stop 4 episodes in. For the first time, I actually felt like I wasted my life watching something lol. Never again.
  8. YuyoDrift

    Agh! wtf bros! Nobody told me! https://www.avclub.com/adult-swim-celebrates-this-years-april-fools-by-running-1824238556 Now I have to look for this damn episode lol
  9. YuyoDrift

    Ep 13 pf Darling in the FRANXX fucking delivered on the feels. So glad I stuck around.
  10. YuyoDrift

    I have waited more than 15 years for this! This is definitely a nostalgia trip and a day one purchase for me.
  11. YuyoDrift

    My thoughts exactly. It's probably for the best. As much as I love their composition style (I always have), trying to expand the range for creativity will allow them to grow for sure. It could also bring in a new demographic of fans (hopefully the current ones wont be scared off lol).
  12. Can we bring back 90's era JPOP for the rest of 2018, or is it too soon? lol



    1. Komorebi


      I'm good with early 2000's too.

  13. I'm so glad that this was finally explained haha. In my early years I learned to just accept having 3-4 different artist sections for certain bands (really I was just lazy), but these days I cannot tolerate it with new bands. I think the current one that pisses me off after so many years is Ayabie ( 彩冷える, アヤビエ, ayabie, 彩冷える-ayabie-). I don't even know where AYABIE fits in the mix (the band with 4 members but Aoi) haha.
  14. YuyoDrift

    We have similar taste @Original Sakulol
  15. Holy shit my stomach has been very sensitive for 2 mornings now.


    1. platy


      r u pregnant? 

    2. YuyoDrift


      Don't let my body hear you say that!

    3. Triangle


      Dude same 😔. We were having so much fun and now she's turned sensitive ugh stomachs 😒😒

  16. YuyoDrift

    Same here! NIL overall is one of my favorite albums.
  17. YuyoDrift

    I just want to take a moment once again and thank the GazettE for creating the marvel that is バレッタ. You ask me to choose one song to represent why I enjoy listening to them, and it will probably be this.
  18. YuyoDrift

    A lurker has been spotted! Very nice to have you finally join the forum dude. We are pretty "open arms" when it comes to new members, I think haha. By making an account on MH, you're gonna open up a bunch of new stuff for you to explore that you haven't already. Don't forget that you can contact any of the staff here (Red, Blue, and Green Usernames) if you have any questions or concerns. Hope to chat it up with you here soon!
  19. YuyoDrift

    This is information I was seeking. First off I want to thank you @Komorebifor asking this question, and I want to thank you @AyaRukiA for answering it truthfully as well. It is my understanding that since you are not a Heresy member (something that I feel would have given you more backbone to your arguments), you are in no higher position than anyone who is not as well, and thus should not have a reason to be upset with fellow users here on Monochrome Heaven over their opinion on the GazettE. Read my signature. There are countless users on here that have been into the VK scene for over a decade +, and have listened to numerous bands outside of the GazettE. Who is to say (from their years of experience here on MH and listening to Visual Kei in general) that their claims (opinions in this case) are invalid? There exists no distinction between the users here and yourself in terms of importance (I'm referring to who is the more "loyal" fan) to us staff and we recognize this. We have to. Condescending remarks or moral transgressions towards anyone because of their opinion anywhere on this forum will be dealt with accordingly. This post does not in any way insinuate that you are in trouble. The staff and I simply want you to understand that you are welcome to voice your opinion, as well listen/ignore others', but at the end of the day remember that they are simply opinions. Many users here have already stated this, so I see no more reason to go further into detail. As a new member @AyaRukiA, spend time to observe your fellow users in this community, and learn as much knowledge as you can from them (the VK culture, their experiences in it, and the dramas associated with it). Take a look at our forum rules, and respect the staff's efforts by doing your best to abide by them. It may be many years before you can admire the vast amount of information about Visual Kei, it's history, and the contributions made by everyone here, so for now why not start today by providing your own? I can guarantee you that one year here will change you dramatically for the better, and the best part is: you're not alone on this journey.
  20. YuyoDrift

    Saw Coco and Black Panther recently. Both films were amazing, and the fresh ideas in terms of how to approach the films direction was actually something I could applaud. So far Black Panther is up there in top Superhero Films, but then again I've been told numerous times to watch Wonder Woman and then judge haha. Coco actually interpreted the cultural aspect throughout the film well, and I was amazed at how much influence by the latino community there was.
  21. YuyoDrift

    Ok so who is else is watching DARLING in the FRANXX, and was finally impressed with the actual story development in the latest episode? haha
  22. Holy shit my boss walked out of the office during our busiest hours.


    I don't know why I'm speechless. lol.

  23. YuyoDrift

    Mine came in too! @Original Saku Now I'm waiting on the Massdrop HD58x's to come in sometime in June lol
  24. Anyone here from Denver, CO? Gonna be there in a couple weeks.

    Say hello!

  25. Dudes I'm 6 months behind on updating my iTunes playlists, holy fuck.


    Gonna go all in and see how much I get done.

    1. CAT5


      Bro i'm right here witcha on that. Let @Chi be my witness, I haven't updated my playlists in about a year. :lol:  I'm progressively gettin shit done in my free time tho!

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      man I haven't even checked out any new music since December... I'm still catching up on albums that came out late last year.


      I have 3 months of jpop to download XD Life is sometimes a bitch.

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