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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Damn. Now that's some news.
  2. YuyoDrift

    The fucking chord progression in NINTH is unbelievable. Even though they didn't end up using a 7-string, you can tell they did their best to make it sound like there was one. Very cool.
  3. YuyoDrift

    I agree completely with your take on the sound production, and the efforts to use better sound equipment must have made that much more of a difference. I had a similar experience, as that itch for experimentation got the best of me, and I decided to listen to NINTH again and again, using 3 different types of headphones (open-back, closed-back, and noise-cancelling) with and without a DAC/Amplifier, as well as listening to it in the car (windows up and down), and even on the plane during my vacation trip haha. Ruki's recommendation to obtain better audio equipment in order to listen to their albums at their best is solid advice for sure. Guess it would be no surprise then to anyone that listened to NINTH through something similar to Apple earpods and complained about the sound, simply because of the frequencies that overlap entirely from it's production (could be that muddiness everyone is referring to). Even in my own search to find the right balance of equalization and driver amplification to make this album sound amazing, I could feel that GazettE standard being set higher and higher. Perhaps we have become a bit too jaded with past expectations from the GazettE to present new ideas, that now we even criticize the sound when it differs from what we are used to. Perhaps this issue with the sound production is the first of many complaints to come until fans actually take Ruki's advice. Just gotta wait and see. Here's my review on NINTH. With that said, | An album that GazettE fans have been waiting years for. What I felt I listened to in NINTH was what a lot of us were truly waiting for. Something that kind of stopped with TOXIC, and DOGMA was the complete opposite of. It’s weird, but this feels like a GazettE album. There exist tracks that can be rightfully placed into the hall of Gaze-favorites. The sound is reminiscent to their days of spontaneity, where they just went at it with a collection of ideas, and in this case those ideas became NINTH. Is this is rival to DIM? I’d say no, and that’s because it is too sporadic in sound and execution to be heralded as one (too mashup-y in simple words). I can comfortably say that NINTH is a rightful successor, as it checks all the boxes that I feel made me a fan all those years ago, and even has the potential to be an album in 2018 that you can easily recommend to new fans of the scene. I think most would agree that if the album still holds its appeal even after as many listens as I have gone through, then it will most likely stay that way.
  4. YuyoDrift

    I would give it a few more listens. I've grown to enjoy the album quite a bit, as you become familiar with it (and pick out your favorites). Definitely easier to swallow than DOGMA by a mile. Still working on my review, but it's positive for sure.
  5. YuyoDrift

    My take @ghost would be that I think he plateau'd a long time ago. The way this was produced, you'd think he'd be able to sing with a wider vocal range. Boy needs to learn to sing a bit more versatile.
  6. YuyoDrift

    I’m going to have to listen to the iTunes version now, thanks guys. Lol. I might be in the minority, but I feel the MV version was a tad too “flat” for my tastes. Not too sure where the words muddy came from haha. Maybe if I was listening through Apple earbuds lol but as far as I can tell (I have the CD) the album version has a higher gain, and so there’s more clarity in the drumming and while the instruments could be a bit in sync, I wouldn’t necessarily call that a bad thing. I’ll listen to the AAC version and update post. Edit: Sounds exactly the same for iTunes version. Production is the same at least.
  7. Day 3 for me, and I'm still listening to NINTH.  It's gotta be at least my 15th play through the album.


    I feel I'm having a repeat of DOGMA, where I need more time to listen to every nuance this album has to offer in order to put a review together.

    1. nick


      Usually, I prefer fast-paced songs to ballads, but right now I just can't stop listening to その声は脆く. I think I need help. xD

    2. YuyoDrift


      @nostalgia and you see, this is what is driving me nuts.


      There are hints of their past works in this song, in terms of composition.

      Yet at the same time, they've changed up the order to an almost original execution (for them at least).


      @Spectralion Wait, are you serious? Fuck. Now I have to listen to again with yet another approach lol.

    3. Nagisa


      Can't wait to read your review.

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  8. YuyoDrift

    Didn't know about the warehouse change. Well anyways, I actually got mine in the evening yesterday from CDJapan.
  9. YuyoDrift

    I was very tempted to listen to the previews, but as I listened to the intro, I said "oh god Jesus I cant do this" lol I'm gonna wait for my CD to come in the mail. I can wait 2+ days? Right?
  10. YuyoDrift

    Man you guys made me binge their 翔〜カケラ〜裸 album for days now haha. God I love this band.
  11. Just realized I missed celebrating my 5th anniversary here on MH lol

    1. platy


      how would you have celebrated? 

    2. YuyoDrift


      Maybe a beer, and an avatar with a birthday hat or something haha.

  12. After 8 long years, I just gave my letter of resignation to my boss. No turning back now.

    1. Raburr7


      I left my job after 3 years coz i couldnt take any more night shift and i feel like i am finally free :P


      Wish you the best and good luck, life goes on :D

    2. YuyoDrift


      Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!


      @The ReverendI remember when you quit your job! Man, you give me hope lol.

      I have no replacement job lined up, but its not gonna deter me from trying my best at seeking a new one. It's a brand new career attempt for me, so I hope I can fit in with everyone else out there.

      Gonna move out there, and hope for the best.

    3. nick


      Wish you the best for your new career!

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  13. YuyoDrift

    https://www.instagram.com/yuyodrift/ I've been meaning to get back into amateur photography like during my car scene days. I also need to migrate my flickr photos on over to here. Soon. lol.
  14. Are you coming back from a long time hiatus, or decided that Q1 was so good that you finally want to start keeping score on what you listen to? lol


    We have a place on the forum for just that!



  15. YuyoDrift

    Alright @platy , Darling in the FRANXX just went full fucking KILL LA KILL on us, so I think I can confidently say start watching it lol.
  16. YuyoDrift

    I didn't even realize the amount of youtube vids trying to explain the hate for ichigo lol So excited for tomorrow!
  17. How bittersweet. In a way, I'm glad they stopped activities (god knows if they would have ended up like A9/An Cafe these days). It would be amazing if they did come out and say they are reviving the band again. One of my long time favorite bands from my teen years. Was AYABIE's Virgin Snow Color 2 ever worth listening to?
  18. YuyoDrift

    Mmm hmm, we are gonna get along just fine hehe. Welcome to the forum! It's great to hear that you've come out of lurking. Fans of the scene are always welcome, especially 90's Visual Kei Oficionados such as ourselves (we're starting to thrive again it seems lol). I can't wait to hear all the kinds of wisdom/knowledge you have to offer here on MH. Oh and also, it's never too late to say hi. Just message any of the Admins/Mods on the website (Red/Blue) when you have any questions. Talk to you soon!
  19. Lol shit I got mentioned on a reaction video 

    1. Himeaimichu


      Was it willingly or did they see you say something here and decided to quote you?

    2. YuyoDrift


      Well I messaged this guy I follow yesterday (does reaction vids, and he seems sincere) who just happened to enjoy a few releases from VK bands that were shown to him when he first started his channel (December I think). I was just trying to give him a heads up that a new single just released that I thought he'd enjoy (Unlucky Morpheus - CADAVER), and if he had time to check it out that would be cool.


      Then I see this today lol


      I found it even funnier because he was going on about how a shitton of people messaged him about this, and then I was thinking "Shit. I wonder if he's gonna mention me". Sure enough, he did haha.

    3. BrenGun


      get him more visual kei to review

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  20. Thank god someone else said this. I was afraid of getting attacked by the mobs lol.
  21. YuyoDrift

    "It's like Malice Mizer caused cancer to all future generations of Japanese metal." ...... Que?
  22. YuyoDrift

    Just saw it on instagram. I'd agree with the comments above.
  23. Telegram is banned in Russia.

    Now that is funny.

    1. nekkichi


      probably ukraine, vk is more or less govmnt owned.

    2. YuyoDrift
    3. nekkichi


      we been knew. in tangentially related news - 



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  24. YuyoDrift

    Saw A Quiet Place last night. My thoughts on the film have me torn. The film itself, and what was shown to us, was well executed. Actors are great (especially Blunt), and the scenes that were to keep you well planted in your seats delivered on their impact. It's what you don't see in the film, and begin to think about after its over, that starts to give the film an over all "meh" rating. There are reviews out there that mention that this information was left out as it was irrelevant, a wise decision in fact. My question is: to who? The film felt as if the additional information would have reinforced and extended the plot in a healthy way, addressing some of the questions asked by the audience as the film went along. Instead, we have to look online for answers. Sure enough, I haven't found shit in my attempt.
  25. YuyoDrift

    So I'm following up on EP 14 and holy shit the drama online regarding how the episode went down is beyond belief lol. Never seen a subreddit as salty as this one rn. Fuckers even sent hate tweets to the creators of the show with their outrage haha. I hope they don't cancel it from these acts of ignorance.
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