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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Oh but I have ordered them. I'd be an idiot not to get some cheap HD650s for $200 haha. The wait is FUCKING LONG haha. Mine are on backorder until March of 2018 though. Ughhh. I recall you saying you had a set of the Massdrop HD6XXs. You think the headphones work well for songs with more mid-range? Apparently the HD660 S have improved mid-range, but if the HD650s are "good enough", then I'll hold off until the HD660 S lower in price next year.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Cutting myself from you is a weakness that would surely kill me, but the feeling of being free is something I want so much more. Can I live with that emptiness inside, capable of finally filling it in with someone new? The bitter coffee I drink now is a painful pleasure that reminds me to stay grounded, as losing myself is an option that no longer exists. Something warm to prolong the inevitable case of a cold heart. What I feel right now is a push against something that has long pierced what is not there, I'm sorry to say. I forget sometimes myself.
  3. YuyoDrift

    Making its return for 2017, due to popular demand, we will be hosting the MH JRock Awards !!! Now, before you start voting, read the rules provided in the spoiler below, or be slapped by a HUGE Viking Fish! – @Champ213 Once you have read the general rules, here's how to vote: 1. Copy the list of categories below into your reply 2. Fill in your votes (you can skip as many categories as you'd like) 3. Submit. Your posts will stay hidden until the end of the voting. Here are your categories to choose from: Voting will last until Sunday, January 14th of the New Year (2018) This will allow everyone to take their time, since some of us are still waiting on some final releases to come out this month. Note: "Album" includes both full and mini-albums. For simplicity reasons, we follow the "Once Visual Kei, always Visual Kei" rule. So yes, that makes bands like Dir en grey or L'Arc~En~Ciel a Visual Kei band, just for the purpose of this voting. Any questions you have, please do not hesitate to contact any of the Staff! Happy Voting!
  4. YuyoDrift

    Has anyone purchased the new Sennheiser HD 660 S yet? Fuck I'm dying for my Christmas bonus to get these lol. I keep reading there is more accurate bass response, and the mids have improved over the HD650.
  5. YuyoDrift

    So the terrible "White Elephant" Christmas Gift Exchange makes its return here at work. Fuck. I think I'm gonna by a broom and put it in a big box. Lol.
  6. YuyoDrift


    Yo. A bunch has happened since 2009, both in VK, and Japanese Music in general. I hope you are enjoying your time catching up on MH, and we will surely appreciate any contribution to the forum you can provide. I myself also enjoy 90's/00's VK, but there have been some stellar releases in the last few years worth noting for sure. Make some new friends if you haven't already, and check out our featured posts for the latest releases and recommendations. Welcome back!
  7. YuyoDrift

    Watched 5 Centimeters Per Second, and while I enjoyed the message hidden in the film, it left me wanting so much more. It pretty much forces the viewer to go and read the manga for answers, and fuck man we don't have time for that lol. What I really want to talk about is Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice). A film that I am so glad I decided to finally watch.
  8. YuyoDrift

    Are you sure? Welcome to MH, Luceillia . We hope you are enjoying your stay here thus far. I've noticed you have already taken part in the many discussions we have here on the Forum. Keep it up! Any questions you may have regarding how to use the website, the rules, etc., feel free to PM anyone of the staff here in Red or Blue.
  9. YuyoDrift

    I sure learned that the hard way. My family has a bad history of missed opportunities actually, to make a quick buck. lol. I also regret not jumping on FB stock when shares were minuscule. Lol. I don't think anyone thought they'd last any more than MySpace did.
  10. YuyoDrift

    "What the hell are these "Bitcoins"??? Must be like coke rewards or something. Eh." - Yuyo, 2009 (maybe 2010). When I think about potentially having over $100,000 USD in that old Hard Drive that took a shit ........ just fucking great. Seriously, fuck.
  11. Aside from getting the car impounded, I think that the Yiruma Concert was very memorable.


    Just when I thought he was not going to play "When the Love Falls", he comes back for an encore and announces/performs a 2017 version of it!

    1. Komorebi


      Holy sh*** did you get your car back??

    2. YuyoDrift


      Oh yeah, no problem. I lived in Chicago, remember?


      All it took was figuring out which of the 10 tow truck companies had my car, and get my hands on cash.

      Worst part was having to take 3 Ubers to get back and forth between trips lol.

      Oh and it was going on 2AM.


  12. YuyoDrift

    "What if you broke your arm or something before the Yiruma concert tonight. Would you still go?" Even if I were shot, I would still go. Lol. *Knockonwood*
  13. YuyoDrift

    2017's "The Whirl" sounds absolutely fantastic. Hazuki's emphasis on making sure this new version exceeds everyones expectations is not going unnoticed. I imagine that lynch. are getting closer and closer to cracking this sound recipe they've been working with for a couple years now. I always wonder what this "sweet spot" the guys are trying to achieve is. If it will result in redefining what we know of lynch.'s music style thus far, then I'm all for it. The possibility that lynch. can create a more memorable release than the album D.A.R.K (by doing all this) is something I need to hear before I die.
  14. YuyoDrift

    Someone sent my coworker some Purple Basil Petunias. That is the most gangster shit that I have ever witnessed. Haha.
  15. YuyoDrift

    Fuckin A, I can’t remember if I’ve seen the movie chappie. Lol.
  16. YuyoDrift

    A wild lurker has been spotted! Lol. Seriously though, thanks for taking the time to post an introduction about yourself, as we always like to read what kind of fans of Visual Kei we have here on the forum. I'm a fan of the oldies myself, and there are plenty of other members that you will come across that are just as big a fan as we are, if you haven't already met them, of course. Keep enjoying what we have to offer here, and don't forget that you can ask any one of us staff in Red or Blue regarding any questions you may have. Talk to you later upon your next wild appearance I suppose lol.
  17. YuyoDrift

    Dude I'm sorry, but you must be fucking stupid if you think that I am going to build you a computer with the same estimate that I gave you last year. Like wtf? Did I, or did I not tell everyone and their wife that SSD and RAM prices will rise exponentially, with graphics cards being right up there too.
  18. YuyoDrift

    Saw the Babadook on Netflix this weekend, and all I have to say about that film was that the actress did an alright job as far as acting goes. Also, the film's ending left a bad taste in my mouth lol.
  19. YuyoDrift

    Ok bros, question of the day: How many of you actually use both hands to take a piss? I got shit from someone for being on my cellphone and using the urinal. I don't know what bothered me more: the fact that someones jimmies were rustled by my multitasking, or that they broke bro code and fucking pissed in the urinal next to mine lol.
  20. Time to compile my witch house playlist for tonight.

  21. YuyoDrift

    I will admit that I passed on giving La'mule a listen years ago, as Kote Kei was not something I listened to back then. "Memory of Flow" was a wonderful surprise listen, as it was randomly played on my drive to work this morning. Looking forward to previewing the rest of their discography.
  22. YuyoDrift

    Hey, welcome to Monochrome Heaven! Enjoy your stay here, and take part in as many threads as you please. If you have any questions, just ask any of us staff online in Red or Blue, and we'll be sure to help. What kind of City Pop do you enjoy listening to?
  23. God I love synthwave purists sometimes lol

  24. YuyoDrift

    The last thing I wanted to see opening up my Instagram feed after a month, was my Japanese ex-girlfriend getting married. I guess I don't have to wonder "what if...." anymore. I also don't enjoy the fact that I suddenly remembered the phrase "私を殺して" subconsciously . Yeah.....
  25. YuyoDrift

    Currently on season 3 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (yes yes, I have not seen this anime until now, kill me). While Season 3 does not "Wow" me like Season 1 did (Season 2 became meh about halfway through), it was "bizarre" to find out the origin of the new character. Of all the possibilities, I never would have guessed lol.
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