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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Lo-Fi (Low-Fidelity) can be best described as sound recordings, that are of lower quality than the set standard for modern music. Imagine the noise made by old cassettes (VK Demos sound like this), or an old voice recorder for memos, and you pretty much have the idea of what kinds of sounds we are referring to. Certain DJs today use a combination of Hip-Hop (Down-Tempo'd to be exact), along with Lo-Fi recording due to budget constraints, or even purposely, in order to attain that "authenticity" in sound. What we have as a result ladies and gentlemen is Lo-Fi/Chill Hip-Hop. There are many other names in relation to the genre, but I think the overall name suits it well. I've also noticed that the Trip-Hop thread is long dead lol so feel free to include that genre in here as well. Digging through some old HDD of mine, I stumbled across a favorite of mine, Me Gusta. This DJ incorporated some electronic music in some tracks, but stayed true to the sound. Looking forward to anyone on here that has some stuff they'd like to share . Nujabes was a recognizable artist (who incorporated the genre) among anime fans (Samurai Champloo), as some of his music contained that mellow, lo-fi/hip-hop combination, making the anime series nostalgic. I know YouTube has many channels for this area of hip-hop, and so I feel it's a popular genre to listen to by now.
  2. Ya know, my co-worker introduced me to Dance with the Dead about a year ago, and I never looked into it. It's not until today that I decide to check out some city pop forums, and I stumble across an article that mentions SATELLITE YOUNG, and well ..... Here I am lol Gonna check out all your recommendations guys, and maybe even stumble on some new stuff for ya too.
  3. Mark my words.

    City Pop WILL make a comeback.

    My body will be ready.

  4. YuyoDrift

    Saw Hollywood's version of Ghost in the Shell, and a few things that I noted were: The first half of the film was cringe-worthy Actors had no life in the acting for the majority of the film Parts depicted from the original Japanese Anime film (where stories are explained, and details to certain scenes went into more depth) were mashed up together for this live action film, for what? Save time? I think that if you have never heard of Ghost in the Shell, or are an anime lover who has not seen the actual Anime film (or the # of series out there), then this will be a film that will confuse you, because it felt "very rushed". Not sure if this was intentional.
  5. Time to renew my license plates, yet again. 

    This time I feel like getting vanity plates. I think I might get one that says "VKLYF" haha.

  6. YuyoDrift

    Stereo.C.K - Station
  7. YuyoDrift

    Which web browser are you using?
  8. YuyoDrift

    So I started watching Prince of Stride the other day. Hmm. I'm not sure if I like it, or if it's just gonna become a show that I play in the background as I study haha. I'll let you guys know.
  9. YuyoDrift

    Enjoyed the read @emmny. This was very well thought out. As much of a fan of their later work (Kurohata Era) as I am, I have much respect for the '02-'03 era as well. The composition of this era was very fresh, and it's no lie that Daisuke was a genius when it came to expressing their work through his singing. This band is a must listen for any fan of Nagoya Kei, and anyone who wants to appreciate composition as an art-form.
  10. YuyoDrift

    So much random shit on my mind, but the main one atm is: How can you go and complain about something that will screw you over, regardless of who you blame for it? Are people that fucking stupid?
  11. YuyoDrift

    Decided to buy a case of New Belgium's Juicy Watermelon-Lime Ale. This tasted very much like dirty water. No Joke. I think the lime was alright, but the watermelon ruined the ENTIRE beer hops taste, and left you with a neutralized ale that had nothing but disappointment in every chug.
  12. YuyoDrift

    Saw it myself last week. It was surprisingly entertaining for what I paid for. Not too over the top, and the plot was one I have not come across yet. Main actors were average, and I think that's what helped the film become a great watch, but fall short of being noticed by the masses. Ending was meh.
  13. So the ENTIRE fucking UFC streaming service is down EVERYWHERE. DDoS I'm sure.

  14. YuyoDrift

    You're fine. It gives us mods something to do lol Anyways, welcome to Monochrome Heaven! Feel free and get cozy here, as their are many places for you to take a look-see, perhaps even participate in. Discuss your latest band obsessions, or talk about any news you have to share. We have topics about the most random things if you dig hard enough. Feel free to let anyone with a Red or Blue username know if you have any questions. Talk to you soon!
  15. YuyoDrift

    I had no idea google had eyes. Thanks for the paranoia.
  16. YuyoDrift

    I don't understand how you can enjoy something like this, I really fucking don't. You are seriously everything I fucking hate. I understand why I am the way I am now. I never fucking changed, because I was never supposed to. Why I continue to act like I have, no longer makes sense. How this act could be exploited for so long, makes even less sense. I purposely want to avoid myself, for what? I'm not the one who should be avoided. It's even worse that what I have to avoid, will most likely kill me inside for a long time, making me scared of what will be left when its done. Fucking Christ.
  17. YuyoDrift

    @chemicalpicturessay whaaaaa I'll check it out when I get home lol This looks cool!
  18. YuyoDrift

    Man, do the GazettE bring on in the activity on this forum or what haha. So long as the album does not cater to only one genre like their last one, then I'm all for it. If they manage to pull off this theme they have, then that is some impressive shit.
  19. YuyoDrift

    First off, I have to say: If English is not your native language, then HOLY CRAP your spelling is fantastic! We appreciate you taking some time and introducing yourself on Monochrome Heaven, as we love to meet all of our lurkers haha. As the others have mentioned, we hope to see you around on the forums soon. Oh and as @Komorebimentioned, us MH Staff are here if you have any questions. Welcome!
  20. That is a very good question. What would I have listened to if Glay or Gackt, or even the Pillows, flew past me growing up? What would I have done if JPOP queens like Ayumi, Namie, or even Nanase, not been my gateway to music overseas? Japanese music is something that has become a core part of my very being, allowing me to learn about the outside world, as well as how the internet works, which in turn, led me to a career in Information Security. I can't imagine something else that could fill its place. If I had to guess, I would venture to say that American Metal would have filled in the void temporarily, before drifting away from that last bit of teenage angst, and succumb to just listening to whatever comes on the radio. I say that because when I first listened to Japanese music, I purposely went out and taught myself how the internet works, in order to browse forums, blogs, and site's where the P2P sharing wave of the 00's existed, in order to get my hands on as much as I could. I'm pretty sure that I would not have done this for an American Metal CD that I could just go and buy down the street, and so eventually I'd lose interest. I'm sure I'd just stream my music at this point, just like everyone else.
  21. I'm drooling over our pool going on for the McGregor/Mayweather fight next week.

    1. YuyoDrift


      @Elazmusbruh, put in for this pool lol

    2. Elazmus


      loll how big is it??

    3. YuyoDrift


      You don't wanna know lol

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  22. Dat Sonic Mania doe.

    1. Aferni
    2. Takadanobabaalien


      playing it on the switch, its great

    3. YuyoDrift


      Is it 60FPS on console?

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  23. Having a beard is cool and all, but being called "Old-Timer" is not lol I'm in my Twenties goddamn it.

    1. Komorebi


      Tbh I'm pretty sure you don't need the beard to be called old timer, Yuyo.

    2. YuyoDrift


      ....wtf Komorebi 😂 

    3. Komorebi


      You do tend to sound older than you are in your long posts XD

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