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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift


    Jpop fan, nice. Welcome to the forum.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Now this is something we can agree on. You playing on console, or PC? You think the constant 60FPS on PC is worth upgrading my GTX950? lol
  3. "Completely Vegan and Cruelty-Free"?


    What the fuck kind of deodorant did I buy? lolol

    1. Komorebi
    2. Himeaimichu


      At least it's not "Non GMO Himalayan Salt" xD

      That actually exists though, and it doesn't even come from the Himalayas. It comes from Pakistan xD

    3. Biopanda


      Well, at least if you eat your deodorant then you won't need to worry about doing something immoral.

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  4. Holy shit. Simpsonwave is real.


    I thought it was a vaporwave myth hahaha.

    1. Aferni


      Simpsonwave is <3

  5. YuyoDrift

    Oh, I'm sure they do. I would think the actual problem would be more obvious, but eh. They'll figure it out.
  6. YuyoDrift

    This one actually hurt.
  7. Russian Hackers? Rofl gtfo with that shit. Not everyone is as stupid as you make us out to be, Media.

    1. nekkichi


      idk what media you're talking about, bur russian state payrolls both hackers and social media propaganda as one example.

    2. Panda_bear


      YuyoDrift Russian hacker confirmed. 

      Nekkichi Russian Kremlin confirmed.

      Panda_bear Vladimir Putin confirmed.

  8. YuyoDrift

    Nier:Automata is just ........ holy hell man, I haven't played a game so ........ so god damn good in a long time. I can't even tell you how I feel playing this game, because I have forgotten you could even feel like this in a game. Not even FFXV could pull me in like this. I think this may be one of the best games I have ever played. EVERYTHING in this game feels so .... human (Ironically we play as androids and the world is full of robots). Taro-Kun's storytelling is so captivating.
  9. YuyoDrift

    Hiroko Yakushimaru - 夢で逢えたら (Yume De Aetara) This is a cover for the original by Eiichi Ohtaki, just to show off her skill to capture the emotion of a true cover. and another great singer from the 80's, Mr. Tatsuro Yamashita. This guy's releases are incredible. I'm amazed that YouTube has such good quality rips.
  10. YuyoDrift

    People keep asking me if I'm back from JPop retirement (no one is asking me), and I keep telling myself no, but goddamn those J-Jams got me again.
  11. Well, for the sake of not going into any more details (because what was mentioned was a really broad explanation for those who really don't care about this), what I was actually trying to compare was the broad spectrum of use (files) to a professional vs the average consumer. RAW/Hi-Res files are useless to the public, but for software use (professionals), its the bee's knees. Also, when I said "video game music", I was really trying to say "a simple, bare bones use of computer generated waveforms, sound channels, and depth (Low Res Crap) with limits", but I figured this would cause brainfarts so I didn't (plus as I was editing, I got really lazy and decided "Video Game Music will be fine. It'll be fine.....") Thanks for calling me out though haha.
  12. YuyoDrift

    So I've finally decided it was time. I have begun watching Tokyo Love Story.
  13. YuyoDrift

    I need more 80's Jpop Folks.
  14. Kumi Koda's new album is ummmm ....

    I'll get back to you lol

    1. tetsu_sama69


      Yeah I'm on the same boat there....

  15. YuyoDrift

    ALL BEST OF's are cash grabs. Can't fool me. Feel free to read my posting in this thread.
  16. The answer is a little complicated. Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile. Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated. People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste. What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth. In reality, we actually can hear the difference. The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience. Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two. Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this. Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits. Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high. What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max. Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8. So: 8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD) 24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not? It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images). So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices. Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over. Our entertainment systems have been made possible to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound. This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here. TL;DR Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection. You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol. Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit. Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC. So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now. Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  17. YuyoDrift

    A ProTip is a piece of advice, from a pro, to help someone become a pro themselves (I'm no pro btw, I'm just using the word) I'd like to dedicate this thread to those of us, who have seen our fair share of dates, or relationships, and may have some wisdom to share for those who are new to dating/relationships, or would like to read our tips in order to help them improve/gain some insight from others experiences. I hope that with this thread, we can answer some people's concerns, or prove/debunk myths when it comes to dating/relationships. I hope I can learn a thing myself. I created the thread, so I guess I'll add the first one. Pro Tip: Don't EVER, under any circumstance, make assumptions about the person you are dating/seeing. It's up to you to ask questions (point of a date) and shed some light on things (you want to get to know them, right?), so you don't go assuming and acting on what may have been, taken out of context. Some examples of phrases I've heard/said myself before on dates, confirming that assumptions can be/were made: "Oh. You're one of those...." "Well, that explains things"/"Ah, makes sense now"/"Hmm. Well, no wonder."/"OK then." "You're not like the others..." "You're all the same" "You must/must not get that a lot" IF, by chance, you have those thoughts, DON'T SAY IT TO THEM. They are your thoughts, not facts. What can happen is, you will be DROPPED/LET GO, because your assumptions caused them to make assumptions. The irony. No one wants to be grouped into something that they may not even be a part of. This is why asking questions and getting answers are the best alternative.
  18. YuyoDrift

    I really wish I could trust someone enough to come live in a condo as a roommate. Finding a new place that is worth it sure sucks.
  19. YuyoDrift

    Finally saw John Wick 2 this weekend. Very good sequel. Glad to see the man can still perform his own stunts. Hard to do in your 50's. My thought were as follows.
  20. YuyoDrift

    Welcome to the site! Plenty of people on MH who enjoy those same bands, so don't hesitate to participate on the forum. I myself, am a fan of the more older style of VK, such as luna sea. I'm sure we will get along great. We do have a section for musicians, so feel free to start your own thread and show off some of your work and talents. Hope to see you on the forums soon.
  21. YuyoDrift

    It feels good to finally start believing in the one person who, for a while now, didn't think they were making the right decisions. Myself. So I'm feeling more fortified.
  22. Dem tracks are too crisp, please stahp.

  23. YuyoDrift

    Let's just say that that is what keeps me attached to the films he stars in. I feel he portrays John Wick perfectly. I killing machine with no consciousness or empathy, until he experiences that ray of happiness, and performs an impossible task in order to preserve it. When it is all taken away from him in a cruel twist of fate, he is left back to being an empty husk, being consumed once again by the underground world and demons he thought he could escape. I love the Wick Series Peffs lol.
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