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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. You can sue someone over a bad negative review online.

    HAHAHAHA I love the USA.

    1. Elazmus


      this is what happens when you give yelp to the general public lmao

    2. nekkichi


      wasn't yelp doing some shady stuff with the way they published ratings (negative ones got priority, positive ones were unlocked if businesses were willing to pay or something)

      I remember someone fuming over this a few years ago

    3. YuyoDrift



      Local businesses here in Chicago despise Yelp for that reason.


  2. YuyoDrift

    "Exotic"? What the fuck does that even mean?
  3. YuyoDrift

    Make it or break it folks, cuz it sure as fuck can't go any other way.
  4. YuyoDrift

    Just purchased The Caligula Effect for the PSVita. Most people are going to dismiss it since Persona 5 would be a better choice, but I've been waiting for its port for a while now.
  5. The SE USA store is having a sale on games.

    Nier:Automata is 44.99, but on waitlist.

    1. YuyoDrift


      lol you're not gonna get your hands on a BB edition that easily

    2. platy


      I gave up that dream long ago </3 But I'm still gonna kill a bitch to get the Automata art book.

    3. Zeus


      get nier its soooo good

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  6. YuyoDrift

    I 'm ending this beautiful lie, having done more harm to myself than I should have. I understand that. If it never lets go, then I have no choice but to give in. They say too much of a "good" thing, is bad for you. But can it kill a man with no heart?
  7. YuyoDrift

    And this fucking terrible week begins.
  8. YuyoDrift

    No prob. Let me go ahead and add in some more for you guys. Most can be found on that YouTuber's channel, and others have been growing in popularity on SoundCloud. (((O))) aka Holy Grin LUXXGRΔVE Mana Void WRCKTNGL Baka Brigade ΔᏕĦΞɴ ₣○ƦΞᏕᛏᏕ SVDNVSS SATVRNXX VΛLS☰ †RISГ☰ †NIHIL† FLESH ᑡlepsydra Ex✝xƎ BΛNMΛSKIM NOIRE ANTIDOTE † ŦHE LEFŦ HΔNĐ ƟF CⱤEΔŦĬƟN SEMICOLOŊ AL†RS Damn Whøre 27th RATS -R∇†Σ FØRSWØR†H SICXK †HR33ΔM ca†hedra. D E P R E S S E D 0 4 0 is an interesting one to look out for. They have tagged most of their releases as "Suicidal" I kind of stopped listening for a bit, due to the increased exposure of Witch House to mainstream media. It's imo, causing a rift, with newer artists blending in more uplifting sounds like retrowave, thrashwave, hyperwave, and progressive house, which is not favoring so well with the purists, myself included. So while the WH genre died for a bit, and made a slight revival recently, it's pretty sure to say that it's gonna be slowly murdered for good this time.
  9. Just spent about $1K for the works on new tires.


  10. YuyoDrift

    Not even! Getcha' own damn copy lol Barely on the 2nd playthrough, since I'm a filthy casual and all I do is explore and check out 2B. The multiple endings that TaroKun is known for, are the main reasons I'm still playing. I'm so addicted to the lore, that now I want to play the drakenguard series to find out more lol. Plus the music. OH GOD DAT MUSIC.
  11. YuyoDrift

    Good luck with that haha. Every article on the web currently has spoilers, and the NieR subreddit posts nothing but. Make sure you play it soon!
  12. YuyoDrift

    I've been meaning to meet with a few reps out there. Perhaps I can convince my job to pay for that weekend out there lol
  13. YuyoDrift

    Now THAT is an intro haha. You pretty much just copy/pasta'd my entire childhood from that one post holy shit. Just add in Sailor Moon and GLAY back in 1998 and you have the start of my adventure. We are going to get along GREAT!
  14. YuyoDrift

    All it says is 3 things..... So..... What kind of VK do you listen to? You an Old School listener? Or a New School? Do you listen to anything besides Japanese rock? Look forward to seeing you on the forums. Welcome!
  15. YuyoDrift

    My first mistake: giving myself time to think.
  16. I don't always buy Video Game OSTs, but Nier:Automata, would be one of them.

    1. Zeus
    2. Elazmus


      mfing glory to mankind mane

    3. zombieparadise


      omg the music in this game is incredible

  17. Note to self: Don't keep old photos on phone.

    1. Spectralion


      I don't even have any photo on my middle school period.

  18. YuyoDrift

    I'll give this a go. I'd say that 12012's XII Mini-Album would best represent Monochrome Heaven to me. "Timeless", would be the word I'd use to describe the connection to the two. No matter how long time goes by, neither one will leave my memories. To think, each member put a piece of themselves into a final composition for each track, just like we all do for this site everyday. To some, it was a polished POS. To myself on the other hand, it was one of VK's greatest gems. Oh, the memories of telling people to go fuck themselves. Seems like just yesterday.....
  19. YuyoDrift

    It's about god damn time we see Baiken! She looks fantastic!
  20. Why do I have a busy week, but it's supposed to be my spring break?


    Wtf Life?!?!?!

    1. platy


      fun busy or ugh busy? 

    2. YuyoDrift


      It's both.

      Ugh because I know I won't get everything done in 1 week.

  21. YuyoDrift

    I was hoping it was. Only ones on my mind (that @Original Sakuhad not already mentioned), were TOKKO and BLUE GENDER, oh and BLOOD+
  22. YuyoDrift

    I remember coming across blog postings that would mention a web forum (Tainted World), that shared their love for Japanese Rock, many years ago. I said to myself, “That forum must be full of losers”, and thought nothing more of it. Sorry Ito haha. I find it incredible that I would meet the creator of that very website (as I soon found out) here in Chicagoland years later, at an Anime Convention panel of all places, introducing his newly transitioned website “Monochrome Heaven”, and how great it would be if I joined. It’s funny how fate works sometimes. Honestly, joining Monochrome Heaven was one of the happiest decisions I believe I’ve ever made in my life. I want to thank all of you. I have joined many forums, and even helped moderate a couple too, but none of them were like this. I didn’t expect to still be here, 4 years later, logging in with as much enjoyment as I did the first day. I didn’t expect to meet incredible individuals, who love Visual Kei just as much as I do, and yet, live up to thousands of miles away from each other. Some of you make me happier after talking to, than many of my IRL friends haha. MH helped me rediscover many music that I had heard growing up, being able to finally put some artists’ names and faces to songs that I never thought I’d hear again. You’ve become part of my daily routine every morning, next to taking that drive to work, and drinking that much needed cup of coffee. I owe this forum a great deal for being there, when I needed it the most, you have no idea. This place is my home away from home. Whatever I can do to keep MH here another 10 years, is the least I can do, in order to repay this great community. Happy 10th Birthday, Monochrome.
  23. YuyoDrift

    Choosing Aki was a great decision for this track. Some OGs in this track haha.
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