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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    You seriously had the fucking audacity to come to me, the morning of our fiscal year end, and scold me because the entire week of work I just fucking lost sleep over, needs to be deleted and redone by the day after because "Open quotes, accounts, and shipments will not be carried over to the new year"? If I could punch you in the fucking face as hard as I wanted to right now, I would, you son of a bitch. You're lucky as fuck I didn't yell at you any fucking harder than I did. I hope you're as fucking good at coordinating shipment schedules as I am, you motherfuck, because I'm making sure you take the fall for this.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Welcome @Mourize! There is much to offer here on Monochrome Heaven, so take a look around at some of our forum's threads that you may be interested in participating in. We have sooo many types of users here, so I'm sure you'll make friends in no time. We can be friends haha. Hope to chat with you soon. Enjoy!
  3. TFW you realize that you actually paid for 128kbps almost a decade ago......


    Thanks Apple.

  4. This will be a long week.

  5. DDR4 RAM prices right now make me laugh and cry at the same time.


    1. YuyoDrift
    2. platy


      That's what I thought at first, lmao

    3. tetsu_sama69


      Especially that sexy ass RGB stuff from Corsair that makes me sweat.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  6. YuyoDrift

    Welcome to the site! I attended the panel as well. @Itohas a great way of persuading people haha. I was sitting up in the front row. I was the one who won the hipster glasses for "name that tune". Feel free and partake in all of the websites offerings, and don't hesitate to start your own topics as well. We have a lot of different types of users. Some new to the Japanese Rock scene, and long time veterans as well. I'm sure you'll get along with us great. Hope to chat with you soon!
  7. YuyoDrift

    Hello! Welcome to the site. I was there at the panel too! All the way up front. I was the one who won "guess that tune" and received some hipster glasses. Nice to have you join us. Enjoy your stay, and feel free to participate in each area of the forum that you desire. As @Itohad mentioned at the panel, once you have enough participation points, does the area you may want to take a look-see at, open up.
  8. YuyoDrift

    I see we like some Nagoya bands here eh? We need more of you around here. I'm a fan of all those same bands, so I'm sure that we will run into each other here on the forum. For now, Welcome.
  9. What it would be like to marry a Japanese Princess......

    1. Himeaimichu


      Lots of money, but no political power.

      Just like the rest of the royal family

  10. YuyoDrift

    Not to be that guy, but I just can't get used to the transition that HYDE's VAMPS has gone through. I don't know if it's the tracks starting to all blend together lately, or if my years of listening to Papa Roach, Lostprophets, and Atreyu are not allowing me to accept this recent work as something more than just Americanized mainstream 00's rock.
  11. YuyoDrift

    Next time someone wants to know what it feels like to get shocked by a car battery, they come find me.
  12. Robert Miles passed away?!?!?

    Holy Crap, my teen years are weeping.

  13. YuyoDrift

    Haha. I'm over here, worried for @Ito, who's supposed to be doing a showcase of 2017 bands at the ACen panel next week. Like, who the fuck is he going to mention? lol See my music ratings list.
  14. YuyoDrift

    Pretty much jacked up my teeth lol but I enjoy York Mints from time to time.
  15. If you have ever argued about Coke vs. Pepsi, I hate you.

    1. Gaz


      yeah, dr pepper is the best. tho we don't have it officially here and i have to smuggle it via polish smugglers. mmm, dat sweet taste of contraband...

    2. Komorebi


      They are all GROSS.

    3. YuyoDrift



      I just like burning my throat with a quick chug of coke sometimes lololol

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  16. YuyoDrift

    Let's try something else haha
  17. YuyoDrift

    @orange~ Is there a website where I could just make IRL friends? LOL I'm just bored.
  18. YuyoDrift

    Believe it or not, but there are people out there that ONLY use online dating sites for relationships/hooking up. So getting herpes (or anything else) by some other form, outside of that, is unlikely. Possible yes, but not when you are as busy as a Chicagoan in his mid 20's like us. Busy lifestyle.
  19. YuyoDrift

    ALL THE FUCKING TIME Do you consider someone who's being used and is aware of it stupid?
  20. YuyoDrift

    First, we are blessed with Bayonetta. Now, you're telling me that we may get Vanquish let loose for PC. Platinum games, you are fucking owning 2017. Stahp.
  21. YuyoDrift

    So after receiving news that one of my friends contracted herpes from a tinder hook up, I'm going to just forget that free online dating apps exist. Shit like that, makes my dick shrivel up haha. For the love of god people, please be careful.
  22. Good news in the morning? I'll take it.

  23. YuyoDrift

    This year is almost half-way through, and there still is no release close enough to meet my standards. I really can't believe that those crazy fools who hailed Matina's era of VK to be the best, are gonna have the last laugh. To have to purposely look for older VK, and even explore other genres of Japanese Music, was not something I believed to be doing this year. It's even harder to believe that I'd be doing this all the way up to May. I'm terrified of what I have to listen to for the remaining half of the year..... I may even have to give Mejibray another listen, I'm so bored.
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