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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    LOL my thoughts exactly. Not that I mind though, since these side-quests are overwhelmingly entertaining for me. I'm just trying to get them all done before moving on with the story. I'm OCD when it comes to FF games. I blame FFXII. I can't seem to stop fishing either. My brother bought the Official Guidebook, since he's fucking crazy, and I'm soooooooo tempted to take a peek b/c I don't know if I'm missing something important that I can't come back later in the story for.
  2. YuyoDrift

    To buy, or not to buy, the Final Fantasy 15 Blu-ray Disc/Limited Edition Soundtrack Hmm.....
  3. More snow!


    1. IGM_Oficial


      Ugh, the tropical climate sucks.

  4. YuyoDrift

    Good Touhou Music is from their peak era.
  5. Tokyo Winter Fashion looks very disappointing this year.

  6. YuyoDrift

    Teach us, o' great one, of 80's Jpop. No seriously, tell us.
  7. I actually got epsxe to run on launchbox.


    Holy shit. 

  8. YuyoDrift

    Currently playing (as well as all of you gamers on MH) Final Fantasy XV. Jesus this game is hard to put down. Already have 8 hours into this game, and I'm barely level 13 lol. I've been staying up late trying to play this. I've been fishing a lot, and scouring for materials for weapons. Barely 4-5 bounties in. The filthiest of casuals right here. Compare that to my brother, who is level 18. Already has level 4 bounty hunter status. A crapload of better gear. Already Murked and destroyed high level bosses, including that LV 52-53 FUCKING ARAMUSHA THE SAMURAI, when he was level 14. Barely on chapter 2. FML.
  9. YuyoDrift

    Thanks for the quick response. It really was an honest question, so I appreciate the honest feedback. I, myself, have refused to accept any talk about online dating sites, as I feel I do quite well on my own, socializing-wise. Not saying that only socially awkward people join these sites (I'm quite awkward myself), but that online dating is not something I'd consider any time soon. My friends have strongly recommended that I sign up, due to the fact that I am very stubborn for the gals at the bars/clubs, who just wanna have fun/fuck, and this site may meet my needs for companionship. Yet I know the intention of sites/apps like this, and why most people sign up initially, so I choose not to partake. I feel people should be given a chance, and not just swiped to the left for having piercings, a tramp stamp, or simply a bad haircut. I wont go into full on rant mode here haha. On the other hand, my time is limited, and I need to prioritize and schedule some more of it for socializing. My friends do seem to miss me, and their kind-hearted attempts to introduce me to their friends have fallen on deaf ears. Online dating will probably pull me in due to desperation from being lonely, just not anytime soon. I'm enjoying "me time". With that being said, good luck man. Just don't become numb to relationships like the rest of us. I've heard the stories first hand, even when I didn't want to haha. Let me know how the online dating life is in your opinion.
  10. YuyoDrift

    Curious to know when/why you decided to go this route?
  11. Finally! I got my FF DLC Codes.


  12. Maybe I'm late to the news, but lynch. had a member arrested?

    1. Mamo
    2. nekkichi


      ya, apparently poppers possession is frowned upon in japan

  13. I'm going to fucking destroy Chromium. How in the hell are you still on my PC?

  14. YuyoDrift

    I guess this post from a while back was better suited for this thread.
  15. Dis Game doe.

  16. Fucking annoyed right now. Retail stores are so desperate for sales, that they're selling FFXV before release date.



    1. Zeus


      they've been doing it since tuesday around my way.

    2. orange~


      Not here ): I wouldn't mind getting mine now..... why are you annoyed about this again? o_o

    3. YuyoDrift


      The game releases worldwide on Tuesday. The retail stores are supposed to keep these copies on hold until release date.


      For a game that I have been following for a decade to release, and patiently restraining myself from giving in to spoilers, and enjoying the creativity and nostalgia in advertising from SE, seeing a game for sale early, out of stupidity from staff in retail, pisses me off. 

      You need to understand the amount of people that are doing the same thing is am. Assholes who crave views and attention, will be blowing up social media about already playing it, ruining the game for all of the other players who payed $100-300+ for their copy.

  17. YuyoDrift

    I don't know whats worse, the fact that I am even purchasing this fucking thing, or the fact that I'm buying it to impress some japanese waifu.
  18. YuyoDrift

    SE why are you making me chooooooose?!?!? Aranea's sexy voice doe hnngggg
  19. YuyoDrift

    Lucy Liu is still hot as fuck
  20. As long as the generators, which keep the nuclear reactors under control, don't give out again, they should be ok. I would imagine they planned ahead for another incident again to occur. EDIT: Looks like it did fail abruptly, but it's back up. http://www.9news.com.au/world/2016/11/22/09/26/nuclear-engineers-checking-fukushima-for-damage
  21. YuyoDrift

    You just love to torture yourself huh? haha.
  22. YuyoDrift

    Oh now i see wtf you were talking about. lol. Gonna do that right now. I bring more FFXV hype and feels bros
  23. YuyoDrift

    A big smile to the ignoramus who would called out my friends and family for owning a gun collection and exercising their rights. Your first mistake was thinking I wouldn't treat your ass in public. Let's see you do it again.
  24. LOL Holy Shit.

    I have 7,657 Amex Rewards points that I forgot to use.


    1. YuyoDrift


      LOL fuck nvm


      I HAVE 9,730!

  25. YuyoDrift

    I said the same thing about Dark Trap....... Some people like to experiment, and so while it may sound like Dark Ambient/Dark Trap, they wrote it off as Witch House. Idfk anymore lol
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