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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Dude I'm loving the BETA for the Chrome Remote Desktop online. I no longer have to install anything. Hopefully the connection is secure doe lol.
  2. YuyoDrift

    Going to take this one over for 2018 @CAT5@Lestat Coming back for the 4th year in a row, this thread is dedicated to Japanese releases in 2018 that the MH Community will listen to and would like to keep track of throughout the entire year. It’s a nice way of referring back to a list, should you forget if you’ve listened to a certain release yet or not. I know I forget sometimes haha. These ratings can also help those who may want to see which releases are favoring well or not, based on each individual user who you may have similar tastes with. You never know, as this could come in handy at the end of the year. Feel free to set up your own rating system (Stars, ?/5, ?/10, Best to Worst, Oooh to Eww, etc.), but try and use spoiler tags to save room in your post, and save room on the page for the other members’ rating lists. Previous Years for Reference: 2015 2016 2017 I look forward to seeing everyone’s lists at the end of the year! Yuyo’s List for 2018:
  3. YuyoDrift

    To tell you the truth, I'm not gonna be surprised when Apple loses a shit ton of revenue from that IOS/Battery Blunder. I feel this is going to be a very rude wake up call for them, as they pretty much only invest in their phones now, making up for more than 2/3 of their earnings. Could we actually see a return of Apple, the company that actually fucking cared about their products and the consumer? This is gonna be a funny year.
  4. YuyoDrift

    Maybe it's a delayed feeling of joy. It's gotta be. I chose this. There's no way it could have gone some other way.......right?
  5. Don't forget to choose your top picks for the MH JRock Awards 2017!


    Less than a couple weeks left!



    1. Mamo


      Mine are in brotha!!!

    2. BrenGun


      did many vote?

  6. YuyoDrift

    Oh how did I miss this news?!? This is fucking badass. Just in time to start the new year fresh. The other band members must be happy as fuck to have him back haha.
  7. One word for tonight: Damn.


    Happy New Years Eve to everyone.

    1. suji


      And a happy new year's eve to you as well~

  8. Keeping tabs on my hours worked?

    Well that's a new form of low that I didn't think you'd stoop to, horny coworker.


    You better hope you don't slip up from now on.

    1. YuyoDrift


      Well, I'm not in the clearest mindset either, so things could be getting past me that I have yet to notice.

      Calling off work today was not a good idea for her to do.....

    2. platy


      Is she stalking you? How do you know she's horny lol

    3. YuyoDrift


      Haha @platy it's a nickname I gave her, as she sarcastically hints her eagerness  for me to do dirty things to her.

      Long story. Haha.


      She no longer does this, but the nickname stuck.

      I was not even implying that she's keeping track of my schedule for that reason haha.


      I have problems at work. :tw_confused:

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  9. My family and I only buy gifts for the children these days, as we can buy our own crap haha. With that said, I went ahead and upgraded my audio equipment to something more modern. I also ordered the Sennheiser HD6XX and the HD58X from Massdrop, but those won't arrive until March-June haha.
  10. YuyoDrift

    I saw the latest Star Wars film this last weekend. As someone who feels the new episodes are underwhelming, this new one now holds the title as least enjoyable.
  11. YuyoDrift

    Currently trying to wrap my head around the Monogatari Series. Seems like a slight complex order, but I just finished watching Nisemonogatari. Going to watch Nekomonogatari: Black now.
  12. YuyoDrift

    This next year is going to be one to remember, for sure. I don't even know where I'm gonna be, what I'm going to be doing, and who I'm going to be with next year haha. Enough of that shit though, Starting the countdown for 2 weeks of nothing but life-changing events Starting in 3.......2.......1....... (good god wish me the best).
  13. Don't forget to work on your picks for the JRock Awards 2017 this Winter Break/Day-Off/Holiday Season!




    1. platy


      Mine is halfway done. Picking three albums for Best Album of the year is really hard. I feel bullied into picking sukekiyo's adoratio lol

    2. Mamo


      I'll will have mine promptly on New Years.

    3. plastic_rainbow


      probably gonna submit mine near the deadline. holidays have been busy!!!

  14. YuyoDrift

    Good for you. Bad for your wallet lol.
  15. YuyoDrift

    Well we can definitely work within your budget for sure! There is one thing I want to clarify: There exists Noise Cancelling, and Noise Isolation. Here is a link to further explain the two. With that said, in regards to earbuds, I don't think you have to worry about whether it is one or the other. You won't notice the difference once they are in your ear. Anyways, not sure where you're from @yakihiko, but I will link amazon pages with our pricing here in the USA (then check with your location if possible to see if they are about the same price). Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 different Earbuds (in no order) from 3 different companies for recommendation. I've used these personally, and I can attest to their sound quality for the price. These are common finds, so you should be able to find these even at your local electronics store. 1. Klipsch R6 II 2. Sony MDRXB50AP 3. Sennheiser CX 5.00G Here are 3 more recommendations, but these may require to look for them online. 1. Beyerdynamic Byron 2. HiFiMan RE-400 3. Sony MDR-EX650 Now, these all overall are great sounding for Visual Kei music. An "in the middle" of sound signature (Highs/Mids/Lows + Bass/Treble) If you want something with either more bass, or higher treble, you'll have to dig a little deeper for earbuds that suit your needs. You'll get addicted to finding the "just right" set for you, and this is kind of how people get into becoming audio snobs haha. Oh and how you intend to use the earbuds will matter too, no earbud out there will survive a harsh usage lol.
  16. YuyoDrift

    Well, I may be able to help a bit. What kind of budget are you wanting to start at? $50 is kind of the starting point for something decent with noise cancellation. Do you want go wireless? It tends to make the price go up, but it can be very useful to you if you hate wires, so it'd be worth paying a little more. Did you like the On-Ear style (JVC Gummy, Philips SHE series) or do you want to go switch it up with In-Ear (meaning they actually go IN your ears)? It just comes down to personal preference (since I don't know what kind of ear shape you have haha) as you may enjoy one more than the other. There's stuff on sale right now with the holidays going on, and so you may actually be able to get the most bang for your buck, assuming you want some right now haha.
  17. YuyoDrift

    Aside from my SONY MDR1000x with the built-in amp turned off, I'm trying to test out some Audio Technica (ATH-M50X) Headphones that I forgot I had lol but they are entry-level sounding compared to a 600 series from Sennheiser. Something that recently caught my interest was this. https://www.massdrop.com/buy/massdrop-x-sennheiser-hd-58x-jubilee-headphones Apparently these are going to go for $150, which is an AMAZING deal for entry-level Sennheiser Headphones. What makes this deal even more tempting is the use of 150-ohm drivers (the same drivers that the NEW HD660 S use), with tuned settings to compensate the much-lowered price tag, they are homage to the HD580 headphones from the 90's, which created the then legendary 600 series audiophiles have come to love. I'm going to wait until release day to order, with hopes that they live up to the hype that a couple reviewers have recently posted about them. Apparently they are HD600-like, with less treble, and much lower bass, almost disappointing bass. Sennheiser is apparently still in the works on these, and that they hope to fix this lower frequency issue in order to address and improve the bass to the HD58x. Edit: I forgot to mention that I upgraded my Schiit Audio Setup (also known as a Schiit Stack (Schiit Magni + Schiit Modi)), as the new Magni 3 just came out, and I gotta say it sounds about the same lol. I will test the HD58x when I get my hands on them and see how these do under the Amp/DAC from Schiit.
  18. Time to digitally hoard like I have never before lol

  19. Poor Kaspersky. Getting shafted left and right these days.



    1. nekkichi


      dnw he'll live.

  20. YuyoDrift

    Have any of you Megaman fans seen this shit?!?!? https://www.polygon.com/2017/12/4/16734582/mega-man-11-announced-capcom-2018-release-date
  21. While I wouldn't mind living in Japan, I wouldn't go as far as to say that I wanted to be Japanese (or anything else for that matter). Well that's wrong. I'm 1/5-10 (I don't know how it works) Japanese from my mothers side, but this from generations ago, and I know very little to no Japanese, so its never worth mentioning. While I was not born in any Latin American country, I am cool knowing that the majority of my ancestry came from there. With that said, being born in the USA is what I acknowledge to be where I come from the most. I'm American until I die. I can be whatever the hell I want honestly, regardless if I have the physical traits or not, so since being "American" has no physical trait, it's perfect. So my answer would simply be that I can be anything I would like to, as I have the freedom to nowadays, and being born into a country comprised of an immigrant background, allows me to learn from firsthand experience, the cultures (like the Japanese) at my leisure. I don't think I could have it any better. So I don't wish to "look" Japanese, simply because it would mean that I am somewhat vain, and even if there were some sort of "privilege" from looking Japanese, I wouldn't want it because as someone who strives for equality, I don't feel that's right.
  22. YuyoDrift

    I find it very disturbing that things like burning charcoal briquettes have been used for suicide. Just read this entire thread. Had no idea this was top news in the VK scene. Props to @cvlticfor looking into this.
  23. YuyoDrift

    Allowing love to be your one and only weakness.
  24. I just spent 5 hours nonstop reviewing for my Final, and it's not even fucking there online for me to take.


    Seriously wtf is up with instructor? 

  25. YuyoDrift

    Song made me feel a certain way that I didn't know I needed on my drive to work this morning.
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